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I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

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I hope they don't put any vehicles in the game...bicycles maybe but nothing else.  With any vehicle going between point A to point B is meaningless.  It's just a quick fix for those that don't want to waste time having to survive from point A to point B by running.  
I hear people bitchin' about how small the map is and at the same time asking when the vehicles will be put in.  That's rather an oxymoron statement.   Small and need vehicles.   They're bitchin' about the size of the map so the map gets larger so vehicles can be put into the game.  Ask yourself.....why do you want the vehicles in the game?  Be honest with yourself.. This will turn into a clan base game that if there's an issue clan members can be at a spot within' a couple of minutes instead of taking 30 minutes to run to the location.  OR a group of players will get into a car and cruise around cutting new spawns down just for the kicks.  


My vote is no to any gas powered vehicles whether on the ground or in the air, we have enough silly crap going on in the game already.

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yeah, well I guess we have to wait until weights / fatigue / illness are properly implemented then we shall see how necessary vehicles are, do you think you're going to be able to sprint unlimited about the map always?

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