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Any good epoch servers left?

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I enjoy playing dayz standalone but I am beginning to get bored and I feel like playing some epoch. Does anyone have any suggestions for good servers?

What I want:

Not easy mode needs to not be walk 5 feet find an AS50 and attack chopper.

Needs a good consistent amount of players 20+ players.

Needs good community / admins

Any suggestions on a server for epoch?

Edited by LeeFriendField

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Try DreamFall

We have been hosting servers for a couple years and have remained one of the largest DayZ Mod communities out there.




Edited by ddmankiller

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I have just started playing epoch and found the best server I could imagine. Each day when I get on there is an average of 15-20 people. (More at night of course, and the community is growing!) There are very friendly people who have given me rides and supplies. There are also bandits who enjoy the KoS aspect and have killed me. It has the best of both. There is also tons of scripts incorporated by the active admins! 


Server IP:

Edited by TacticalAhole

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Try Banshee County. Very nice server, i play on it. Plenty of people. Donator shop and stuff.

Edited by muffy_duffy

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Hi try ours, we have a large playerbase and you spawn with no weapon or anything, top ranked Epoch server for over 5 months now

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I enjoy playing dayz standalone but I am beginning to get bored and I feel like playing some epoch. Does anyone have any suggestions for good servers?

What I want:

Not easy mode needs to not be walk 5 feet find an AS50 and attack chopper.

Needs a good consistent amount of players 20+ players.

Needs good community / admins

Any suggestions on a server for epoch?


Until they take out the current trading system and replace it with a trading system you would expect or better replace the items you would expect to find in such a market ( like remove tanks, hmmwvs, rpgs, machine guns etc. ), remove the currency and safezones there is no "good" epoch server imo. Epoch is just get loot sell get weapon, KoS... and often enough you also have side missions...

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I enjoy playing dayz standalone but I am beginning to get bored and I feel like playing some epoch. Does anyone have any suggestions for good servers?

What I want:

Not easy mode needs to not be walk 5 feet find an AS50 and attack chopper.

Needs a good consistent amount of players 20+ players.

Needs good community / admins

Any suggestions on a server for epoch?

There are a lot of Epoch servers still highly populated, and that number is jumping up every day with the failure of Standalone. Epoch is Standalone x1000

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I thought the guys on FK gaming were cool, seemed like a good crew of admins.

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My opinion is to simply try a few, get a feel for what type of play you like. Over Populated servers are a completely different game experience then say med to low servers. First find out what type of game you like to play. Do you really want to pay to play? Do you want it to be harder with more of a survival aspect? Ive always enjoyed a true survival game with present admins that dont ignore you. So start up Commander go down the list until something clicks. Have fun!!

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Hey come try my server spectre uk find it on dayz commander adult admins custom starting load outs free gold so you can buy your first car + other scripts.

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I've been playing on a server called search and destroy. Almost always has more then 20 players. Its got some pretty cool features like a deployable bike. Admins are also very active and they have events like deathmatches and stuff and you get prizes for winning. I have yet to see the server be hacked which is nice seeing as how the other servers I have played on get nuked on a daily basis it seems. Also this is not a pay to win server like some. One such server to avoid is BIAgaming I highly recommend you stay away from that shit server its pay to win at the most extreme level with donator bases and vehicles everywhere.

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hey everyone, sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong place i forgot how to start a new forum and what not. But if you guys are looking for a really nice fully militarized server with tow/ lift, auto refuel auto repair, rearm with rearm vehicles at base with rearm trucks, jets, attack helicopters, tanks, everything you want. understandable bases, plot poles cover more than just 30 meters, ai missions (ai base coming soon) the map is NAPF (Epoch) always looking for new clans and new players to join us and play with us and get the server populated. 

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sorry the server is called Nexbo game center ip is

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Check it out!!




We also have our own site





Features include
Action Menu:
Set View Distance
Deploy Bike / Motorbike / Mozzie & It refunds your items
Self Blood Bag [More efficient than the old one!]
Server Rules list & Information List
Commit Suicide

Tow & Lift
Better Auto Refuel
Added back in Salvage Vehicle [Can't Salvage Locked]
Day & Night Cycle [stock up with them NVG's!]
Full moon night's [Easier to see at night]
Changed plotpoles to 50m radius instead of 100m [Most people didn't use the spare 100m radius given to them]
Tweaked the AI Missions [spawn with NVG's at night makes them abit harder]
IKEA Truck Mission's will have more AI + Upgraded there skill level

Fast Build
Snap Build
No Weight

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Hey if any of you are still looking for a really good server come check out mine and my clans. We are a mature group of gamers, admins are active almost daily. Lots of added in scripts such as convoys, heli patrols, missions, cargo drops, and much more they are also very difficult they will flank you and are a good shot. Lag is at a minimal as well as hackers. Loads of new guns and vehicles and always adding new content. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/181202-never-die-alone-epoch-chernarusnew-comer-deals-jsrs-active-admins-militarized-ai-custom-map-lots-of-added-gunsvics-no-weight-lim-goldgem-currency/

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Until they take out the current trading system and replace it with a trading system you would expect or better replace the items you would expect to find in such a market ( like remove tanks, hmmwvs, rpgs, machine guns etc. ), remove the currency and safezones there is no "good" epoch server imo. Epoch is just get loot sell get weapon, KoS... and often enough you also have side missions...

i agree with you though i am posting here to try some of these Epoch servers as there sometimes fun if you want  a quick go for action with friends.

I really agree about the whole safe zone and trading, I think it undermines the game greatly and I wish you could play with Epoch base building but without the traders, or take away the safe zone, then trader zones would be very dynamic and risky to go to.

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Hey mate,


Come check out our Epoch server. We've just switched over to the NAPF map.


Our forums are located here -> www.zf.vacau.com/forum. Feel free to come pay us a visit, have a chat with us and join us on our server. We're happy for you to roll about with us a bit or you can bring your own group of friends.


Can also check out our clan YouTube videos posted under 'SovietWomble's' account.


We arent the kind of server that does everything for you. The only scripts we have in right now is the ability to deploy a Bicycle, Motorbike or Mozzie, and only if you have the required items. We dont have Auto-Refuel and we dont have God Mode at traders. Also, bases are destructible because nothing should be safe in DayZ.  It's a very fast server simply because it's not filled up with a load of junk scripts.


We have a minimal, but strict, ruleset. We dont allow building to restrict access to high value loot areas, we dont allow people to camp traders however Ad-Hoc engagement is fine and we dont allow people to take the piss. Apart from that it's pretty much game on. Admins are generally active but IRL comes first. If there's no admins online then a quick post on the forum will generally be answered within 24 hours.


See you around maybe?

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This is the DayZ Mod General Discussion forum.

Believe it or not, it is intended for discussing the DayZ Mod.


Epoch is a different thing and they have their own forums. Over here --> http://epochmod.com/forum/

Go pay them a visit.

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