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About ibherb

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. ibherb

    unable to read instruction error

    yes, thanks it is exact same one
  2. yep, same here ... posted it in a different thread, not realizing this one was present ... but I'm getting the error as well, after complete uninstall, and reinstall.
  3. I'm getting an "unable to reade instruction bla bla at location bla bla" . I've uninstalled and reloaded game, but same error ....help please
  4. ibherb

    do I have any chance?

    Thanks everyone ...beans for all :) I'm pretty much computer illiterate, so wont be messing with my dad's computer lol .... but I seem to be doing ok so far. Ran into a guy at a military airport hangar. I lowered my gun and typed "Im no danger" and we moved past each other. So it seems not everyone is trigger happy, which is good for me.
  5. ibherb

    Newbs, ask a vet.

    how do I determine if a server is has Persistence ? I found a tent, will it remain even after logoff ? what is the benefit of a tent ? how do I fish .. I found a fish hook, and rope ... so I guess how do I make fishing pole. how do I find firewood ? how do I make campfire, or start fire in building fireplace ? thanks
  6. ibherb

    constant restart?

    when I select play, it sends me to the lobby with servers . I select one with green dot and features I want, then click it...shortly after, I get a restart button, which then takes me back to lobby. So I select a different one, with same outcome. when I try to use one of other tabs like favorite, it is blank, then even going back to lobby will be blank. Only thing I can do is actually restart the entire game again from my windows screen. Always same outcome even then. when I change steam to use beta experimental, I get the lobby with far fewer green dots (experimental servers) but at least I can get into them. Is there something I need to do beside making sure my steam has non-beta loaded to get in to stable servers? This is so frustrating :/ EDIT: except today, I'm getting no executable when trying for experimental :( EDIT #2 : ok, found if I add a server to favorite, and go directly to favorites instead of selecting one in lobby, I can get on :)
  7. ibherb

    do I have any chance?

    yes, by mute I mean I cannot talk ...born with malformed larynx. But it seems I'll do ok, even if I have to do it alone. Thanks for all the replies :)
  8. I'm sorry, got the impression we're just testing glow lights and gas stove and lamps ...about all I seem to find :/
  9. ibherb

    do I have any chance?

    thanks, it's not that I don't want to talk, just cant since birth. EDIT: also, I got into game and made a character, played for about 5 mins, but got a "Message not received for nn sec" and nn started counting up. Now even after quitting game and restarting, cant get into a server, keep getting a "restart" message, if I'm lucky enough to even get a list of servers ...most times blank
  10. ok, my dad said I can use his game, as he doesn't play it in a few months. He said I'll have tuff time because I'm a mute IRL, and game has game voice. I need a link to key functions, and how to chat in game without a voice? thanks for any help
  11. Have the experimental DE-01 thru DE-04 been taken offline, or changed IP address? I can't find them .
  12. ibherb

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I can only add bolts that came from a quiver to the quivers......if I found a lone bolt, I can't get it to add to a quiver.
  13. Experimental servers: Single bolts not working with crossbow or quiver. Crossbow wont fire them, and cant refill a quiver with them. EDIT: And cant retrieve bolts from dead zombies, but can from trees.
  14. ibherb

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Why bother having a night cycle, if everyone changes their gamma/brightness to mimic day? I don't change my setting for it, but I also am not active during it because I know most have, and I'd be handicapped in any encounter. So instead, I find a safe spot at dusk, then when darkness falls, read my book :) NOTE: I am able to drink and fill containers from ponds and streams ... it was first person view . but at least I can do it now. So thanks to all who clued me in :)
  15. ibherb

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Wow, was just sitting in the dark of a forest reading my book "Ivanhoe", when all of the sudden, air raid sirens started going off in game ... scared the crap out of me. I didn't see the local voice chat icon, but I don't adjust gamma and brightness, so maybe it was hidden. So I don't know if someone was playing it near me, or game did it, but it happened a short time before reset. definitely felt post apocalyptic. :)