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GriefSlicer (DayZ)

Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

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I have no problem with campers, I enjoy sneaking up on them.  I myself enjoy a good camp site and a beer.


I have a problem with the chumps that server hop into an apartment building in B-Town only to lose the upper hand after failing to finish a target off.  Then ghosting my friend who admittedly was in the same spot too long, but I was glitched under the building and couldn't get inside to clear :(  You can tell this is what happened last night :) and we know hopped and ghosted because we were there for over 30mins sneaking up on another camper we came across in the other appt building.  After I had been sitting still for about 5mins I was shot.. and didn't die (pretty lame aim imo, he hit my pants).  My friend had eyes on the tango and front door of appt complex.


Yeah campers, no problem. Hoppers/Ghosters, Chumps.

Very true I love when campers are dumb enough to not watch there six. In the story I told I ended climbing up sniper hill where I had a clear shot on them. I aimed and zeroed in and then the server restarted. I ended hunting them down on steam as one of them was named "lilybabe" so that was obviously the chick I was talking to. I logged onto their server and found them both still on the roof. I waited and waited for a clear shot, but all I could see was there back packs so I ventured further up. I found the spot I wanted and a guy suddenly walked up to me with a gun an said he was friendly. I warned him about the campers and the server restarted again.


I then proceeded to rage quit...

Edited by GriefSlicer

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If you shoot on sight why do you do it?

Challenge and excitement.



can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight?

Is that a serious question? How are you not bad at the games if you don't kill other players? Makes same sense as your question.



What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight?

I don't have one. It's a choice of playstyle in a game that offers massive freedom, why judge?


Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience?

I think anyone that makes a thread about KoS is a massive crybaby and a terrile player - there you go.


Should they be ashamed of themselves?

Sure, if that makes you feel better.

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 It's a choice of playstyle in a game that offers massive freedom, why judge?

That's the problem.  There is too much freedom.  Not that I have an issue with shooting people on sight.  It's just, that's all there is right now.  You're freedom won't be so free once other elements are put in that will impede you ability to just randomly attack players. 

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kill or be killed. thats fun part of game

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If you shoot on sight why do you do it?

Challenge and excitement.



can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight?

Is that a serious question? How are you not bad at the games if you don't kill other players? Makes same sense as your question.



What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight?

I don't have one. It's a choice of playstyle in a game that offers massive freedom, why judge?


Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience?

I think anyone that makes a thread about KoS is a massive crybaby and a terrile player - there you go.


Should they be ashamed of themselves?

Sure, if that makes you feel better.

you should cross out the challenge in why you shoot on sight ( ; 


In the end there really should be a punishment of taking the easy way around survival

Edited by GriefSlicer

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That's the problem.  There is too much freedom.  Not that I have an issue with shooting people on sight.  It's just, that's all there is right now.  You're freedom won't be so free once other elements are put in that will impede you ability to just randomly attack players. 


Please don't tell me that you want to start dicussion "when there will be very few weapons and many zombies people will pvp less". I actually played on many servers with very high difficulty, little loot etc. and all I saw was people grouping up with people they know (no randoms) and even more killing, because why check market for food, houses for random trash and military bases for weapons ad ammo when you can just kill some random guy that can carry all of the above.


I've said it before. If there will be less guns people will use bows, if those are rare they will just use sticks and stones to kill others.

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you should cross out the challenge in why you shoot on sight ( ; 


In the end there really should be a punishment of taking the easy way around survival


Uhm, have you ever fought versus other players in DayZ or ArmA?


There is no easy way around survival. What the hell do you think my character eats and drinks? Player corpses and their tears? I still have to find some gear before I can think about hunting someone.

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Yeah, I've also noticed a lot less KoS on hardcore servers. When I said I didn't got KoSed for 40 hours that was about my hardcore character.

The regular one is getting fragged all the time.



I think we agree to...agree :)

Yes, because people who actually play hardcore are hardcore DayZ players that like to challenge themselves and play the game like it should be played. I myself have resorted to playing hardcore which I absolutely love, but the servers are low pop a lot of the time in Australia which annoys me. So as of now I fuck around in Normal DayZ servers, but when I want to play "proper" DayZ I join hardcore.

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Yes, because people who actually play hardcore are hardcore DayZ players that like to challenge themselves and play the game like it should be played. I myself have resorted to playing hardcore which I absolutely love, but the servers are low pop a lot of the time in Australia which annoys me. So as of now I fuck around in Normal DayZ servers, but when I want to play "proper" DayZ I join hardcore.


