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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

Headbob and realism  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want headbob enabled at the same amount for all players?

    • Yes, floating camera for a face is unrealistic.
    • No, I don't like headbob, no matter how insignificant it may be.

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Personally, since they improved the headbob since ArmA II's, I would like to eventually see the option to turn it off go away. In ArmA II, maximum headbob was the equivalent of tying a Mini Cooper to your forehead, so I can fully understand the reason for it not being forced.


Now, in Standalone DayZ, it is the equivalent of many other first person shooters. So




would you like to see it forced? In real life, you can get a better view of something in the distance if you stop and take a good look at it rather than trying to look at it while running. Our head always moves a bit, because in real life we aren't a camera floating six feet off the ground.


It would be on the same level for all players. Non-adjustable.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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At first I thought it said "forced headjob", I was like "I REALLY hope this is a joke thread."

But I don't like this idea. For players (like me) who don't have top of the line gaming rigs, every frame counts. I disabled head bob just for the sake of FPS.

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Even with the slider all the way down there is a little head bob still. If there was more I would not play anymore as it makes me feel sick...

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No even with it off there is a level of head bob thats seems set with the game... we want more trying 1pp only not chasing them away lol but hey thats just me...

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My head bob is maxed out as is everything else that makes this game look fricking awesome.  I don't need to play the uber 1337 quickscopeheadshot guy.

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At first I thought it said "forced headjob", I was like "I REALLY hope this is a joke thread."

But I don't like this idea. For players (like me) who don't have top of the line gaming rigs, every frame counts. I disabled head bob just for the sake of FPS.

Fucked up minds think alike I suppose. I thought the same thing. As for the idea, I wish I could vote no more than once. But that's just me. 

Edited by Solopopo

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My head bob is maxed out as is everything else that makes this game look fricking awesome.  I don't need to play the uber 1337 quickscopeheadshot guy.

But you shoot from stationary usually crouched or even prone to get head shots??? well i do maybe i just suck... Yeah i probably suck..

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Personally this is a conflicted issue for me. I get people with lower rigs need to be able to turn it down, but what stops those with higher rigs doing the same? It all comes down to an aspect of fairness. In a perfect game, it would adjust to your spec to make the game fair, but as it stands that's not possible.


So personally I say no, it should be a set value, at least at the moment, mainly to stop those who just want to kill every other player having an advantage over those trying to play the game. Though personally I think they need to reduce the headbob on the crawl motion, even on normal settings it's crazy!

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But you shoot from stationary usually crouched or even prone to get head shots??? well i do maybe i just suck... Yeah i probably suck..

Oh hell yes.


I mean, no man.  I run full tilt quick scoping headshotting people like I'm in CoD all day long because that's how you play this game.  Didn't you know this?

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Totally understand the argument and I really enjoy the most amount of realism, but....


..headbob annoys the fuck out of me, and it's not actually that realistic in the form it takes within the game. So that's a no from me.

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In real life you can bob your head around a whole bunch and still keep your eyes focused on something. In video games it feels like my eyes are locked straight ahead and I when my head bobs, so do my eyes.


For the sake of realism, they should remove it.

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Oh hell yes.


I mean, no man.  I run full tilt quick scoping headshotting people like I'm in CoD all day long because that's how you play this game.  Didn't you know this?

The only time i move and fire is when i am in a team and i have someone stuck behind cover so i try surpress while i move up to the next cover...(usually works when the team are surpressing although i have had brave/stupid players who have taken me down doing this at the cost of there own lives....

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Headbobing kind of makes me nauseous.
Not bad at lower levels, but I think forcing it at all would be inconsiderate.

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Headbobing kind of makes me nauseous.

Not bad at lower levels, but I think forcing it at all would be inconsiderate.

I agree.  And I don't really see it giving anyone that much more of an advantage anyway

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I voted no, as calling it realistic, in this case, is debatable.

While our heads do bob around a fair bit, our brain filters that out, to a large extent, minimizing the impact in most situations. Our eyes also track and focus despite this bob, meaning that it's largely our peripheral vision that registers the difference.

In the RV engine, however, this bobbing is applied universally, causing the entire visual field to bounce about. Our brains don't easily compensate for this motion (though I admit, after an hour or so it becomes less jarring, but the sensation returns the next time I play), so the effect isn't exactly realistic, even if the intention is.

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It isn't really even debatable. It isn't at all realistic. My eyes move independently of my head. Period.

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If I were forced to play with that silly head-bobbin on I'd stop using 1st-person view and playing on hardcore servers.

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my reason would be no, cause of people getting nausious over long periods of time

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Though I'm not one of em, many people get nauseous from head bob so my vote is no.


I've never found the implementation of headbob to feel particularly realistic in games either.

Edited by solodude23

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Though I'm not one of em, many people get nauseous from head bob so my vote is no.


I've never found the implementation of headbob to feel particularly realistic in games either.


It isn't realistic at all, at this point it is more "tradition". Some FPS decided that it was real and everyone followed suit, even though it isn't.

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I have to say no to the no head bob for realism, if there is going to be 3rd person view allowed, doesn’t seem very real to me, no third person view then yes, no to no head bob.

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