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Solution for server hoping to gain position.

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One group gets in a fire fight with another, one group has a few members disconnect from server A, join server B, move on server B to what would be a vulnerable position to the opposing group, rejoins A either wipes out the group or gets a kill or two and yet again DC's to repeat this process.

This is rampant. I have not personally died to this, but have been in fire fights where this has happened and have lost group members to this tactic. It seems about half of the 'elite' or 'organized' groups that my group has faced at the NW airfield or stary have used this 'win' strategy. On a side note a group of four tried this against my group of six, all four dc'd and reconnected into an elevated position on our flank, but we had a member in that building whose position was not yet compromised and he killed 3/4 in rapid succession as they connected, the last logged in long enough to do a Neo DC. This seems to be a 'pro' strat when you reach this level of dayz PvP. If the server is low pop enough as to be easy to keep track of individuals we will almost always have one player whose job it is to simply watch the player list so we can adjust and counter this tactic, it saddens me that this is a base need for my group since we do not in turn use this tactic.


Like most solutions the simpler it is the better it will work in practice. If you disconnect from server A and join server B you may not reconnect to server A for a period of one hour (or half an hour). There are many legitimate reasons to disconnect from a server and those people should not be punished for doing so, this solution would not hinder those types of disconnects. Also there are reasons why it is wise to disconnect to the server lobby for a moment like when you need to take a P P or go put your kid to sleep or what ever, those types of things would not be punished as well. This coupled with the 'shock' mechanic would be enough to punish dc's to avoid death and this server hop for position tactic but would still be narrow enough not to hinder honest gameplay.

I am no computer programmer but since each character profile is tied to a central server this seems like it would not be too hard a check, and the hive could simply deny character creation if this A->B->A server connection pattern is recognized.

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I was hoping for at least one person to say why it was good/bad.

There are a few things they could do to stop this, they could add a server Cool down after you log out of say 3-5 min or so that would have you wait to relog ( I wouldn't like this), or give people that log onto a server a weigh point loading system similar to how you respawn in towns in a game like diablo. (This would be better). Basically if you had a weigh point that you could drop and would be your permanent respawn point until you set another one it would prevent these shinanigans....

It would open up the ability to quickly get out of a hot zone through D/C but as most probably know anyone that uses D/C to escape death is cheating according to Rocket and you can report their name and server it happened and they can be banned for this activity.

As for not using a strategy you don't like....untill they patch it out use it.....all is fair in love and war....except for the D/C part there is no illegal activity in what they are doing and I would add unless you are in an organized PVP scenario it would be next to impossible for them to even know where you are and attempt it. Unless your back is to a wall in this game your never safe so prepare accordingly....in a real life fire team there is always a person facing the opposite way make sure your doing this and hang in there....

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As for not using a strategy you don't like....untill they patch it out use it.....all is fair in love and war....except for the D/C part there is no illegal activity in what they are doing and I would add unless you are in an organized PVP scenario it would be next to impossible for them to even know where you are and attempt it. Unless your back is to a wall in this game your never safe so prepare accordingly....in a real life fire team there is always a person facing the opposite way make sure your doing this and hang in there....

So either I did not explain this well or you really think this is a legit tactic because its available and rocket hasn't said different? Its a blatant abuse of the system. And please don't give me that "in real life" BS in real life a person doesn't 'poof' off of the battle field and teleport directly behind you a minute later. And besides the whole point of making suggestions is so that they can be included for the games benefit.

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Yeah, this is a total bs move. I also haven't died to it, but team members of mine have and it's craptastic. I can't believe you'd even remotely try to justify it, Hendrix.

What would be more helpful would be if they reinstated the 'connected' 'disconnected' server information. Then on Reg servers you know when these cheating little pricks have dc'd to avoid death and you know when they're jumping back on as well. On vet servers you remain a bit more vigilant, of course, but at least you'd be able to see 'oh these three guys just dc'd and suddenly there's no more fire coming at us...' two minutes later when the same three guys reconnect you know they're probably nearby.

That's a pretty decent idea, btw POB. The only potential problem is in places like Aus/NZ where we have about 20 servers total, all on different timezones... when one goes down you switch to another - but then your friends join the empty one on your timezone and suddenly you're all trying to jump back. 15 minutes would be a better time delay than 30 in this case, imo.

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Top idea.

I've been killed a couple times because of this.

Someone camping in the castle, they shot two of my companions on the way there, and when I rushed up the stairs they had "disappeared" , while I was looking around for them, they re-connected behind me, shot me dead, them disconnected again before the remaining companions could get up the stairs.

It's a very low act to do this, perhaps a "no-kill" time frame when you spawn in, you have 10 minutes where you cannot kill / attack any person, it would slow it down a bit.

But the OP suggestion seems pretty good aswell, shorten the time frame, maybe the 15 minutes or so mentioned above.

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Well I was trying to think of situations where you would have a legit reason to go from server A to server B and back to server A in quick succession and that did not occur to me. The only reason I came up with was moving home servers where you are moving gear from server to server using tents or vehicles. I have done this and the hour wait would be a pain, but I would deal with it if it meant not having to see someone disconnect and think, well fuck me what tree/roof are they running too right now on South Africa 1 to relog here?

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I had a similar idea, but this is better. I support it.

It would be also useful to disable Alt + F4 if that's manageable and setting an abort timer (say, 60 seconds?).

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I believe Rocket said awhile back that he already has a simple solution for this but that it has not been implemented yet because it will add more server overhead than he wants. I'm sure we will get to see it in action one of these days...