I'm done talking to you after you wrote: "play the game like it should be played".

How many times pople have to be reminded that there is no such thing? Hell, even Dean mentioned it a couple of times.

Edited by Alsmir
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Uhm, have you ever fought versus other players in DayZ or ArmA?


There is no easy way around survival. What the hell do you think my character eats and drinks? Player corpses and their tears? I still have to find some gear before I can think about hunting someone.

Once you are geared up and such there is an easy way around survival and that is to KoS. So many people that KoS even state that it is the easiest way to survive and you can't really disagree with that. 

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Please don't tell me that you want to start dicussion "when there will be very few weapons and many zombies people will pvp less". I actually played on many servers with very high difficulty, little loot etc. and all I saw was people grouping up with people they know (no randoms) and even more killing, because why check market for food, houses for random trash and military bases for weapons ad ammo when you can just kill some random guy that can carry all of the above.


I've said it before. If there will be less guns people will use bows, if those are rare they will just use sticks and stones to kill others.

Nope, nothing to do with less weapons but ore to do with actual in game elements getting in the way.  Rain causing ou to get wet which then causes you to start getting cold which then..... You get the picture.  Just a lot of little elements are going to impede the whole, "I'm a 1337 quickscopeubersniperheadshotter" mentality that's been running rampant around here.  Like I said, I'm all for KoS but now it'll be more of a "think before you shoot" style.  Do you want to alert a horde of infected to your location just so you can kill that unarmed player?  Go ahead but don't come whining to the forums that pve is getting in the way of easy kills.

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I'm done talking to you after you wrote: "play the game like it should be played".

How many times pople have to be reminded that there is no such thing? Hell, even Dean mentioned it a couple of times.


Play the game like it was meant to be played, sorry. Rocket wants DayZ standalone to have more player interaction in his game instead of people just KoSing and that is fact. That is why he's trying to significantly reduce it so people change their play style. The whole destructible item system was "meant" to reduce KoS.

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Nope, nothing to do with less weapons but ore to do with actual in game elements getting in the way.  Rain causing ou to get wet which then causes you to start getting cold which then..... You get the picture.  Just a lot of little elements are going to impede the whole, "I'm a 1337 quickscopeubersniperheadshotter" mentality that's been running rampant around here.  Like I said, I'm all for KoS but now it'll be more of a "think before you shoot" style.  Do you want to alert a horde of infected to your location just so you can kill that unarmed player?  Go ahead but don't come whining to the forums that pve is getting in the way of easy kills.

Yes I totally agree in your logic. That system is actually present in Arma 3 Breaking Point and it works pretty well, but the zombies are too stupid to actually hit you at times which is a shame. If you shoot someone inside of a building looting the body is not as easy as picking up the gear and casually walking away. Most of the time you have to deal with the constant wave of zombies trying to get at you and getting trapped inside the building with zombies is a huge risk.  

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Some people's goal is ''how many i can kill before i die'' which is a horribly wrong way to play dayz.


maybe..just maybe...did it cross your mind that your moral framework cant be enforced on everyone and that People have fun doing that? Who are you to judge ? see where this is going ?

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Play the game like it was meant to be played, sorry.

Rocket said there is no "right" way of playing. So even the most hardcore KOSer can play the way he wants.

I KOS from distance a lot and I am fine if somebody does it to me in the middle of nowhere.

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Yes I totally agree in your logic. That system is actually present in Arma 3 Breaking Point and it works pretty well, but the zombies are too stupid to actually hit you at times which is a shame. If you shoot someone inside of a building looting the body is not as easy as picking up the gear and casually walking away. Most of the time you have to deal with the constant wave of zombies trying to get at you and getting trapped inside the building with zombies is a huge risk.  

yeah shouts for breaking point,. running at a stable 60 FPS with hordes of zombies, a larger map than chernarus, and loot/vehicles/tents/ loot respawn + hunting.


Made by modders and it is at this standard after a few months development. Come on Standalone.. catch up!

Edited by AgentNe0

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I got robbed today, was quite fun actually, they took all my gear and left me with a can of spaghetti and a spite. Then when they where going, one of the bastards turn arounds and spray me with my own gun. What is the point? allready got my gear and i was harmless. This is the excact reason why i will allways KoS.

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Just a few questions


If you shoot on sight why do you do it?


can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight?


What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight?


Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience?



1. Don't allways shoot on sight, but when I do it's because it's fun, because sometimes I get a bad feeling about the other playing and see him as a threat. (Mainly because I mostly get shot on sight all the time) If I manage to handcuff someone I let them go afterwards, and I don't shoot fresh spawns until they rush towards me.


2. I have alot of arma experience, I win most of my firefights (even when ambushed) Is that enough?


3. None. I use my brain to avoid, kill, or capture them. 


4. No.

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yeah shouts for breaking point,. running at a stable 60 FPS with hordes of zombies, a larger map than chernarus, and loot/vehicles/tents/ loot respawn + hunting.


Made by modders and it is at this standard after a few months development. Come on Standalone.. catch up!

Imagine that!!!  A mod working on a full released stable engine!!!  Who would have thought???  :rolleyes:

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I got robbed today, was quite fun actually, they took all my gear and left me with a can of spaghetti and a spite. Then when they where going, one of the bastards turn arounds and spray me with my own gun. What is the point? allready got my gear and i was harmless. This is the excact reason why i will allways KoS.

This type of experience is exactly why I am full-on KOS.

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Just a few questions


If you shoot on sight why do you do it?


can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight?


What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight?


Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience?


Should they be ashamed of themselves?


Because it is FUN and i like to harrass people.


Because it is a sandbox and i play it as i wish.


If they kill more players than me, they are better than me.


Really not, there are player who knows play and players who are noobs


Really not, ashamed must be who came in the forum crying

Edited by Demonio
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I just encountered a bandit! ~10 minutes ago


He was camping on the school @ proximity of Berezino


(40 players, Hardcore)


He tried to shoot me when I carefully walked to the school, I ran away, I came back, he was standing on the roof, a few bullets let him flee inside the school. I didn't use the stairs, I took the ladder. After a few minutes we walked the stairs up - down at the same time, but we failed to kill each other. I went back to the roof and took the ladder down :thumbsup:


I walked up the stairs, ran into the hallway and he was standing in the room (right handed to the stairs, 1st floor) and I passed the doorway. He tried to kill me but he missed me because I continued walking. I aimed at the doorway (while I was standing in the hallway) and I said: "You are trapped now, huh?" :P  He said nothing. I walked (slowly) to the doorway. Then I saw him. He saw me. We both fired, both missed. I had equipped my sawed-off shotgun, he had his mosin equipped (I tried to hit him with my SKS earlier, I also had a Magnum). He tried to leave the room after his first shot, but I killed him with my shotgun. I thought I'd missed him so I took the stairs down, reloading, and running back. He was dead.  ;)  I have recorded this whole story with Fraps, it will be online this week. :D


I was stunned that I killed him. Taking so much risk... It was awesome! :)

Edited by EvilTigerAce

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I just encountered a bandit! ~10 minutes ago


He was camping on the school @ proximity of Berezino


(40 players, Hardcore)


He tried to shoot me when I carefully walked to the school, I ran away, I came back, he was standing on the roof, a few bullets let him flee inside the school. I didn't use the stairs, I took the ladder. After a few minutes we walked the stairs up - down at the same time, but we failed to kill each other. I went back to the roof and took the ladder down :thumbsup:


I walked up the stairs, ran into the hallway and he was standing in the room (right handed to the stairs, 1st floor) and I passed the doorway. He tried to kill me but he missed me because I continued walking. I aimed at the doorway (while I was standing in the hallway) and I said: "You are trapped now, huh?" :P  He said nothing. I walked (slowly) to the doorway. Then I saw him. He saw me. We both fired, both missed. I had equipped my sawed-off shotgun, he had his mosin equipped (I tried to hit him with my SKS earlier, I also had a Magnum). He tried to leave the room after his first shot, but I killed him with my shotgun. I thought I'd missed him so I took the stairs down, reloading, and running back. He was dead.  ;)  I have recorded this whole story with Fraps, it will be online this week. :D


I was stunned that I killed him. Taking so much risk... It was awesome! :)

I love those standoffs. Adrenalin is pumping like hell in those situations and it feels king to be the man walking out alive  :)

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4. I think they are pure douchebags who make DayZ worth playing! I would have nothing to do in the current build if I couldn't hunt the glorious vermin, the east coast server KoS bandit.

Aren't persons who hunt bandits the same PvP-lovers who just try to do it in a "good way". I guess every bandit would like to kill other bandits only: Same fun and people don't judge you. But there aren't enough and you can't see if someone is a bandit or not now. Which is good. But I think this increased the KoS because more people shoot everything, which is good, too.

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