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Serverhopping mother-effers

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  On 3/11/2014 at 2:50 AM, Valadain said:

Great, aside from those who might be getting kicked for low ping, lets assume it is accurate. Now how do you put that name to a face in game?


Therein lies the rub... you really can't.  But some people use the same name on their Steam accounts and in-game, and it might be nice to develop a thread that calls them out here on the forums.  Sort of like a wall of shame.


As for the "low ping," yeah, that is always possible.  But if you really look at the sheer number of people who are on for less than 5 minutes (many who are on for just a minute or less), I think that it is fairly safe to assume that these people are server-hopping loot farmers.

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In my opinion server-hopping is just as bad as playing on an empty server to loot up.

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Last night I had to server hop because I kept getting that red chain.. and lord knows I prefer to be off the chain.


I have also in my past had physical relations with a Mom. 


So doing some basic math, I think that makes me a "Serverhopping Mother-Effer"?

Edited by lrish

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:30 PM, Whyherro123 said:

So, I was just killed by a serverhopper at the Balota Airfield. To be honest, I am a little aggravated. 

It was a 11:40-ish server, with only one other person on it. So, unless they randomly found me, it must have been a serverhopper. 

I was on the second floor of the office building at the airfield. The damn place was already looted, probably by another hopper, but I wanted to see if they missed anything under the desks. I cleared every inch of that damn building, including the stupid wall-glitching spot.

Now, what I don't know is how he managed to spawn in behind me. He had a fireaxe in hand, so I suppose he didn't make the ammo noise, because I didn't hear anything. 

I searched for another topic similar to this one, but I couldn't find any, so before "SAERCH BAR NUB", go choke on a shlong, please.


Anybody have any other experiences with those scum-sucking bastards?



dude you just mad cuz someone killed you while you yourself was hopping servers to loot up.. lol


let me tell you a pro tip but promise not to tell anyone else ok? 


balota on a no/low population server is the most dangerous place in dayz... 


i consider myself an expert balota camper.. i have multiple times sniped everyone on a 4-5 population server from one spot near balota..

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So u went to a low pop server to loot an airfield? From your own post, you admitted to logging into a barn 3 mins away from an airfield... A geared player... How do you define server hopping? Joining a low pop server? Close to an airfield? Its highly unlikely u logged out at a barn close to an airfield on a high pop server. So most likely, u logged off in a barn in a low pop server and joined another low pop server... Anyways.... A geared player getting axed....

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  On 3/10/2014 at 9:57 PM, Insane Aradia said:

By doing this, you remove 95% of what DayZ is about right now-




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Wait, i'm confused. By office building at balota do you mean the jailhouse or the control tower? If its the jailhouse you speak of then maybe you did get unlucky and he just joined. How do you know he server hopped? Maybe thats the server he played on and it was just a coincidence you were there.  If you were talking about the control tower, there is a ladder that leads from the ground to the top that a lot of people seem to not know about. I can't even count the number of times i spot someone looking at me threw the window when im running to the tower, then i take the ladder to the top and just sneak up behind them without them having any idea because they think theres only one entrance.

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I apologize for the length in advance.

Boy, I had to join to comment on this, I find this to be funny. I have experienced a similar scenario, I was running through the Balota airfield re-gearing up after the same server killed me on a set of stairs and just so happened to reset immediately afterwards. Upon my approach to any loot heavy area I check the players often. As I am sneaking up to the upper north prison I spot this flashlight spark on inside the prison as a new player has just joined the server, now mind you the server has just reset and nobody else was there. So I decided I'm going to axe this dude in the dark. Just as I am getting close enough to whack him, he runs into a room and...POOF! He vanishes. This upsets me, I know he is targeting nighttime servers with low populations, I'm chasing him down and I'm going to get him. Nighttime server after nighttime server I check and check, and finally I find him on a server with 3 other individuals. I became complacent of my surroundings in my need to kill this server hopper. I come up behind him outside the radio tower and just as I'm about to set my axe blade down in his cerebellum, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK! From two directions gun fire hits this guy as he crests the edge into the light in front of the tower. He goes down and poof again, he combat logs after being killed. Now the Irony kicks in, bandits begin to chase me into the prison, S>O>B. Now I'm the hunted and I didn't even get my kill. So I run upstairs as these three newbie bandits begin to try and sweet talk me out of the prison. I could easily log out like the server hopping combat logger. Nope, I am going to stand my ground. I can tell these guys are not going to play nice because they shot first, but they think I'm likely to be ignorant of their motives. They try and taunt me exclaiming that "I am a pussy", so I replied, "I'm not surrounding one person inside a building with my buddies." This seems to piss them off, the dumbest one chimes in, "It's four against one, come out and we will let you have this guy's loot that we just killed." Now, this would have been almost convincible if I hadn't watched the guy combat log and there weren't just 4 of us on the server at that moment. Furthermore, I would have to be borderline mentally challenged to be convinced of this plot. Finally after bickering from the three stooges, I decided to end it and I crept downstairs and they noticed, by watching me through the walls and one of them rounds the corner I shoot my only double rifle rounds into his face to no avail. Geronimo!!! Outside into the hail of gunfire blasting my pistol into the wind and I make it past them. You are dead, shot in the back and gunned down like a dog by three cowardly little kids whom reversed the role and stole my lunch money. God I love this game. 

