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A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

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I like that idea as well. No f'n way I'm picking one up but I like it!

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Thanks for the updates on your progress, too bad it's not (yet) working out like planned. Still, your stories are great, though :-)

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love the idea,but i think without global chat its goin to be boring and hardgoin for u.i know i went from always trying to be friendly to shooting as soon as the other player has seen me in only a few days after they removed the global chat.u also gonne have a hard time finding people in need of a medic(its just gonne be random hope u see someone)before u could offer your services in chat

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I actually did this before the new patch. When side chat was still up on all the servers.

I lasted roughly 18 hours of gameplay time.

Killed: 56 Zombies

Murders: 2 <---They tried to stealing my Medical supplies.

Bandit Kills: 3

People Helped: 4

People brought back from the dead (800 blood or less): 2

Times People attempted to kill me: Over 9000.

It was fun but, I don't think the amount of stress I went through just to save each person was worth it lol.

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For a good 3 or 4 days (until i ran out of blood packs) I traveled the coast with an AKM, M1911, good amount of food, ammo, binocs, matches, knife, compass, gps, and medical supplies as well as a coyote backpack offering medical aid to those escaping cherno and elektro.

This was when side chat was still active. Perhaps I got lucky or perhaps I had just found a decent server, but not once was I shot for helping the people that I could. People thanked me and I went on my way, valuable loot and all.

Maybe some people paint the game in a darker light than what it is.. maybe side chat and the small relationships built there actually helped. I'm not sure what it was but that was a good streak. I did it knowing full well that i'd be killed in no time but I was alright with that considering I was set up and rather bored.

I eventually died to a ladder... c'est la vie!

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It would be interesting to have this with a group.

Like an ambulance on the back of a GAZ.

There is the dedicated medic, the two guys that cover, and the driver. Could be fun to do.

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May I suggest' date=' as a way to denote that you are a medic, put a (+), or a (MD) before your character name. That way, people can tell if there's a medic on the server by pressing P for a player list. (or a bandit disguised as a medic...don't worry, bandits can't read anyway)


This. Though lack of sidechat makes it very difficult. Maybe make a room on a TS server that offers voicechat for various Dayz server, so that whoever need helps ask for help directly.

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Try setting up a IRC MED Channel for Dayz.. then anyone playing on the servers and wants the support can login to the chat and request medical attention.. Might be something to work on. TS would be nice but I guess it would get crowded with voices..

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Mission Update 3

Server......Various UK and Portugal FR6

Time.........GMT 10:00 to 15:00 roughly.

Having spent all last night driving off-road through woodland at work, I was in hind sight a little too tired to play well this morning....Hence the Noob mistake of clicking respawn instead of abort.

Whoever finds the fully stocked 24 slot backpack with fresh cooked steaks, G17 and mags etc next to a roaring fire...good luck.

Mission Disaster

Through bad luck or me just being crap, I managed to spawn next to instant aggro zombies a good half dozen times and effectively instant death.

In a change of tactics I was now playing on Daylight servers to hopefully get over the problem of inadvertently sneaking up on and maybe causing players to panic shoot.

FR6 Portugal Server still has side chat enabled, and to be honest it did make a difference in a simple way of bringing DayZ from a brutal single player game, back into a not so brutal multi-player game.....but that is a seperate argument.

I could immediately inform other players as to my intent and plans..even though being newly spawned I could not actually offer medical assistance as of yet. But I could provide map and location advice and I could leave small stockpiles of emergency food/drink weapons in areas for struggling players.....as you can imagine, there is a massive amount of suspicion from the other players and quite rightly so.

I do not believe this is really breaking the game atmosphere as I assume in real life, there would be shortwave radios/broadcasts even simple banners and posters put up in this respect.....It did make a very relieving change of getting shot from an unknown assailant and actually communicating with fellow humans.

More time tomorrow after work to see if I can actually Provide medical help.

MedicalBaBoon will be the tag....but please be aware that these names can be copied.

