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[POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

Do you regret buying the DayZ SA?  

302 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you regret buying the DayZ SA?

    • Yes
    • No

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I don't regret purchasing the game at all.  I have gotten well over 100 hours of entertainment for $30.  I also understand that the game is still in an early development phase and I am merely testing things for the developers in order to provide a better final product.

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I payed 30$ for an alpha i already have almost 200 hours in? Fuck no, best alpha ever... I bought Rust first and have like 24 hours in that shit game.


DayZ is awesome!

Edited by Blissful

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It was completely worth it. Even in alpha it's immensely enjoyable and the good thing is it never gets old.

Other big titles like BF4 will eventually become boring and people will be tired until they waste another $60 on the next.

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I absolutely do not regret this purchase. Even in its alpha form, this is the most fun I've had with a PC game since the original days of Counter-Strike. Seriously.

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I don't regret buying this game, I spent 4 times as much on BF3 and played that for a 5th of the time I've spent in dayz.

That said, I do have apprehensions about where the development is heading.

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price is huge for alpha 


Really? Huge? Not one for hyperbole are you?

If you want a huge pricetag for Alpha check out Elite. Now before you go, "but that's a Beta", the Alpha was on sale for a higher price!


How many of you regret buying the SA, and how many of you don't?


Regret? Regret is the wrong word. Regret is for people who have gunned down a family while high on meth, or set fire to a petrol station while naked then stood there throwing semen at arriving police, regret is dating that really fat girl simply because you were lonely and now she won't leave you alone and continually sends you badly spelt text messages about eternal love. Those things are regret my friend. Not spending a few quid on a game.


Edited by ricp
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I'm curious to see, so many threads everyday about "rockett staeled my monieezz!!!11!!1!1"

How many of you regret buying the SA, and how many of you don't?

I've having a blast. Much better than the original mod IMO. I can't even imagine how much better it's going to get over the years. :D

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I've put a ton of time into the game but lately I've been playing other stuff waiting for updates to DayZ.  Doesn't mean I regret my purchase as I've gotten way more out of it than most 60$ games.  I voted no, obviously, and I look forward to more updates down the road.  30$ for an early access is definitely steep though.

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I love seeing it grow from it's infancy and happy to be part of it.

Even though I never played the MOD (and think it's helped my position).


Some of the bugs are downright hilarious too!

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I have managed 200 hours of play for £19.99 and that statistic will only increase as more of my friends join me on the game and more patches are published. I would have an enormously inflated sense of self-entitlement to say that I haven't had my money's worth already.

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I sort or do. The mod is far better but more importantly I burnt myself out far too early when there was little to no content. So now when the game gets finished I will really force myself to play again.

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Anyone who can use the word "regret" after spending a mere $30.00 needs to reasses their career choice. $30.00 is literally 2 x bigmac meals with a mcflurry for dessert and i'm sure there are no complaints about that cancerous shit. I'm intreagued by anyone who is upset after CHOOSING to spend $30.00 on an alpha release; It's truly sad. 


Oh, I have no regrets.

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I regret buying this game only because I was led to believe that this was a community that would help develop this game into something awesome only to find myself wasting my time reading stupid irrelevant threads from dumb-asses that have nothing to contribute but hot air. 

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I did not buy the SA for amusement. I bought the SA to test it, report issues, and chit chat with the community about absurd things.

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No because I haven't gotten the game yet, I've only played the in-development alpha build.

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I normally wouldn't pay for an alpha or beta and hope that this doesn't become a trend in the industry but I have enjoyed the game so far. I just wish I had more time to play it. I have been kinda busy lately. :| I do have one question though. I realize we paid for an alpha so does this mean we will have to pay for the full game as well when it is eventually finished? 

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I normally wouldn't pay for an alpha or beta and hope that this doesn't become a trend in the industry but I have enjoyed the game so far. I just wish I had more time to play it. I have been kinda busy lately. :| I do have one question though. I realize we paid for an alpha so does this mean we will have to pay for the full game as well when it is eventually finished?

Your purchase includes the finished product. 

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Your purchase includes the finished product. 


Too bad my grandchildren will get to play the finished product before I will

Edited by DeatHTaX
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Wait, how the fuck is it even possible to regret this?


im only in ~70 hours and payed like $20?


thats an impossible regret...


same goes for all the complainers...you got a fun pre alpha game for $20 and will get the final included in that price.


i do not approve of this poll, it is flawed.

you only paid $20? i paid £20 which amounts to $30.

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