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There is nothing and i say NOTHING pro about it its PURE CHEATING.

But im still agains few mins cooldown that hurts those who for some reason DC becouse reboot or find out a friend is on other server.

Also get there names is not right solution unless its real hard proof they cheated like this, im agains reporting names.

But what are we talking about here i know many who use second pc's with maps and seek every info they can get on internet to win, for me thats also cheating, these days people can't even find out anything themselfs anymore lol.

Also hopping from server to server respawning on same hotspots getting good loot is cheating.

Playing on servers with only daytime is also sad hehe

I hope devs can find a solution that at least won't hurt the honest players.

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Read. He said he would put a cooldown for going A -> B -> A, not for merely reconnecting.

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I had a similar idea' date=' but this is better. I support it.

It would be also useful to disable Alt + F4 if that's manageable and setting an abort timer (say, 60 seconds?).


You can't disable Alt + F4.

Due to the nature of it, its a user-side instant command to force close that program.

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>his seems to be a 'pro' strat when you reach this level of dayz PvP.

>'pro' strat when you reach this level of dayz PvP.

>this level of dayz PvP.

What in the seven flavors of fuck am I reading, your talking about this game like its team fucking deathmatch, go play a game that is made for that

Mario is for Jumping, Day Z is for surviving, Theres a bazillion games for shooting and team deathmatch, alot of them even fun.

While your point is valid and a problem, I needed to inform you that this games purpose is to survive.

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He's pointing out the philosophy to highlight how wrong the idea is, not saying it is his method for playing the game.

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>his seems to be a 'pro' strat when you reach this level of dayz PvP.

>'pro' strat when you reach this level of dayz PvP.

>this level of dayz PvP.

What in the seven flavors of fuck am I reading' date=' your talking about this game like its team fucking deathmatch, go play a game that is made for that

Mario is for Jumping, Day Z is for surviving, Theres a bazillion games for shooting and team deathmatch, alot of them even fun.

While your point is valid and a problem, I needed to inform you that this games purpose is to survive.


Your an idiot.

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The ALT+F4 mechanic is a different issue that requires a different solution (if any). While I do not like the ALT+F4 mechanic in anyway it does not, when abused, result in a game breaking mechanic. With how fast some servers can connect you and get you in game this tactic of moving on one server to gain a firing position in another server IS game breaking. Your DC'ing to get kills, that is worse then DC'ing to avoid death for the honest players involved. I will take not getting to loot someone over being looted due to game mechanic abuse in other words.

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@OP, great solution but i think for some people 1 hour might be a bit too long, though i think it should be at least 20 minutes. on top of that there should be at least a 60 second log out period or something, so players are forced to find a safe spot to "sleep". if you choose to watch the timer, you can stop it to defend yourself, or you can straight quit and be at anyone's mercy for say, 90 seconds? eh, just throwing values out there.

as systemik said i'm pretty sure there would already be a solution for this being mulled over, community suggestions can always make things better though!

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This is the perfect "ghosting" fix and the OP is right on. A relog timer for server-hopping A->B->A kills ghosting without impacting players who disconnect and just want to get back on (A->A) or are trying to find a server with the right settings, low lag, etc (A->B->C).

Disconnecting to avoid death requires a separate fix (logically, a logout timer).

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I personally like other option proposed earlier: If you connect to another server you either spawn in 'safe' (500m from zombies+logout) spot, or altogether on the beach. Promote sticking to same server, and stop this 'tactical advantage via server hopping' bs :)

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people can't teleport yet hishnik

I agree' date=' they cannot. They also have only one life, not infinite 'respawns', so save me, and you time on the lecture of the 'reality'.

On that note unless the 'persistence' will assume that your character position is tied to each server, the fact that you have moved across servers and on original server you have "teleported" - is also incorrect.

The suggestion i was referring to is actually the lesser of the two discussed, the other option was if you hop the servers you spawn on the beach.


plus that opens other loopholes which can be exploited

Since you edited while i was responding, didnt see it with original post.

What loophole can you think of, with person being thrown 500m out of the previous location? The fact that they can Alt-F4 and circle back on you? I guess, they can... But not any more than they could've done so with regular server hop

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This is a good solution which doesn't seem to punish legitimate server switching. Personally I am open to an hour cooldown, but anything down to 20 minutes would probably hav the desired effect.

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Thanks for the support gents, this has been an issue twice since I first posted for gamer bro's of mine. The story is second hand since I was not there but here it is as I was told.

Six people on the server, friend of mine is leading a three man team in the NW airfield for some night ops. They see three hostiles crossing the tarmac moving towards the ATC from the west, the engage and score some hits but no kills, the three hostiles move behind the ACT tower and are quite for a full minute or two (the assumption being that they were bandaging and giving each other transfusions). They exchange fire for a time after the lull and notice there are only five in server, then they start paying attention but are still exchanging fire with the two that are left at the ATC. Then the third rejoins the server but is now on the roof of the firestation....and has a SAW, two of the 'good guys' go down before the guy on the roof catches a bullet and either goes unconscious or dies (undetermined), last good guy pops two smokes from what little cover he has from the roof tosses a grenade in the general direction of the ATC recovers one rare weapon from his buddies corpse using the smoke as cover and runs full tilt east and out of the airfield.

An otherwise mostly well played firefight and sounded like a fun one (for both sides) until someone gets the idea of server hoping for position.

Please fix this, if not with my suggestion something that would be equally effective.


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