irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 As much as i have enjoyed playing Dayz since the Mod.... The same shit seems to be going on here that caused me to quit the mod. Wiped characters when you suddenly log on and your back on the beach. You have lost everything. Again.... Players hiding inside walls inside the police stations killing people. You have no idea who and no way to report them since this stupid game does not tell you who killed you and has no global chat. Item duping.... sigh Features that get added that no one ever wanted and ones that are wanted never get added, You spent a year making the map have more lootable houses and the game is no better for it. There are no flash points and you can run for hours and never see anyone. You added all this extra loot which is useless and stuff is still being added while other things remain useless and broken. You seem unable to add a feature and not break 2 others. I never thought the Zombies could get any worse than the mod, but well done you managed it. Oh and they arent even dangerous. this is why the whole game is KOS. The game feels so clunky and unreponsive its like playing on a 56k dial up connection. i swear i can press a number 5 times before a gun actually comes out. Dont get me started on using stairs in this game.... or ladders. Or moving in general i feel like a suffer from some kind of disease that makes me move like a cripple. I see you still havnt worked out how to stop people from clipping through walls. 2 years later.... Seriously? Now i see you have decided to quit the game at the end of the year. Given how little you have moved the game forward since the mod i expect it still to be firmly in Alpha by the time you leave. But given you have 1.5m peoples money i guess who cares if the game stays in the condition it is currently. Then again Bohemia are very famous for half finished products and broken games that never get fixed. It will be a miracle if this game ever gets released as a stable finished version. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weyland Yutani (DayZ) 1159 Posted March 1, 2014 As much as i have enjoyed playing Dayz since the Mod.... The same shit seems to be going on here that caused me to quit the mod. Wiped characters when you suddenly log on and your back on the beach. You have lost everything. Again.... Players hiding inside walls inside the police stations killing people. You seem unable to add a feature and not break 2 others. The game feels so clunky and unreponsive its like playing on a 56k dial up connection. i swear i can press a number 5 times before a gun actually comes out. Now i see you have decided to quit the game at the end of the year. Given how little you have moved the game forward since the mod i expect it still to be firmly in Alpha by the time you leave. But given you have 1.5m peoples money i guess who cares if the game stays in the condition it is currently. 1.) I have well over 800 hours in the mod and never got wiped once. I think your mistaken.2.) There were no Police Stations in the mod.3.) Adding features always effect other features in game design. Go read a COD patch changelog for cross reference.4.) Use Favorites to find/favorite a server that runs well. Many optimization points coming soon. Also, game is in alpha state.5.) DH is not quitting. Read his reddit page for clarification. (google>rocket2guns reddit>read the pages) Reddit is great because you get to read exactly what Dean Hall is saying and not what media outlets chop up and decide to publish. Quit falling for e-bait. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT READ SEND A BUG REPORT COME BACK AFTER 2 YEARS THIS GAME/THE MOD HAS BEEN A FULL GAME AT NO POINTPeople were shouting Alpha Alpha 2 years ago. and Guess what... its still Alpha. The SA vs the mod has even gone backwards. I think the issue here is that Rocket had a good idea but lacked everything else needed to pull it off. Im not sure Bohemia and the team are going to deliver on their promises. Im having serious Dejavu from the time i spent playing the Mod. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonySK 60 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT READ SEND A BUG REPORT COME BACK AFTER 2 YEARS THIS GAME/THE MOD HAS BEEN A FULL GAME AT NO POINTKeep it up. One day you will be a fanboy too. Edited March 1, 2014 by JonySK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) People were shouting Alpha Alpha 2 years ago. Wat. 2 years ago there was no alpha.It was a mod.Mods do not have the polish of full games.Not even close. In any case, no one wants to hear the whining of someone who obviously started playing BI games at ARMA 2/OA. Edited March 1, 2014 by Geckofrog7 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 1.) I have well over 800 hours in the mod and never got wiped once. I think your mistaken.2.) There were no Police Stations in the mod.3.) Adding features always effect other features in game design. Go read a COD patch changelog for cross reference.4.) Use Favorites to find/favorite a server that runs well. Many optimization points coming soon. Also, game is in alpha state.5.) DH is not quitting. Read his reddit page for clarification. (google>rocket2guns reddit>read the pages) Reddit is great because you get to read exactly what Dean Hall is saying and not what media outlets chop up and decide to publish. Quit falling for e-bait.You must have serious issues if you could put up with the duping and hacking on the Mod for 800 hours. Also wiping did happen on the mod and so did vanishing guns and backpacks and so on and on and on. Oh and teleporting back to the coast. hmmmm Sounds familiar..... dejavu again. Oh but its ALPHA!. Yes 2 years later its still ALPHA. This game wont be beta for 3 years. By that time the team will be bored and moved on to other projects now they have made their money. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonySK 60 Posted March 1, 2014 Wat. 2 years ago there was no alpha.It was a mod.Mods do not have the polish of full games.Not even close. It sayz alpha test right here dude. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) irzero. You have not been following the dev process very closely. That much is obvious because of the inaccuracies in your post. Please do everyone a favor and wait until it's a beta before you criticize. EDIT: I've never had a character wipe on the mod or the SA... now, I've joined different hives and had to start at the coast... but thats not a bug... I've enjoyed the obvious visual improvements in the SA and have been following along closely enough to know that they've done a lot of work "under the hood" so to speak, to prepare for all of the shit they're adding in. I would bet everything in my checking account that by November we're going to have a very content rich game... likely only needing another 4-5 months of refinement. Edited March 1, 2014 by TheLastEmp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 Wat. 2 years ago there was no alpha.It was a mod.Mods do not have the polish of full games.Not even close.The Mod was an Alpha. Now the SA is an Alpha. Remember when Rocket said the SA would be out within 3 months..... 15 months later it comes out with less features than the mod and 10 zombies per map... Seriously... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blissfulkunt 196 Posted March 1, 2014 As much as i have enjoyed playing Dayz since the Mod.... The same shit seems to be going on here that caused me to quit the mod. Wiped characters when you suddenly log on and your back on the beach. You have lost everything. Again.... Players hiding inside walls inside the police stations killing people. You have no idea who and no way to report them since this stupid game does not tell you who killed you and has no global chat. Item duping.... sigh Features that get added that no one ever wanted and ones that are wanted never get added, You spent a year making the map have more lootable houses and the game is no better for it. There are no flash points and you can run for hours and never see anyone. You added all this extra loot which is useless and stuff is still being added while other things remain useless and broken. You seem unable to add a feature and not break 2 others. I never thought the Zombies could get any worse than the mod, but well done you managed it. Oh and they arent even dangerous. this is why the whole game is KOS. The game feels so clunky and unreponsive its like playing on a 56k dial up connection. i swear i can press a number 5 times before a gun actually comes out. Dont get me started on using stairs in this game.... or ladders. Or moving in general i feel like a suffer from some kind of disease that makes me move like a cripple. I see you still havnt worked out how to stop people from clipping through walls. 2 years later.... Seriously? Now i see you have decided to quit the game at the end of the year. Given how little you have moved the game forward since the mod i expect it still to be firmly in Alpha by the time you leave. But given you have 1.5m peoples money i guess who cares if the game stays in the condition it is currently. Then again Bohemia are very famous for half finished products and broken games that never get fixed. It will be a miracle if this game ever gets released as a stable finished version.Holy shit, quit your crying. If your not enjoying it, then by all means go play something else. If you cannot see the improvements from the mod to SA, well, your clearly a blind idiot. Not to mention every week its improving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 irzero. You have not been following the dev process very closely. That much is obvious because of the inaccuracies in your post. Please do everyone a favor and wait until it's a beta before you criticize. How closely do i have to follow it? I played the Mod and quit cus i was sick of the game breaking bugs. i waited 3 months for the SA which never came out. 15 months later we have a load of new features and none of the best old ones.... Camps. Cars.. and Zombies? Now we have a useless blood system and bike helmets.. yes we all wanted helmets... Oh and dont forget the useless damage system.... and inaccurate guns. We have no persistent server features which make a server worth playing. Basically the whole DayZ story has changed into something else. Its rockets sand pit and he wants to make this and that.... Does anyone seriously fucking care about blood types? I just wanted to heal so i could return to the battle... not worry about A- blood or catching the shits from water. This is as dumb as Far Cry 2's Maleria infection BS. Rocket is a Salesman and we have all been duped into buying into his vaporware idea that will be Alpha for years if not forever/.. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted March 1, 2014 The Mod was an Alpha. Now the SA is an Alpha. Remember when Rocket said the SA would be out within 3 months..... 15 months later it comes out with less features than the mod and 10 zombies per map... Seriously... Alright, IRZERO... that was when SA was just a cleaned up version of the mod... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted March 1, 2014 You have some valid points and some that don't matter right now. I believe the problem is that the arma engine just doesn't make a strong back end for what's being done. Netcode is atrocious. I can't do better though, so I play. Still playing the mod, too. Somehow, despite your feelings, a lot of us are having fun. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 You have some valid points and some that don't matter right now.I believe the problem is that the arma engine just doesn't make a strong back end for what's being done.Netcode is atrocious. I can't do better though, so I play. Still playing the mod, too. Somehow, despite your feelings, a lot of us are having fun.I have had fun. Im not saying that its WarZ But It feels Exactly like 2 years ago.... Semi working game with useless crap being added every week rather than core stuff being fixed and features being added which people want. Heck some actual zombies? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) If they'd have released SA in 3 months (which would've just been a fixed up version of the mod) you be pissed as fuck because it would still have been weird and buggy and shitty... welcome to the RV3 engine. NOW, they've gone through and completely changed the way the game is handled by the server and moved away from script based commands. This has taken a lot of time and they are continually fighting against an engine that wasn't designed to do what they're trying to do. That being said, they've made a shit ton of progress with it and now that they've gotten the majority of that out of the way they're going to be piling in a ton of content and focusing on tons of different gameplay mechanics... did you watch the most recent devblog? educate yourself or shut-up until it's a finished product. Sorry, not trying to be a ranting asshole, but if you aren't aware of what's gone in to it over the past two years that why are you bitching? You have no idea how much work has gone in changing the way objects and AI are handled and what that's going to allow for in the future. (just two tiny examples.) I would be pissed too if I didnt know everything that's gone on behind the scenes... on the surface it doesnt look like much has changed... but that incorrect. Edit: gonna suggest this get locked... It's not going to get any more productive. Edited March 1, 2014 by TheLastEmp 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEST_SUBJECT_83 465 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) Thank you for participating in the DayZ Early Access! This game is in Alpha, and will be for sometime. This, means you will experience bugs, unfinished features, problematic design decision, and many more things that disrupt your game experience. We will be working with the community to fix these, to help us please visit for developmental information. Above all, please remember this game is not finished, and is a work in progress. C'mon people!Seriously?How do you not understand English?How can this be any clearer?It is written out in a way that an autistic monkey can understand it.It is presented to you even before you pay for the game on top of being put in your face everytime you play DayZ.But you just click it away expecting a playable game everytime.Dean himself recommends you wait to buy the game.It's like you just have your fingers in your ears and refuse to listen. ^DAYZ Community^ "fucking pathetic" Edited March 1, 2014 by TEST_SUBJECT_83 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted March 1, 2014 His particular complaint wasn't necessarily about the condition of the game... more or less it was about the progress they've made over the past two years. Which is a shit ton!! OP just wasn't aware of that fact and so is pissing and moaning. Hopefully he understands now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irzero 56 Posted March 1, 2014 If they had made a stable version of the mod without the bugs and hackers then id be happy. Instead we have new features and nothing worth the time spent to make them. Its a different game completely. Its Day. since there are are no Zeds 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted March 1, 2014 Ladies and gentlemen please don't insult other users or post irrelevant/pointless comments; yes, we all know that you like to post your popcorn pictures. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drayson 158 Posted March 1, 2014 As much as i have enjoyed playing Dayz since the Mod.... The same shit seems to be going on here that caused me to quit the mod. Wiped characters when you suddenly log on and your back on the beach. You have lost everything. Again.... Players hiding inside walls inside the police stations killing people. You have no idea who and no way to report them since this stupid game does not tell you who killed you and has no global chat. Item duping.... sigh Features that get added that no one ever wanted and ones that are wanted never get added, You spent a year making the map have more lootable houses and the game is no better for it. There are no flash points and you can run for hours and never see anyone. You added all this extra loot which is useless and stuff is still being added while other things remain useless and broken. You seem unable to add a feature and not break 2 others. I never thought the Zombies could get any worse than the mod, but well done you managed it. Oh and they arent even dangerous. this is why the whole game is KOS. The game feels so clunky and unreponsive its like playing on a 56k dial up connection. i swear i can press a number 5 times before a gun actually comes out. Dont get me started on using stairs in this game.... or ladders. Or moving in general i feel like a suffer from some kind of disease that makes me move like a cripple. I see you still havnt worked out how to stop people from clipping through walls. 2 years later.... Seriously? Now i see you have decided to quit the game at the end of the year. Given how little you have moved the game forward since the mod i expect it still to be firmly in Alpha by the time you leave. But given you have 1.5m peoples money i guess who cares if the game stays in the condition it is currently. Then again Bohemia are very famous for half finished products and broken games that never get fixed. It will be a miracle if this game ever gets released as a stable finished version.Go away. Nobody cares about your input since it's obvious trolling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted March 1, 2014 People were shouting Alpha Alpha 2 years ago. and Guess what... its still Alpha. The SA vs the mod has even gone backwards. I think the issue here is that Rocket had a good idea but lacked everything else needed to pull it off. Im not sure Bohemia and the team are going to deliver on their promises. Im having serious Dejavu from the time i spent playing the Mod. Don't worry man, this game will never see completion. If they keep it in an alpha/beta state forever, they can just keep that silly disclaimer up there and all is well. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted March 1, 2014 I have had fun. Im not saying that its WarZ But It feels Exactly like 2 years ago.... Semi working game with useless crap being added every week rather than core stuff being fixed and features being added which people want. Heck some actual zombies?Well it is exactly like 2 years ago. Except this should go further with fewer dead ends for the dev team. Presumably. I can understand some frustration but it sounds like complaining because the tried again hoping for better success and were honest about it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheLastEmp 295 Posted March 1, 2014 (edited) If they had made a stable version of the mod without the bugs and hackers then id be happy. Instead we have new features and nothing worth the time spent to make them. Its a different game completely. Its Day. since there are are no Zeds Look, I'm going to try to break it down even more... DayZ SA had a complete engine overhaul last year. They needed to radically change the way things were bring handled by the server. THAT TOOK A LOT OF TIME. They've got a fairly stable Alpha at the moment. But because they wiped the slate clean last year, they completely changed the way zombies and loot are spawned and "handled" In order to not waste too much time and not stress the servers too much, they used Placeholder spawning mechanics until they could implement it exactly the way they want to. They are being a SMART dev team and are only getting shit on because they released it as an EARLY APLHA to far too many unknowing people like yourself. EDIT: TLDR It hasn't been two years. They had to change lots of stuff "under the hood" in order to implement all the cool shit they know needs to be in it. Edited March 1, 2014 by TheLastEmp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hells high 676 Posted March 1, 2014 People were shouting Alpha Alpha 2 years ago. and Guess what... its still Alpha. The SA vs the mod has even gone backwards. I think the issue here is that Rocket had a good idea but lacked everything else needed to pull it off. Im not sure Bohemia and the team are going to deliver on their promises. Im having serious Dejavu from the time i spent playing the Mod. They completely rewrote the game, of course its not at the same place. Besides, the DayZ Mod didn't make any money for the actual DayZ team. Now its their job. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites