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About Gruffallo

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  1. Gruffallo

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    If this puts us a step closer to dynamic beards then this is good news.
  2. Gruffallo

    Make mics a requirement.

    Not all people want to talk on DayZ, for me it would ruin the emersion. If I want to talk to people, I do it in the real world. Also my girlfriend is usually in the room, blocking her out with a mic and headset would be anti social. + as said, there are deaf / mute people to consider.
  3. Gruffallo

    Top 5 things you want in DayZ

    1. Beards 2. Ability to shave myself 3. Ability to shave other players 4. To be able to craft a nest with old beards 5. Beards
  4. Gruffallo

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Come on people, lets not be negative, if we have to take a deuce every so often so be it. Lets give some positive ideas :- Eat pristine fruit - Nice easy steamer, little need to wipe Eat rotten fruit - Green apple splatters, new pants needed Force fed bleach - Character shouts "hot hot hot" followed by explosive diarrhea, then death Eat too much meat - Big build up for this, messages displayed "Badly need senokot", "i got the meat sweats", the act of dropping the kids off at the pool takes 30 mins real time, need to take a shower after. (dont make me shit in this game)
  5. I don't think you've played The Walking Dead Survival Instinct
  6. Gruffallo


    I have recently moved to actual broad band after 2 years using 3g through a tethered mobile and for the most part online gaming is very possible, below are some points from my experience : Location matters and I mean down to where your phone is in your house, closer to the window the betterPeak times are bad, I'm in the UK and from 5pm to 7pm I would get a lot of lag, before and after would be fineWeekends get the highest speedIf you get lag outside peak times, restart your phone.Bad weather effects 3G if there is storm you get lagIf your phone is low power, you get worse speeds, keep it fully chargedTether with the USB cable, wireless drains your battery fast and gets worse speed
  7. 150 hours for a game is pretty good value for money, I'm usually bored with most games by the 20 hour mark. Take a break for a bit and try it again at some point in the future.
  8. Gruffallo

    Dayz in five words or less

    Friendly! no punch! fool! *punch
  9. Gruffallo


    My advise would be to never completely trust a guy that signals friendly, in my experience, 5 mins later that guy will be punching you unconcious to get your pants.
  10. Gruffallo


    I havnt been able to play since the update, away with work, does the rain actually wreck your gear yet ? I was under the impression it just told you that you were wet. If so, when you dry out does your gear go back to normal ? Thanks
  11. Gruffallo

    Test: Zombie Train!

    The Z refers to Zebras, they are not implemented yet.
  12. Gruffallo

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Just use trial and error, turn some settings down see how it runs.
  13. Gruffallo

    Are you ready for a zombie apocalypse?

    Im with captain badass, zambies got nofink on us.
  14. For those of us curious but too lazy to google translate see below, im sure its 200% accurate :- TRAINING GROUP OF SURVIVORS Asks maturity and speaks like a hu3 the true spirit of Brazilian pig .... man u is the shame of our country SHAME OF OUR COUNTRY . Kubacik , a tip : DayZ is a game full of Americans and people from other countries , 90 % of this forum speaks English . Trying to learn , probably the Aussie did not understand anything , the only people here who speak Portuguese are Brazilian / Portuguese . And do not be so rude to people , does not give you a good first impression . : I Another thing : I recommend using TeamSpeak , much easier to use, and if you ask maturity , please do not go cursing anyone who criticizes you, I'm not being hater or telling you what to do , I just think that no one will want to in your group with that attitude . Learn to speak English and respect others . the guy above you are called " Gringo " alias that is gringo is that you already are in their foreign forum then here is you simply gave you a topic where there was already recruiting members but I think you do not understand and simply out offending , speaking also of another fellow forum that only mentioned the fact that you ask the person who wants to enter the clan heaven must have maturity and you do not even show this maturity. I think the child here is you . And guys , do not go giving hate talking which is shame, please. This is not resolved by name-calling . Age : ( ! Importantíssimo! We like to play very seriously and no child's play , so the age issue is important! ) Parabens , BR HU3 MAKING BOSTA , hope to meet you in dayz and can kill you in extinguisher , my god . Well, if u tell me that would like to meet personally and do what you talked , so I would think u have + or - 15 years ago , BUT the game ! ! Not give + + + + than 8 years old RETARDED ! ! Go watch TELE TUBES , and for piss me off ! ! Loved it and will stay here until this topic is over, Kubacik , THE DELAY OF BRS HU3 heuaheuaheauhe , ta looking for his buddy pro CLAN leaves here . No shows vc education, even if the guy ta following you for a while , was just talking something (not vlw , n 'll get your thread guy , ) but not scolding u solve the face of all who came into her head at the time , vc eh well even retarded , u could list here https://teleton.org.br and make friends