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Experimental: new town in NW, past airfield

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Nice, will have to take a little walk there my self one day!

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Damn! Where is this town on a map?

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Nice to see new towns being added :) but I would like to see a whole city being added up in the North West, like the size of Cherno or Sabina on the Taviana map, and I think alot of other people would enjoy that aswell :)

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Instead of new towns I'd like to see them fix the game first...

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Damn! Where is this town on a map?


Hard to say exactly because there isn't a map fo experimental but if you headed directly NW from the NW airfield and went across the railroad into the paddocks a bit you should find it. It's about 3km from NW air I reckon.

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was there loot in it? if so what did you find?

Yep standard loot spawns, so just like clothes, few med supplies, food

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This was in place before Svetloyarsk was added to the map, 2 weeks before they announced it to be in.


Actually there is another, about the same size to the East.


There will be 2 big cities along the northern trail. The marked roads and spaces are there just waiting for building other than barns and cow pens.


Actually was amazed one the barns spawned Mosin, clothes and a backpack.

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Instead of new towns I'd like to see them fix the game first...

pretty much this^


what does a new town add to the game? not much. we need more features, weapons, clothes, face options, unique items and bug fixes

Edited by AceQuat

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