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your first interaction with another player

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The first time i did had anything to do with anybody else was not long after my first spawn. i was running down the road ( at night ) with my flashlight on and not long after that i suddenly see a face ( scares the crap out of me ) and he is absolutely begging for me to not kill him. 


not that interesting i know but i bet there are some good storys floating around. 

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You're one of the lucky ones I guess...


My first interaction was dominated by me being forced to eat rotting fruit and a headshot.

Edited by Uutgrunnen
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I met all of my current in-game friends in my first couple of days playing, before I turned to the Dark Side. I didn't really have any negative encounters until about a week after launch.

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Like my second spawn. was checking a warehouse in solnichiny got snuck up on by two bandits and handcuffed then shot in the head.

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The very first time I fired up DayZ, I spawned as a black man somewhere in Solnichniy and the first people I ran into was a group of about 20 people who were playing music and dancing in the streets.  After dancing around and acting like retards for about 30 minutes, we headed to Berezino in order to go find supplies.  As soon as we approached the construction site, we were ambushed by a group of about 8 guys and murdered in cold blood.  The screams and pleas to live still haunt me to this day.

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The first interaction I had with another player turned out pretty well, him and his son are now good friends of mine and hang out in my TS server everyday to play DayZ chill, and play some other games.  Every other one involves weapon discharges...

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The first real person I met was 20 seconds in, both new spawns, I signalled friendly, he punched me unconcious.

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Some geared dude in Cherno that I followed for about 5 minutes. He never even turned around, I was about 2 paces behind him the entire time.

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Yesterday I was searching for loot around a crashed helicopter about a kilometer in from the coast above Berezino when I started hearing a voice, turns out the guy came up behind me and kept asking, "friendly? friendly?" Well I did a tactical pants crap and remembered how to speak, "yeah friendly." We sat and talked for a half a minute next to this helicopter, it had already been looted. He said he was heading to the airfield, I said, "tally ho!" and ran off in that direction. Sadly, our adventure was over because my fiance was calling and so I proned and logged out. Wish I could find that guy again, he seemed like a straight shooter and I think we would have had quite an adventure. 


I did check out the airfield about 45 minutes after the encounter, nothing of value left. I am still wondering if he got some choice loot or got looted himself...

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I was singing in proxy and a guy shot my dick off.

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Yesterday I was searching for loot around a crashed helicopter about a kilometer in from the coast above Berezino when I started hearing a voice, turns out the guy came up behind me and kept asking, "friendly? friendly?" Well I did a tactical pants crap and remembered how to speak, "yeah friendly." We sat and talked for a half a minute next to this helicopter, it had already been looted. He said he was heading to the airfield, I said, "tally ho!" and ran off in that direction. Sadly, our adventure was over because my fiance was calling and so I proned and logged out. Wish I could find that guy again, he seemed like a straight shooter and I think we would have had quite an adventure. 


I did check out the airfield about 45 minutes after the encounter, nothing of value left. I am still wondering if he got some choice loot or got looted himself...

Probably because helicopters don't spawn loot... (last I checked)

Edited by GoldenKade

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First mission: I've been eaten by a Zed after I spawned on a nighttimeserver, didn't know where to go and had no clue how to turn on my flashlight and/ or how to use it properly)


Second mission:

I decided to go on a daytime server, spawned, still had no clue where to go so I ran down the street until I reached some city, I was checking some houses but didn't find any loot really, leaving one house I see a group of 4 armed people in full military gear heading towards me, I at first like was "cool, other players"..until they started shouting at me, giving me orders to lie down on the floor, I then got handcuffed and they started mocking me for maybe 2-3 minutes, laughing, calling me names, generally acting tough, then started shooting me to various bodyparts and I started bleeding...last thing I see is one of them steping next to my head and giving me a headshot.

Edited by daisho

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My first player encounter was in elektro. A man came down the street holding a book and quoting from the movie "The Book of Eli"


I axed him and took the book.

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I met a guy who wanted me to kill him as He also had broken legs from a suicide attempt

I proceeded to beat him to death with a baseball bat like he asked

I came back that way later to find him crawling around

Turned out I only knocked him out

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I hadn't played the mod before standalone so I had no idea how to talk over a mic. I spawned in and immediately went into a warehouse where I found a courier backpack someone had apparently abandoned. Then I found a crowbar. Things are looking up!

