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Sex Change operation w/o my approval

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I have well over 200 hours into this game, and never have I come across this before.

Played today with no issues though the last server I played on had a wierd ambient feeling; weather seem weird like a storm was coming in,  lighting was off though maybe it was the evening anyways I played no issues then left.

logged in this evening and my character is still in the same spot that I left HIM in but he is now a black female with blue shorts and stars, her shirt is short sleeve with horizonal colors (think rainbow)

I can change my character back to the ugly male that I am, but he never stays even when i set him to default.

I've tried to setup my female character the same way with blue shorts and tee-shirt but there is no option for those clothing.


Edited by d_b
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God decided that you should be a black woman.  



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God made me an ugly old white male, there is no go backs in life

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 looks like I have two choices since I can't change my character

1) go with the flow and except my sex change operation

2) go out with guns a blazin, and see how are i can go from there.

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 looks like I have two choices since I can't change my character

1) go with the flow and except my sex change operation

2) go out with guns a blazin, and see how are i can go from there.

Just play in first person view and you will never notice the difference.

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Morgan Freeman hath decreed thou to be Black Woman Becometh, and so it be.

Edited by Applejaxc
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Just think what would happen if bandits get a hold of me and make me take my clothes off, oh my

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If the gods of DayZ gave me boobs I would just deal with it. 




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Just do what everyone else does, Run around screaming " I'm a strong independent black woman! "

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Just think what would happen if bandits get a hold of me and make me take my clothes off, oh my


as he gets hard thinking of what the bandits do to his feminine body. *hears music in the background bow chica wowow*

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Logged in today and I'm still Rochelle, {that's the name I'm giving her} I'm keeping the clothes I'm not going to change the blue shorts with white stars (where do u find these clothes) or the raindow color tee-shirt. If you see me please don't kill me I want to see how are I can live like this. It's sad because this character is about 60 hours old my stamina is very I could probably take on two guys, and dam do I look hot!!

Edited by d_b

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I'd just like to take the time to point out that someone recently started a thread asking for the ability to "act out" rape scenes in DayZ.

Go on, let that sink in for a few moments..

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If they can find me they can have there way with me, but first I have demands.....

1) I want boobs I mean i really want boobs not these misquito bites I want something that gets in the way of everything I need these boobs to help my self image.

2) Also If I'm going to play out this character is it to much trouble to ask for a feminine voice I already have painted fingernails, hmm didn't think to look at my toenails

3) I want long  straight hair not this afro and if I stuck with this i want BIG afro hair so I can stick a comb in it.

4) I need some elegant shoes, right now  running bare feet in all is nice but I'm going to need a peticure soon but wouldn't stiletto shoes be nice guys?

5) I really appreciate the red child book bag it looks outstanding on me, but red or blue is really not my color (using red now) how about green?

6) Ear rings would be nice

7) since I'm black don't you think i should be supporting a bubble butt? I am not twerking for any of you

8) The blue shorts with white stars looks good on me but we (girls) like to go shopping, so where can I find other clothing like this to fit with my personality?

9) Even though i like these Blue shorts with white stars i can see a bulge down  there, so I need  feminine hygiene products.

                     (hmm maybe the sex change operation wasn't so successful)

Edited by d_b

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