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lost 3 bizon mags :(

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-- Sorry if you get this as a duplicate, I posted originally without seeing the preferred format and couldnt find the original to edit, so please delete that and use this one --

Date/Time: 24th June 2012 22:00(ish) GMT

What happened: Lost 3 Bizon rounds in my backpack, nothing else and have never lost anything before.

Where you were: At the time near Berezino on the north east

What you were doing: Off to try and find/build a car

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Had the ammo on EU 41, logged into UK 7 I think and it had gone (it was a kellys heroes one)

*Your system specs: i7, ati 5730, 8gb ram (its a laptop)

*Timeline of events before/after error:

I had the AMAZING fortune of finding a crashed chopper the other day with 4 bizon mags and the sd... now the best weapon I have had to date so far has been an AK74 so this was like a godsend... Anyway last night was with some friends and we wanted to try to build a car, so after having to pick up lots of random parts I was putting alot of stuff into my backpack. 1 of the mags was down to about 75% capacity the other 2 were full.

We ended up logging for a bit and coming back later and when I spawned in I just happened to notice I had more room in my backpack, and then realised the bizon mags have vanished :( luckily I kept one in my main inventory so I could use it but considering I have never even seen this ammo/gun before the other night when I find it, I am super gutted to have lost 3/4 of my rare ammo for no reason.

I will probably die soon so its not the end of the world, but it seems quite a worrying bug as I have never lost any other ammo or items, so this may be a new issue.

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Don't worry, you're not the only one, I've had ammo and other items straight up disappear from my inventory and backpack. I don't think some servers transfer your character data as well as others. That's the only reason that I think this could be happening. I've also had Blood Descrepencies from logging out and back in, or switching servers.

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i dont think it has to do with server transfer because, when i got a phone call and logged out my bison ammo was gone when i logged back in like 3 minutes later on the same server.

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Maybe it's the rollback bug?

I had this happen to me a few times as well. Took some bloodbags at the Cherno hospital, logged off and when I came back my backpack was rolled back to the time before I even visited the hospital.

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I just logged in and found that I had lost an entire Stanag SD mag, now I know that I had 3 when i logged out and they were full. Ammo is precious for my M4 silenced, so I dont use it unless I really really need to. Kinda sucks but thats what alpha is for and bug reports.

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can you 'make' more bizon mags with makarov mags? If the bizon in the game is 9x18mm then you should be able to do this just like with the shotty and such ammo ;)

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Same thing with many weapons, especially the STANAG SD, and STANAG rounds, should be the same. The new ammo tracking in 1.7.2 is supposed to fix all this though, and are you sure the mags didn't combine and make 2 instead of 3? Like if you had 2 mags with 15 each, it will just make 1, 30 rd mag..

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A member of my team lost 2 GPS's due to this bug. It seems to be when you place things into your backpack shortly before logging off. However if someone has evidence to the contrary, feel free to post.

The more information we provide, the faster the bug is found and fixed.

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A member of my team lost 2 GPS's due to this bug. It seems to be when you place things into your backpack shortly before logging off. However if someone has evidence to the contrary' date=' feel free to post.

The more information we provide, the faster the bug is found and fixed.


This happened to me today, logged out for a minute, came back and everything else was there except my Bizon mags. Today I also spawned in debug losing nvg's and honesty can't put my finger in what I did it this time.

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This could be anything from; the time-frame the server saves your inventory to master server(usually every 10-30 seconds)... or it could have just mainly been lag on that server/ lag on your end, thus delaying your saved inventory.

All I could say is just wait 30 seconds to a minute prior to picking up something new then logging out, to make sure your inventory is saved.

But yeah obviously something needs to be fixed if there is alot of complaints about it.

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