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The Indian freshspawn

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So I was lost trying to find my way to the north west airfield and I stumbled upon this guy in the middle of nowhere. I was going to leave him alone but he attacked me with his fists so I broke his legs with my sawed-off and then I handcuffed him. He had a funny indian like accent.






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Awww.... DID I hurt your feelings? cause i don't care

Edited by raynor009

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I was going to leave him alone ....


Your hoxton mask + stupid cowboy hat tell something else, btw you have very annoying voice congratz on that

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Ya you really have an annoying voice...

Also why do you need so long to equip your items?? Take em in hand...put em away... take em in hands... put em away

Why do you call him gypsi like it was an insult?!?!? I mean your profile says you are from romania isn't that basically the same?



So I was lost trying to find my way to the north west airfield and I stumbled upon this guy in the middle of nowhere. I was going to leave him alone but he attacked me with his fists so I broke his legs with my sawed-off and then I handcuffed him. He had a funny indian like accent.





Edited by Rauchsauger
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Pls, do us a favor and don't post any other boring videos of yours.. ok? thx... 

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He was my victim the other day while all geared up and trying an easy kill with his M4. Shotgun to right knee...face on the floor, gets up... bam, left knee...


( maybe he wasn't but i like to think he was after watching the video... )


At least my voice was smooth and calming while kneecaps were turned to pudding.


" Shhhh... no more tears....! "

Edited by Hethwill_Khan

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He was my victim the other day while all geared up and trying an easy kill with his M4. Shotgun to right knee...face on the floor, gets up... bam, left knee...


( maybe he wasn't but i like to think he was after watching the video... )


At least my voice was smooth and calming while kneecaps were turned to pudding.


" Shhhh... no more tears....! "


uh sorry to ruin your wet dream here but i didn't die for almost 1 month now so


OP is coward asshole with most annoy voice I ever listen he sounding exact same like one Roma I meeting :D


also he having self esteem issue and anger control problem also :huh:


I think he was victim of bully in the school :|


yeah i'm a dick so what? u mad? but i sure am not a coward. that guy attacked ME first so in my eyes he got what was coming to him


Pls, do us a favor and don't post any other boring videos of yours.. ok? thx... 


do i care about your opinion? no


Ya you really have an annoying voice...

Also why do you need so long to equip your items?? Take em in hand...put em away... take em in hands... put em away

Why do you call him gypsi like it was an insult?!?!? I mean your profile says you are from romania isn't that basically the same?


look who's a racist cunt now. and btw fucktard it wasn't me who called him a gypsie. if your dumbass didn't notice, there were other people talking


Your hoxton mask + stupid cowboy hat tell something else, btw you have very annoying voice congratz on that


i think u just mad now cuz someone else did this to you






i promise in my next video i will do a mass execution of all the fresh spawns i can put my hands on.

Edited by Inception.
Abusive behaviour - warned.

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He sounded Russian to me. Who cares though really?


You on the other hand, i never want to hear your voice again. It irritates me like sandpaper between my balls.


Fans? There are people out there that call this entertainment? You are a racist arsehole with the IQ of a tapeworm.


If you want to improve your vids then first, work on that arrogant, dickish tone you have going. Second, come up with some interesting/ funny footage. Thirdly if you insist on trolling people, then do it in an intelligent manor.


Theres nothing worse than a troll that cant troll very well.

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-3/10 I don't blame you for having a stupid voice because that isn't something you can control. However the shitty video and editing? retarded comments? the fact you thought it was a good idea to post this on the official forums? lol 


Or perhaps op is being epic troll and has everyone fooled. 

Edited by DontTrustPubs

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I would rather hear 2 hours of Hitler speech , then one minute of your voice, btw i KoS all avatars with clown masks and when they have a combo cowboy hat + hoxton mask i prefer to break their legs and leave them there, even when they are armed 

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OP is coward asshole with most annoy voice I ever listen he sounding exact same like one Roma I meeting :D


also he having self esteem issue and anger control problem also :huh:


I think he was victim of bully in the school :|

^^This.  Worst video ever.  Please NEVER post again.  That was just god awful.

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i promise in my next video i will do a mass execution of all the fresh spawns i can put my hands on.


Well that's gonna be the most boring video ever made. Whats the point in killing them? It just makes it look like your too scared to engage armed players.

You want people to like your videos? Then post something that's actually worth watching.


No one will want to see you killing fresh spawns, if they want to see that they can easily do it themselves


I was gonna dislike your video, but you have disabled it, I can see why, because it would have about 250 dislikes by now

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Take a couple of days off, OP. That behaviour is unacceptable. 

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