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Black press vest

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Hey guys, currently we have the blue press vest, could we get a black variant?

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I think we will see a tons of different color variants, on pretty much all the gear in game at some point mate.
The hard part is done, configs are made, the model is made and its functional, "all they have to do" is create a new texture basicly.
We might not get it atm, but down the road, this is something rather "easy" to create, because the hard work has already been done.


+1, im confident we will get alot more of this, in the future :)

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there is always the stab vest for now if you want black ! i found one in elektro railway station yesterday but character got wiped about 25 mins later as the server reset :-(

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Yea I got a anti stab vest but it hasn't got any slots and it isn't bulletproof like the press vest

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They probably won't have a 'black press vest' (kinda like the UN helmet can't be green or black but it's still the same model) but there will probably be 'police' vests or some such coming.

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Yeah! But remember my friend, for every color variant of any item, there has to be one new item in game. Some member of dev team smentioned that.


Id of course like to see black green and camo bulletproof vests, I've never find a Press vest, I'd like tho. I've found an anti-stab vest which is extremly rare and i think useless too, unless you spnd much time with fresh spawns, that try to kill you with an axe

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luckily for you.. changing the color of things is one of the easier things to do.  Your wish might come true. 

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