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If I were a medic / doctor in such a world I'd probably not go wandering around trying to find people who are hurt. Rather I'd set up a permanent med centre (in DayZ maybe in Castle Zub, Guglova or Vyshnoye - central points on the map) and have scouts look and and pick up wounded survivors / further medical equipment, bring them in, give them treatment and then a kick to the butt so they move on.

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The problem with setting up some sort of location where you do that is how do you communicate that to the rest of the server? This is basically the main problem with trying to be friendly with any player now in game, you cannot communicate until you are so close that they have already busted a cap in your ass.

Let servers decide if side chat is turned on or off, or design some other way of being able to communicate with others. Maybe add a party system. Something.

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You don't communicate it, some scout squads would observe the coastal areas or typical areas other survivors pass through and if they see someone heavily wounded or with bandages they'd pick them up and bring them in. Currently in DayZ this clearly would not work because everyone shoots everything that isn't on a tree by the count of five, I was just thinking of how it would be done in a general apocalyptic scenario - someone with medical skills would be way to "precious" to have him risk anything on his own.

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Mission Update 4

Servers.....French. Canadian.

Time.........pretty much on and off all day.

Started today's antics of a couple of French servers at random, making a change having a good ping for once and playing in the same timezone. Language obviously proved a bit of a problem....not any excuse from me as France is only 26 miles from England, I will learn it one day when we invade them again.

This was the first time I have managed to treat an injured player with success in this manner, saw an injured male character crawling across a field heading into Cherno....a well equipped character with an m16 and large pack etc. I ran ahead of them in full view with a flare ( daylight ) and tried to initiate a conversation...we could not really hold a conversation however I think at one point we were discussing Pixie Lott's tits.

I left a morphine injector, pain killers, field dressing and 3 steaks ahead of him on the ground and saluted and scooted off.

The character crawled to the gear and used the items, gave me a couple of salutes then turned around and headed back the way he came...presume so, to get some infected revenge.

He left me two frag grenades and a smoke grenade! Mission a success....and you do get a good feeling when you help out like that.

The rest of the day, proved far less a success. Being sniped at distance with no communication or challenge when restocking from a medical tent in Berezino on Canadian server, then repeated killings at spawn from being unlucky enough to appear where their local hacker was nuking the cities.

Lesson learnt.

1) Language is not an excuse for not communicating....just resort to Pixie Lott's tits.

2) Having a side channel comms, does not mean people will use it...even if they are not under threat.

3) Hackers.....?

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Mission Update 4

Servers.....French. Canadian.

Time.........pretty much on and off all day.

Started today's antics of a couple of French servers at random' date=' making a change having a good ping for once and playing in the same timezone. Language obviously proved a bit of a problem....not any excuse from me as France is only 26 miles from England, I will learn it one day when we invade them again.

This was the first time I have managed to treat an injured player with success in this manner, saw an injured male character crawling across a field heading into Cherno....a well equipped character with an m16 and large pack etc. I ran ahead of them in full view with a flare ( daylight ) and tried to initiate a conversation...we could not really hold a conversation however I think at one point we were discussing Pixie Lott's tits.

I left a morphine injector, pain killers, field dressing and 3 steaks ahead of him on the ground and saluted and scooted off.

The character crawled to the gear and used the items, gave me a couple of salutes then turned around and headed back the way he came...presume so, to get some infected revenge.

He left me two frag grenades and a smoke grenade! Mission a success....and you do get a good feeling when you help out like that.

The rest of the day, proved far less a success. Being sniped at distance with no communication or challenge when restocking from a medical tent in Berezino on Canadian server, then repeated killings at spawn from being unlucky enough to appear where their local hacker was nuking the cities.

Lesson learnt.

1) Language is not an excuse for not communicating....just resort to Pixie Lott's tits.

2) Having a side channel comms, does not mean people will use it...even if they are not under threat.

3) Hackers.....?


I'd love to help you in a server someday! I'm reading all the posts and they're pretty sick. I'm sure you prefer going solo but It'd be awesome to be part of your experiment :)

Good luck and keep it up!


