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What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

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I'm curious which part of your character's life cycle you enjoy most and how it affects your gameplay.


i.e a new spawn hungry, young looking for vital gear, mid life looking to fill your loot bag or old looking for high end / very rare gear.


Personally i enjoy the early stages, I like being hungry with only jeans and the early gearing up.  Once i have a rifle and ammo my enjoyment greatly reduces.  Once i'm fully geared i get bored quick... and go looking for my death.  The early times are so much more fun with better player interactions and real fear and danger from zombies.


As a result I'm just starting a new life and i plan to only have a pistol as a weapon, no primary & no malee.  I'm hoping this will make the zombies more threatening and players less so, as I will appear unarmed.


I wonder what part of the Dayz life cycle others enjoy most. 


(I'm very aware as we move through to a finished product there will be a lot more to do once fully geared)



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The part when you're geared up and you have the chance to save a couple of survivors from death by kos'er.

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I like to be geared up and help out newspawns... But my favorite part is that intermediate gearing, where all you have is an axe and a taloon backpack... Good times. :'D

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I love the "endgame", if you can call it like this.


The moment, when i got my M4, but looking desperately for a SKS. You can replace the weapons as you want, 


Sure, I really like to meet people, on my way to the new shiny extraweapon. 

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early on its fun to find some shirt with pockets then you can carry spare food!

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I'm with Guppy on this- was about to write the exact same thing- you have an axe to fight off zeds. Maybe a crappy backpack. 1-2 useful items. You're still hungry, but don't have to sprint away from potential food sources if the Zs hear you. You're not a death machine carrying 2-3 guns and 300+ rounds of ammo and a weeks worth of beans yet, but you're going to try to be that guy, and you have the basic tools to try.

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I like to be geared up and help out newspawns...

You rock, sir - cheers!

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When I first started playing the game I thought finding that M4 or Mosin with a scope would be the end all. But now after having played for some time I find the first hour(s) of playing and finding items as fresh spawn to be the most fun.


A close second is to be fully geared up and finding a fresh spawn to help. Usually friends that play but occasionally an unknown player too.

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When I'm new and finally find that melee weapon so I can kill some zombies and grab some tuna, it's really gratifying when whatever loot you find is better than what you've got.

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The part where I see ''You are dead''.


Definitely not my favorite, because I've either starved, been torn apart by the zombies that "aren't a real threat" or shot by a sniper that I can't even see.

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When I find a fireaxe is my favorite part.
My other favorite part, is the tension of sneaking around in high population areas, scurrying around for loot while hearing gunshots in the streets.

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The part where I emerge from  my cocoon as a beautiful new butterfly....



A butterfly with a tricked out M4 with 300 rounds of ammo

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I enjoy being pinned down/fired at and looking for a way out of the situation, be it fleeing, flanking and attacking, or digging in. The biggest rush in this game is currently gunfights in hardcore. I do enjoy helping out new spawns, but only if they're an actual bambi. People who have just spawned and know what they're doing, I leave them alone and move on.

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I think my favorite part is in the early/mid-life days. I really like the feeling of actually surviving in DayZ. I'm hoping that one day it won't be as quick and easy to get fully geared up for other people. I don't mind reaching that stage eventually, but I would like to be able to struggle a lot more I guess. 


I'll be having more fun whenever they add hunting and balance out zombies. Maybe even add hordes. That's gonna be awesome.


I had a life recently where I walked into a town full of zombies with a badly damaged shovel, and I was killing every single one but I struggled to do so. (I hope they improve melee weapons in some way, and the way zombies take damage further down the line.) I loved that moment because it felt like I was literally just using anything I could to survive in the zombie apocalypse. 

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I had a life recently where I walked into a town full of zombies with a badly damaged shovel, and I was killing every single one but I struggled to do so. (I hope they improve melee weapons in some way, and the way zombies take damage further down the line.) I loved that moment because it felt like I was literally just using anything I could to survive in the zombie apocalypse. 

Myself as well. Was having fun with a baseball bat until the first military zombie showed up with his damn helmet  :lol:  no more homeruns...


nom nom nom

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to be honest the bast part of Dayz was/is being a freshie trying to figure out were u are, and then planning a path to get some basics.


problem is Chernarus is sooooooooo played out everywere knows the map..


for me Dayz thrives on new maps/mods/content to keep me happily exploring

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1. Survival. I've actually parked my main to await for the next patch... I feel like I've accomplished a lot in a short period of time and really don't want to loose everything in a split second to a KoS type.


2. What are the big cities like? I'm using my hardcore character to play around. Try the sh_t I'm not willing to do with my geared one.

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When you log into a server and it says your character has been reset and an admin has been notified. Then you spawn fresh on the coast.


Simply the best, better than all the rest.

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The part where I have a fire axe but pretty much nothing else. Everything after that is a good find.

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The finding stuff, I like servers that have been up for a while and most of the easy spots have been picked clean so I really have to work and plan out where I think there is going to be food, clothing and weapons.  I also have been using the improvised backpack's so getting all the components together for them can prove a bit more challenging.


Some of the best ones are when I'm on a server and I find a town or a few houses that have been missed by earlier looters thats like a mini xmas for me.

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Probably those mid-life days, where you and a friend have got just the right amount of gear to feel brave enough to take on a group of heavily-geared bandits at one or the airfields or military bases, and that satisfaction of wiping them out and standing victoriously over your territory, or both of us being handcuffed, stripped of our clothing, fed rotten food and disinfectant and left in the middle of the runway as a warning to any other brave souls.

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I like it most when I have little in the way of equipment and manage to find that new bit of gear that helps me out, even if it's only a little bit of the way. Like finding a shirt/coat that gives me an additional couple of bits. I also like it when I find something like a tin opener or a compass. Weapons I'm not overly fussed about, except perhaps pistol and axe, but finding the building blocks for survival are most important to me. Especially -not- finding that much kit to use. It keeps propelling me on to search the next village or to go to that farm and check it on the off-chance there might be a little something I can use.

Edited by rapier17

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Probably those mid-life days, where you and a friend have got just the right amount of gear to feel brave enough to take on a group of heavily-geared bandits at one or the airfields or military bases, and that satisfaction of wiping them out and standing victoriously over your territory, or both of us being handcuffed, stripped of our clothing, fed rotten food and disinfectant and left in the middle of the runway as a warning to any other brave souls.

And then me and my squad show up, uncuff you, fix your wounds, and then get you re-geared. :D

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