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Hackers ruining the game lately, BIG TIME

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new member here, been playing Dayz SA for almost 2 months now... I hadn't had any problems with all the bugs in game, I signed up for it like everyone else did.

I made an account on these forums so that the devs or someone at the team reads this (hopefully). Forget about zombies clipping through the wall,disappearing, no loot re-spawning unless server restarts,broken spawning points, lots of broken mechanics in game, tons of other bugs that are nerve wrecking, forget all about that for the moment (at least that's what i do), so you as a player can enjoy the game for what it was developed in the first place. And that is a pure instinct based simulation of post apocalyptic world where emphasis is on survival of the fittest. That being said, i died hundreds of times to other players and i don't have problem with it,I suck at it. Hey, some are assholes, some are helpful, its why I play the game. But now 2 nights in a row, on a different high populated servers, me and my 2 friends were killed by hackers. Teleporting and auto aim hackers... This was my first run in with them. I've seen youtube movies so know what to look for. One guy, came out of nowhere, one shot my fully geared friend, I ran away to see where he was and get my bearings. I spotted him, aimed at him, then he disappeared (ported) some 200m behind me, killing me instantly. Other night we were killed by 2 of them, clipping through the wall, shooting like there's nothing in between us ( I was behind the cover). I don't understand wheres fun in that, why do you feel obligated to cheat like that and destroy your gameplay in the first place, and that of a casual player like I am. Guys, this is really really killing my gameplay and love I have for this game( I am not the only one?!), and I really really hope you sort this out sooner than later,cause in my book, this should be one of the top priorities in game.Get additional anticheat software, talk to Blizzard if you must and get their advice, but please do something... 

I am taking a break a bit from the game, just for this only reason. 


Cheers and have fun




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Hacks are already rare in this phase of game (wich is extremely good, given it is in alpha), and devs already stated what their plans are about that, but as an alpha, you'll see hacks sometimes. I never saw them in 300 hours.

But I saw exploiters, and you saw them too in you second encounter. That's not hack, probably pboing... It will be fixed :)

Just be patient.

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All games will get hackers / glitches. But not as many as people like to think there is. 

As above, as an admin of a server. I would like to be able to tell who is who sometimes. Whether this is by a private message to the victim "XX killed you". I don't know. 
But any glitches/hackers. We can't kick/ban. It makes no sense :-( 
That said, I know the reason why we can't... and it's good. I like it. But, it's catch-22.. 

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300 hours.. are you playing in the woods with your willy?


I've seen my fair share. Just gotta respawn and move on.. to a different server for a while..

Have faith that they will eventually get banned, and think of them as a super hard asshole boss.


Like others have said, you can't stay attached to your gear, and right now it shouldn't take too long to get the basic equipment you will need to enjoy some action. Learn the loot drops, farm a few minutes on some low pops, then jump back to the full servers for some player interaction. I found that the less time I spend farming, the more fun I have getting into fights and saving freshies, temporarily at least.


Oh, and I'm on a break too.. I call it that, but i'm currently unemployed and cant afford some decent comcast >.< Damn free wifi has me tweekin for the real deal

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ah.. from the Wirral, I 'll make it clearer ;)

1) I see a glitcher

2) The server doesn't tell me the name of the glitcher/hacker. There is no way to find out.

3) This means, I can't kick the correct person. Unless, I kick everyone I don't know.

4) Result, the glitcher/hacker keeps coming back.

5) The only way to ban a glither/hacker effectively is leaving it to battleye.


Unless of course you mean the reason why we can't see names/find out who someone is. 

We're not meant to know who people are. It's realism. 

[FYI, I'm joking about the Wirral.. I used to live there. Hoylake  :thumbsup: ]

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The dev team is taking care of hackers on an ongoing basis.. Rather than becoming frustrated (which I totally understand), smile inside knowing that the people who are using hacks against you are funding the game with their money, and then they're going to lose the right to play the game unless they spend more money.

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Sad thing is the hackers make more money than the actual developers, selling cheats and releasing free versions of games.

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No, I am not, luckily. I just stopped sleeping years ago, and I bought the alpha on day 1, wich is more than 2 months ago.

Look at the hours of the pros, and you'll see I am nothing to them (and I'm proud of it, damn), but I already have a good experience in this game and so I know what I'm talking about :)

Glitchers will never be banned, we all know, we just have to wait for the glitches to be eliminated.

Hacks will be less frequent when the more and more scripted core parts will be removed and ported to the engine, as planned...but it will require time.

Edited by Gugolas

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The analogy here, for me at least, is that the Alpha is like a house being built. Just now it's got walls and foundations but no door or windows. Hackers are thieves in this analogy and if you leave something valuable in this house then the thieves (hackers) will be able to get at it easily because there is no door or windows. It not until the house is completely built can you start to install a burglar alarm.

Ultimately everything put into place just now is just a side measure (VAC/BE, etc) because they can be easily slotted into place - think of them as movement sensitive lights that scare away potential thieves. It's not until the whole house is finished can we properly look at the issue of hackers.


The bottom line is that hackers in SA are considerably, vastly, immeasurably less likely than in the mod.

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..private hive...private hive...problem solved.


I switched to private hive after that, but I really wouldn't say "Problem sloved" man. Think of it like this: you come home to find your wife in a bedroom, giving a blow job to a plummer (analogy? :) ) You say to your self "fuck it, I'll just switch room and watch TV in living room, problem solved!" But is it really ? ;)

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Think of it like this: you come home to find your wife in a bedroom, giving a blow job to a plummer (analogy? :) ) You say to your self "fuck it, I'll just switch room and watch TV in living room, problem solved!" But is it really ? ;)




This is spoken (typed) by a man who has clearly come home to find his wife giving head to a plumber.

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ah.. from the Wirral, I 'll make it clearer ;)

1) I see a glitcher

2) The server doesn't tell me the name of the glitcher/hacker. There is no way to find out.

3) This means, I can't kick the correct person. Unless, I kick everyone I don't know.

4) Result, the glitcher/hacker keeps coming back.

5) The only way to ban a glither/hacker effectively is leaving it to battleye.


Unless of course you mean the reason why we can't see names/find out who someone is. 

We're not meant to know who people are. It's realism. 

[FYI, I'm joking about the Wirral.. I used to live there. Hoylake  :thumbsup: ]


Good man! All understood.


I used to live in Hoylake too, grew up there.


OT but do you remember Finnyland by the train staion in the 90's?

Could easily of been somewhere in DayZ. For those who don't know (which is everyone) it was a bar/theme park(??) filled with fiberglass dummys in torture chambers.

Quite literally the strangest place I have ever been. I broke in after it was closed down due to safety concerns and it blew my mind.

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But trust me, if i was married and my wife was good at sucking of plummer's, i wouldn't just switch rooms, I can promise you that. And yes good sir, I must admit I watched Rocco's pluming all over Slovakia back in the day...


On topic, i hate hackers, i hope your fingers all drop off in a nicest possible way off course!

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We've all watched 'Busy Housewives/Hung Plumbers 14' haven't we?



"I bought a Director's Cut of a porn film once, and guess what? He fixed the cable in the end."


"I bought Anal housewives 4 the other day, imagine how disappointed to find out it was just women keeping their living rooms tidy."



Aye-ah-thank-you... I'm here all week, remember to try the veal.

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