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Remove Barbedwire

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I haven't seen one good use out of barbed wires yet. All they are used for is blocking people from buildings. I just ran into this high yield warehouse in search of a soda. this guy had the wire set up so i could pass over it since it was partly merged with the ramp, but I could not leave. I attempted to walk over and it and pushed me through the wall instantly killing me. GG there goes all my gear I spent all day yesterday collecting.

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It's the most irritating thing ever, people that do it are utter morons, as zombies just walk through it anyway.

It should at least despawn when the cunt the set it leaves the server

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Wasn't really an issue untill people on the forums started whining about it. Now every troll and griefer around knows about it and uses it extensively. It's had a kinetic effect - when you focus on the problem, it get much bigger. Fucking sandbags as well.

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I find people don't use them properly and just drop them and forget, not sure what it's intended purpose is anyways. Zombies are much to fast to set up the barb wire before they get to you. And if people would be setting them up to kill hordes of zombies just for fun then i'm sure that does not happen often. I don't exactly agree with removing them I just don't understand thier purpose. I'm guessing you can sorround vehicles and tents with them? Well if thats the case i think they should only spawn in military locations so all the new players don't use them and just put them in useless places.

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If something is blocking your path, it's there for a reason, such as self-defense from zombies or disallowing entrance to other potentially dangerous players. They last eternally so it's normal to find barbed wire blocking a building that hasn't been touched for a week.

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i love barbed wire. i always team up with ppl, let them go in a house to get loot and put barbed wire on the door so they cant get out. then i just leave. trololo

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yes firefences need to go... i was on a server the other day, where EVERY building in elektro was blocked. its ridiculous. at least it needs to despawn when the player who put it up leaves or dies...

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I tried to jump over some barbed wire whilst playing today, it broke my legs. Please fix it Rocket.

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you can even die while trying to step over it... happend to a friend of mine the other day.

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yes firefences need to go... i was on a server the other day' date=' where EVERY building in elektro was blocked. its ridiculous. at least it needs to despawn when the player who put it up leaves or dies...


+1 x 9000

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at least it needs to despawn

The thing is, they don't despawn AT ALL. I put one up as a test near camp, inmediately disassembled it. Now it comes back every time the server resets.

So it just keeps piling up no matter what people do.

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I honestly don't mind barbed wire, but not the way it is now. For most people it is just a barrier they can not get past. Right now the barbed wire is only used in cherno and Elektro to block out players from locations of interest.

Have axes/crowbars or something else be able to get through it too. Maybe with one of those hourglasses that fills up after 10 seconds, to simulate it is not that easy to get through it.

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Tweak it don't remove it.

Despawn on death is a fantastically stupid idea as well.

'My Grandad built the fences on the top field but all the cattle escaped when he died because the fences despawned.'

Constructions DO have longevity. Tweak them so they are easier to target with a toolbox, make them take time to dismantle, make them take damage from cars & axes/crowbars, but make the axes/crowbars take even longer to break them down and noisy too.

But please stop asking for things to be removed from the mod.

You lost your guns because of people crying.

You trying to throw away more content here.

Pretty soon the only sand in the box will be on the beach.

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There's a bug currently that allows people to dupe wire. I think it'll happen a lot less when that's fixed and they can't have infinite fences. I would like to have more/different tools to collect, tho, so a set of wirecutters that can destroy barbed wire would be sweet. Even better if you could also use them to cut a hole in regular fences, though I guess that may not be possible.

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If something is blocking your path, it's there for a reason, such as self-defense from zombies or disallowing entrance to other potentially dangerous players. They last eternally so it's normal to find barbed wire blocking a building that hasn't been touched for a week.

No, most people are trolls putting it there to fuck over innocent players from getting loot they they most likely need.

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No, most people are trolls putting it there to fuck over innocent players from getting loot they they most likely need.

I don't see what the problem is. There are no "innocent" players, only players that haven't killed yet. Proliferation due to duping aside, there really isn't that much of a problem.

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If barbed wire had a function beyond griefing players, it would be fine, but as it stands now, it is an anti-player device, not an anti-zombie device. Like others are saying, a better solution would be reduce players to a slow walk moving through it. Maybe even take a couple of hundred blood damage with the chance of causing bleeding condition.

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You guys know that toolboxes are extremely easy to find, right? And when you find one, barbed wire is extremely easy (albeit sometimes annoying) to remove, right?

Edited by iKorrupt

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You guys know that toolboxes are extremely easy to find, right? And when you find one, barbed wire is extremely easy (albeit sometimes annoying) to remove, right?

Haven't found a toolbox yet.

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little hobby of mine is to spread them all over chern/elektr/balota just for the lulz if some1 breaks their legs on it :D

i dont either murder people, its funnier to shoot them into legs until they run out of morphine and leave them crawling around :D

and yes.. im a sadistic bastard :lol:

Edited by FrIEND

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Toolboxes usually spawn in industrial areas, so look in warehouses and factories

First, awesome avatar.

Second, is the frequency of toolbox spawns increased according to player count? Because I checked out that 3 story industrial complex in the east side of cherno, and didn't find one there. Also a bunch of smaller places too.

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Sandbags and Barbed wire are amazing, they add so many options for players organized or not. Sure it can be annoying to walk into your favorite spawn spot and find some wire blocking you, but that is the whole point, people are working against you, might as well just take out guns because you keep getting shot(extreme example but still). More options to alter your gameworld are always good.

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