Edited by TubNodes

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  On 3/14/2014 at 9:19 PM, Magicks said:

Wait, i'm confused. By office building at balota do you mean the jailhouse or the control tower? If its the jailhouse you speak of then maybe you did get unlucky and he just joined. How do you know he server hopped? Maybe thats the server he played on and it was just a coincidence you were there.  If you were talking about the control tower, there is a ladder that leads from the ground to the top that a lot of people seem to not know about. I can't even count the number of times i spot someone looking at me threw the window when im running to the tower, then i take the ladder to the top and just sneak up behind them without them having any idea because they think theres only one entrance.

The Jailhouse. I am 99% certain he hopped in, because I cleared the area around the building first, and all of the rooms (including the glitch spot), all of which took me less than 3 minutes. I walked into the top floor room, saw it was empty, crouch-walked out, and came face to face with a guy in full mil-spec, standing in the middle of that little landing.  He had an axe in hand, so he didn't make the glitched ammo sound when he logged in. I definitely didn't hear him come up the stairs, as I have good headphones and heard nothing.

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  On 3/14/2014 at 8:08 PM, Frothyboot18 said:

So u went to a low pop server to loot an airfield? From your own post, you admitted to logging into a barn 3 mins away from an airfield... A geared player... How do you define server hopping? Joining a low pop server? Close to an airfield? Its highly unlikely u logged out at a barn close to an airfield on a high pop server. So most likely, u logged off in a barn in a low pop server and joined another low pop server... Anyways.... A geared player getting axed....

No, " a Geared player getting filled full of 5.56mm when all he has is a Mosin and a holstered Magnum."  Not much I could do at that range except rush him with an axe. Obviously, I lost.

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  On 3/16/2014 at 12:29 AM, Crooked Hauser said:

Can a player combat log after getting killed? Is that part of the Newtonian physics principles?

Sure can, if they alt-f4 fast enough the body will disappear and you wont be able to loot them. I'm sure this falls under conservation of energy.

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:30 PM, Whyherro123 said:

So, I was just killed by a serverhopper at the Balota Airfield. To be honest, I am a little aggravated. 

It was a 11:40-ish server, with only one other person on it. So, unless they randomly found me, it must have been a serverhopper. 

I was on the second floor of the office building at the airfield. The damn place was already looted, probably by another hopper, but I wanted to see if they missed anything under the desks. I cleared every inch of that damn building, including the stupid wall-glitching spot.

Now, what I don't know is how he managed to spawn in behind me. He had a fireaxe in hand, so I suppose he didn't make the ammo noise, because I didn't hear anything. 

I searched for another topic similar to this one, but I couldn't find any, so before "SAERCH BAR NUB", go choke on a shlong, please.


Anybody have any other experiences with those scum-sucking bastards?


So you are saying you weren't server hopping but you were on an empty server at one of the major military loot spawn areas. Sure buddy.

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  On 3/16/2014 at 12:35 AM, TubNodes said:

Sure can, if they alt-f4 fast enough the body will disappear and you wont be able to loot them. I'm sure this falls under conservation of energy.


Last I checked the dead body stays there no matter what you do.

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  On 3/16/2014 at 12:40 AM, weedmasta said:

Last I checked the dead body stays there no matter what you do.


Not all the time, its been a recent issue among bandits complaining that this breaks immersion and game-play if the person can disconnect from the server by shutting down the game before the server has time to catch up. This also can allow the person to rejoin a server and still have all their equipment. This has happened to me a few times after confrontations with people, as I walk up to their corpse they melt into the floor as if someone hid the body right in front of my eyes.

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Ok because if someone kills me I sure as shit ain't gonna sit around for 15 minutes while they molest my corpse. I don't Alt-F4... But I will respawn and log out.

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Server hopping one of dozens of problems that are instantly fixed by private hives.

This global server hive is a terrible idea always has been.

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He could've just been logging in for the day and you happened to be there. Not everyone who spawns next to people are server hoppers.

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