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Rethink Reloading

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This would be too much for most of the players.

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I actually think this is a great idea. It sort of reminds me of Gears of War's fast-reload mechanic, except you have to do it 3 times (get the timing of each key perfect for the fastest reload) and it also reflects reality better. Great suggestion.

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This would be too much for most of the players.

I believe this is the point. It's something everyone would have to master, just like a survivor in a zombie apocalypse.

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""It is not just staying alive that makes you improve. It's performing the action in question that improves it's performance""


I'm well aware that is how it works irl, but this is a game.

Some shortcuts are allowed.

Avoid "press button x times = result" mechanics.

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Well sure if you're that obsessive you could do that. Having diminishing returns would limit that though - you get relatively quick improvements (largely because you would start off pretty rubbish) but then further practice accumulates speed (and possibly reduces errors if you could screw up and drop your magazine) more slowly. You'd be less likely to go out of your way to practice for the sake of it as the cost (in terms of boredom and time spent practicing) outweighs the reward (improved speed). You'd then improve more subtly just by staying alive and shooting zombies (and probably other players).

That's the same kind of idea when I came up with my skills suggestion. Simple skills, not over powering that are done in the background without player management. I mean yes you can grind to max out a set skill if you want, but that is not unrealistic also since the saying goes "practice makes perfect".

Associated risk comes from grinding, die 5 min after spending 3 hours to "max out" a skill would make grinding not worth it, specially if it is for a small benefit(eg: reload time reduced by 1% each level to a max of 10%). Situational awareness and tactically loading your mags so you don't have a single round chambered when you find a fight will still be superior in every way.

My theread:


Edited by akafugitive

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I take back my previous post on the first page and think this would be a better way of reloading than I said before.


When you reload you dont drag the bullets into your gun.

You drag them into your hands and have to manually load each round individually by pressing "F" for each round.
That way in the middle of reloading you can stop and react to an enemy if needed and keep the rounds you have already loaded.
Plus by being able to reload with your hands, you can now hot key a pile of bullets and reload via the hotbar, by pressing "F" for each round you load.

Maybe the timing between each bullet press would have to be evenly spaced to load it the fastest and if you double click to fast when loading, you fumble and drop a bullet?


Then (and this part is a big maybe) for the mosin

you could physically click on the bolt itself and drag it back and forth in the L shape manually.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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This is in the realm of press X and Y to breathe in and out.

It is a game after all and we can all pretend the survivors have some basic knowledge of how firearms work.


Don't like the idea.

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I will repost mine: 


Reloading (inspired by YorkMorgan)
I'm really not a fan of the sloppy manual loading system when you don't have a mag for the firearm you are using, or the automated bolt cycling of the mosin after each shot(it is nearly impossible to watch your round impact when long range shooting with a rifle scope). I wouldn't mind if you needed to press "R" to initiate and end a reload action, and "Mouse 1" to preform the reload action(s) once initiated.

I think Reload actions should work more like this like this:

Internally loaded Firearms
R - if firearm is jammed; clear jam, otherwise; initiate reload (Open bolt/breach/cylinder/tilt tubular loaded firearm), otherwise; end reload (Close Bolt/breach/cylinder/ return tubular firearm to set stance).
Mouse 1 (from firing stance) - if live bullet is chambered, fire weapon; otherwise if spent case is chambered, cycle bolt; otherwise, dry fire
Mouse 1 (while reload is initiated) - if a loaded stripper clip/speedloader/snaploader is present in inventory, transfer x bullets from stripper clip/speed loader/snap loader till capacity is reached; otherwise, Load 1 round (per button press till full)

Firearm with detachable mags
R - if firearm is jammed; clear jam, otherwise; initiate reload (Open bolt/action/pull back handgun), otherwise; cancel/end reload (Close bolt/action/release slide)
Mouse 1 (from firing stance) - if live bullet is chambered, fire weapon;  otherwise, dry fire
Mouse 1 (while reload is initiated) - if mag is inserted, expel mag; otherwise if loaded mag is present in inventory, insert mag; otherwise, load 1 round into breach


- Complete reload action will automatically return shooter to previous firing stance. (eg: inserting a mag, inserting the last cartridge into a tubular mag, etc.)

- Semi-auto handguns would animate moving into a reload preparation (pulled back to chest when pushing R to initiate a reload)

- Semi-auto handguns would animate the slide being release/cycled when ending a reload (depending on position of the slide)

- Semi-auto handguns being breach loaded would animate locking back slide(if closed), inserting a bullet, release slide, return to previous firing stance
- Tubular loaded shotguns/rifles would animate moving into a reload preparation (sideways tilt the firearm when pushing R to initiate a reload)

- Reloading with a snap loader will remove both shells/bullets from the chamber and you will ether a) pocket them - retaining the live cartridge and the spent one(new item), or drop them( - loosing the live cartridge(they disappear)


- Bolt actions would require bolt to be manually cycled after each shot, allowing you to keep eyes on target till round impact (Mouse 1 - shot, Mouse 1 - cycle bolt, Mouse 1 - shot, etc.)

- Firearms could now have single rounds loaded in at a time and be returned to firing position (eg: tubular loaded shotguns, top loaded bolt action rifles, etc.)
- Firearms would no longer need to be emptied before adding bullets

- Semi-auto handguns with an empty mag could have their slides release, faking being loaded(press R, R without reloading)

- Players can remove mags from their gun while interacting with others without having to go into inventory menu (allowing you to keep an eye on them)
- Would no longer require fumbling around in inventory menu to manually load firearms you don't have mags for (Entering inventory would now only be necessary to restock mags)

- Revolvers could be loaded with a single round meaning Russian roulette would be possible (add "spin chamber" action when right clicking the revolver)

Edited by akafugitive

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Best idea I've seen today, ROCKET 

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give THIS

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Mouse 1 (from firing stance) - if live bullet is chambered, fire weapon; otherwise if spent case is chambered, cycle bolt; otherwise, dry fire


How's this for a compromise? We're talking about bolt action rifles only here, assuming weapon is already in the ready position.


Mouse 1 Click: Fire

Mouse 1 Release: Cycle Bolt


This means that nothing actually changes from an ease-of-use perspective, but the option to refrain from cycling the bolt becomes available, allowing you to trace your shot when desired. Reload I feel should still be automated, but that's another debate :) This mechanism would require some code rewrites I'm certain, but it would also mean that genuine fire modes would be enabled in the client.

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