Another guy runs in the door behind me and just starts going "hey man" and being an idiot, I hadn't looked into how to communicate. So I'm yelling into my mic "oh hello! Hello? Can you hear me?" And he says "are you there? Hello?"

Pull up the menu to see what button I have to press to talk. Meanwhile, while I look, the guy beats me to death with a pipe wrench and steals my backpack (I assume) because I wasn't responding to him and wasn't moving. Good times.

Next guy I met was on a night server before I knew flashlights were a beacon. I was using the flashlight in a house searching for food when a guy turns on his flashlight right outside the window. I tell him hi and he's like "hello! Can you please punch me unconscious?"

Edited by Facetentacles

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It's not really a player interaction but the first time I logged into DayZ I ran inland and died of starvation because there was literally nothing to be found.

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I cant even remember that far back.

You can't remember a few months?  Damn... that's harsh.

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You can't remember a few months?  Damn... that's harsh.

Doesn't help that I'm old. Helps even less that it was obviously not worthy of a spot in my retained memories :D haha

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My first encounter was....a night time server....Psycho (a buddy of me, if you read my stories you know something about him already ;)) spawned somewhere south. so we decided to play the old "run along the coast until we meet" game.


Well it didn't come that far. I was crossing kamyshovo, my flashlight on because it was pitch black - suddenly a guy jumps out behind a corner in full military gear and shoots me - i nearly got a heartattack because of him^^

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The general bulk of my player encounters are typically friendly meetings. Though my first one made me shit a brick. I had spent 10 hours playing finding only food and clothing. I typically find either ammo, or a gun. Never both. Ever. My first encounter with a player I had a baseball bat, mosin with no ammo, and some food. I was running along a dirt road and ran into another player. He had a baseball bat and *i think* a mosin as well. We kind of skirted around to opposite edge of the dirt road facing eachother the whole time. Once we were passed eachother we kept going on our own way.


Boring story I know but the moment of heated OH FUCK PLEASE DONT SHOOT ME going through my head xD.

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Probably because helicopters don't spawn loot... (last I checked)

Ah, then that would explain that. Obviously I'm pretty new :D

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My first real player interaction was kinda funny. (I say real as any others I had before this were more or less being sniped).


Anyways, I was in Elektro looking for gear, and I opened the back door of a house to leave it. Suddenly I hear gunshots suddenly so I drop prone, and see 2 fully armed players in the yard. Now both are looking away, so I get up and I'm about to run for it when one turns towards me, and suddenly fires. I don't get hit and decide to rush forwards with my axe, deciding that I'm taking at least one of them with me. 


Well, suddenly I hear them shouting to chill out, and that they were dealing with zombies, one had been behind me. Stopping, I give the benfit of the doubt and check, only to find a zombie on the floor, and another glitching through the wall. Turns out the noise had bugged so I hadn't heard them, and the guy had saved me.


What made this more memorable is they directed me to where they had been ditching supplies from around the city, told me to help myself and wished me good luck. Finding the gear, I equipped myself with enough to get myself somewhere to gear upmore, leavibg them with plenty. On the way out of the city however, I heard what sounded like a firefight, I just hope they made it out ok.

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So here I was minding my own business looting when I hear the loudest shot ever in my life. I start running, it's super dark and I have no idea where the shot came from.

I start to serpentine and use free look and spot a Mosin guy directly behind me! I use the nearby houses as cover and weave my way through them a couple of times. Sadly I ended up in a dead end so I think fuck it i'm gonna go down fighting and whip out my axe, hide behind a corner and wait for him.

Bingo bongo goes my axe to his body and he starts to run away! I give chase and catch up steadily (must have been all those oranges I ate). Swinging wildly as I run after him.

I drop him and see he is unconsciously sliding away..well not on my watch! I cleave him like fresh bread and he dies. So I start to loot him then his buddy comes to axe me in the back...aww hell no I though and hit him to the ground as he gets up he tries to switch to his sidearm so I just slam my trusty axe into him until he dies.

The thing that really got to me the most was after it was over I was shaking so badly I didn't know what to do next loot, hide or run. My arms felt like jello...wow that DayZ rush is back in a big way.


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