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is there a way to switch b/w two rifles without dropping one?

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i have a m4 and a sks which i would like to use 


but whenever i try to hold one i drop the other


so is there a way to stop that?


i mean i have a axe on my other shoulder but I would like to replace that with the sks but it wont fit

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nope you cant carry 2without dropping 1when putting anything in you hands..


Have to ask why you want 2 weapons generally good for the same thing i mean i understand mosin m4 combo but sks m4???

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nope you cant carry 2without dropping 1when putting anything in you hands..


Have to ask why you want 2 weapons generally good for the same thing i mean i understand mosin m4 combo but sks m4???


well i do have a fnx 


and i thought i would use sks and fnx combo but then i came across a m4 and a rifle is always better than than a pistol right?

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well i do have a fnx 


and i thought i would use sks and fnx combo but then i came across a m4 and a rifle is always better than than a pistol right?


The answer is no, because you don't have to drop your rifle to pull your pistol. I have an SKS and a magnum (and a sawed off shotgun, because why the hell not). I use the rifle when clearing the perimeter, and the magnum or shotgun when clearing houses.

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Ehhhhhh... The shotgun can be a real pain in the ass, better be ready to run when you miss. I would suggest just dropping one of the rifles, its just not worth the run speed penalty, unless you are in a city looking for a good fight.

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Ehhhhhh... The shotgun can be a real pain in the ass, better be ready to run when you miss. I would suggest just dropping one of the rifles, its just not worth the run speed penalty, unless you are in a city looking for a good fight.


The sawed off shotgun is basically a pistol, not a rifle.

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Its a baby shotgun you can put in your bag. 2 shots vs 6/15.. pretty easy choice for me

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Its a baby shotgun you can put in your bag. 2 shots vs 6/15.. pretty easy choice for me


Which is why I carry the magnum. If I have to make a choice, absolutely dropping the shotgun. Really only have it for testing it out. Since half the crap I find doesn't have a use yet, I can spare the room.

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Actually, sawn-off is pretty good. Was able to test it yesterday. 8-10m distance, one shot, from the hip. After that the victim had a broken leg and nearly all equipment damaged. This is one shot, not two.



BTW, the B95 is great. It just feels too satisfying to use it.

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I always happen to carry a m4 and a mosin and after some time when I want to switch dem I happen to somehow drop one of them without the possibility to pick it up again... I think it happens when I drop the one in my hands and then pull the one on the back to the ground. Then I can see it lying in front of me bit it can't be picked up :(

So changing my primary weapon often gives me a good reason to go to airfields looking for new lrs/acog and all the other attachments that were lost.

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Learn to use the search function.  This has been brought up a million times already.

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Learn to use the search function.  This has been brought up a million times already.

Search function is completely broken at the moment.  Just tried typing in vehicles and it came up with no results

Edited by Caboose187

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Carrying 2 rifles is not an intended feature. You're already at max capacity when you take a second weapon into your hands so you have nowhere to put it should you try and switch.


Carrying a second weapon is great if you find an M4 but don't have ammo for it or something, but it shouldn't be considered a long term solution.

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Search function is completely broken at the moment.  Just tried typing in vehicles and it came up with no results



Your search for the term vehicles returned 85 results


Did you maybe just search this thread? (this topic in search bar) ?

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I think this is one of those cross over areas in relation to game balancing versus realism.


In real life it's obviously possible to carry more than one weapon long range weapon. Sure it would be a bit clunky but you would be able to, for example, sling an M4 over one shoulder and a Mosin on the other and to swap between them.

However if you were to allow that within the game I think you would find gun hoarding would be an issue and that the general balance of gameplay would be affected.

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Rocked said something in his stream long time ago that they might consider adding gun bags. No idea how it works but seems interesting

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Did you maybe just search this thread? (this topic in search bar) ?

I just checked again before leaving for work and ya, I hit topic. It's still broken in the sense that not a single search showed up with my query in mind. I'm not the only one having issues because I've told others to use the search function and they'd tell me they didn't get a single hit with what they were searching for either. Edited by Caboose187

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well i do have a fnx 


and i thought i would use sks and fnx combo but then i came across a m4 and a rifle is always better than than a pistol right?



The answer is no, because you don't have to drop your rifle to pull your pistol. I have an SKS and a magnum (and a sawed off shotgun, because why the hell not). I use the rifle when clearing the perimeter, and the magnum or shotgun when clearing houses.

Basically what Valadain said.  It's not always better.  Plus in a game like this you pretty much don't need 2 rifles ever.

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Maybe you should be able to put a rifle on a backpack (a big one) but if you want to grab that weapon from the backpack you must stop completely, like the mod, for taking out the weapon, I think it should happen with all the weapons inside your backpack, including handguns and melee weapons so you don't see anybody suddenly getting weapons from "nowhere" (the backpack) while running.

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BTW, the B95 is great. It just feels too satisfying to use it.


Why exactly?

Does it deal enough dmg?

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actually there is.. have an m4 on regular, and a mosin at hardcore.. press esc, click exit, and join another game type

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well i do have a fnx 


and i thought i would use sks and fnx combo but then i came across a m4 and a rifle is always better than than a pistol right?

Hell no... who wants to clear tight corners with a rifle? Too long and if the enemy is in an awkward position you can't bring it around in time. FNX or Sawed-off is a million times better for <10m engagements in my opinion.

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If you put one weapon on your back and one in your hands and log out, you will be able to carry both without having one of them in your hands.  :P

Edited by spendy

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