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Here are some suggestions for making zombies more fun/scary, which would increase the level of enjoyment of DayZ.


  • Zombie will run faster when they first see you, then will start to slow down if you get farther away, but they do not get tired during most of the chase.
  • Zombies will slow down if shot in the legs, but will keep going.
  • ONLY headshots can kill zombies.
  • Zombies will attract other zombies if they see you.
  • Zombies wear civilian clothing in civilian areas, while they wear military clothing in military airstips/bases.
  • If zombies hit you 3-4 times in a row they will give you an infection, which is uncurable.

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But in all seriousness, I could totally see a lot of this being added in the future. Especially the spawning suggestion.

However, to make it so -only- headshots can kill a zombie, it would kind of offset the balance. Same with an incurable infection.

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First, these are not undead zombies, they are living infected, meaning a shot to the heart will kill them same as a shot to the head.


Zombies are currently being redone so we don't know how they'll behave till their patch gets pushed to at least experimental, and we don't have a solid timeframe for that (it'll be ready when it's ready).  That being said there are different zombies that wear different clothes, things will be hashed out as things go on.  The incurable infection would be a no go, but it will be likely when different sicknesses are implemented we can catch different diseases from them.  Currently it seams zombies do attract other nearby zombies when they attack, or it could just be the noise you make from fighting the one zombie.

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I don't think there's any reason to call "Alpha" on the OP. He's simply suggesting some ideas in a suggestion forum, not complaining or ranting or being a dick. The suggestion forum is here for the purpose of making suggestions, after all.

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Yeah im not keen on the "infection" after several hits idea. Its bad enough having to fight a zombie with your fists when you spawn as a bambi. besides, if you are stuck on a slower frame rate, sometimes the Z's find you without much warning.  silly idea.

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The zombies are infected humans, not some sort of voodoo; and can be killed like normal humans. Second, it's already been said that the player is immune to the infection.


I do agree with your first point and that bit about clothing, but forget this headshot only stuff. Later on in development I'm sure we'll finally see some real hordes; which will be more than enough to deal with.

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People really need to read the official lore before spewing crap about "how the zombies should be". 

As I agree with your sentiment, can you please provide a link to the "official lore"?  Thanks.

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People really need to read the official lore before spewing crap about "how the zombies should be". 


Agreed, but I'm not sure where that lore is either, so I can't really judge.


Even if you are immune to the zombie infection (which explains why you "survived") I think rotten-fleshed zombies probably harbor some nasty regular bacteria under their fingernails.  Zombie hits having a chance to make you require antibiotics or the wound goes gangrenous isn't all that out there.

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I would rather the zeds have real AI, instead of always knowing where the player is. Their AI should be separate from the player locations that are linked to server databases.

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I don't think there's any reason to call "Alpha" on the OP. He's simply suggesting some ideas in a suggestion forum, not complaining or ranting or being a dick. The suggestion forum is here for the purpose of making suggestions, after all.

He wasn't serious.

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