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I'll tell you a story BaldBaBoon.

We (2 players) were once hiding from a sniper who spotted us and missed first shot. We were slowly crawling away to safety.. Until a novice guy ran at us. He was unarmed and it looks like he's never heard about such thing as "stealth", as he never crouched or went prone no matter what.

He said "hi" in chat. I briefly saluted him and repeateadly started to ask him to get away from there ASAP but he didn't listen. He simply ran at us as we were crawling away. So my teammate had to shoot him because the last thing we wanted there is to be perfectly revealed by that sniper or any other players around.

That being said, I suggest you don't expose yourself as much as possible. Not only some people may think you have a teammate sniper covering you and distracting them, but you may also be an "attention-attracting suicide noob" who may cause trouble to nearby players.. You're simply safer dead rather than alive in this case for them.

I mean, how many times have you been shot from unknown direction while trying to interact with other players? Fact: you've been watched; and there's also a good chance that those who you interacted with were spotted by your killer as well. And I don't think they'd want that.

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Final Mission Update

Servers...Numerous euro,Uk,USA.

Time....most of the day ( night and day servers )

Character...mates account from his house.

The original experiment was going to be for a full week....but after four and half days I believe its pretty obvious what the results are going to be, and to be honest it is really becoming a chore to try and play like this.

Taking on board Sr69Mn suggestions to not be so open and maybe compromising my intended patients I tried a more stealthy approach.

Sadly every single attempt to approach or offer aid to another player ended in a firefight or just being shot without warning, without comms....there was not a single way I could communicate my intentions and I quite simply looked like another player sneaking about and trying to get an edge on another player or coming in to finish off an opponent.


Medical assistance attempts...............100

Actual Medical assists........................4

Deaths in game during period of test.....a bloody lot.

More hours spent trying to locate gear than I ever want to do again.


Even with the best of intentions and an inclination to always play these types of characters in game I found the process incredibly frustrating and pointless, and except for 4 instances totally unrewarding. There was no visual indication I could implement to show what i was trying to do, and even if there was...a sizeable number of players would most likely open fire anyway.The use of flares and chemsticks simply made me a perfect target or encouraged people to fire anyway rather than even question why a character was doing this.

The lack of communications, while no doubt 100% realistic obviously did not help in the slightest.

There is very little trust between players and often none at all if you are not within a group or chat linking, so highly challenging to work with.


Actually playing a character loaded down with med supplies and a simple sidearm and the whole concept of it was quite exciting and gave a actual goal to logging in, in my eyes this was far better than logging into what is becoming a open-world version of sniper elite..with zombies.

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It was a worthy effort but it's probably best to only do the medical thing part time. Check the forums for patients or get with a group and dedicate yourself to being that guy who carries around the surplus medical supplies, so when someone shouts 'I'm out of bandages' or 'can someone give me a blood transfusion?' you're the man!

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That's the results I fully expected. With zero ability to fully communicate your intentions, and no real incentive to not just shoot everyone you see on sight, this is the current state of the game when it comes to encountering other players.

We have a community torn on the communication in game issue, when the easy, most obvious solution is to just allow for it to be a server side decision.

Maybe later down the line some idea or new in game mechanic will solve the communication issue, or an incentive of some sort will encourage players to group up instead of killing everyone they see on sight.

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@FieldMedic That's very impressive what you have tried to achieve. It's really shame that 95% of players play DayZ as CoD deathmatch, not survival/zombie apocalypse game.

I really hope that Rocket will improve game mechanics, I think such behavior like yours should be rewarded, and murderers punished badly. People are simply stupid and prefer to chose easiest possible option - shoot on sight - because there aren't any downsides. Murderers win everything, always.

Me and friends of mine tried to help other survivors, for fun, to achieve something, but in 95% it looked like that:

- We find survivor, he is not aware of our present, we type and speak in direct chat if he needs any help

- Survivor quickly disconnects or starts shooting at us (even when we have more guns and we say that we don't want to kill)

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