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Johnny Depth

Leaving traps for people :)

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Hey, guys.


So, my team and I are back in Berezino putting in work.  We've started leaving traps on the roads near Greenbay to attract unsuspecting players.  The trap usually consists of a gun, backpack, and some food-- just sitting in the street for anyone.  Then when people come, they get shot!!  It's worked quite well so far. Will make a video about  it soon. Not playing tonight; going to see Pompeii with my girlfriend and some friends, but maybe tomorrow!

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I like mine better. Someone just tried shoot me on sight. After a brief gunfight I emerged victorious. Thinking he might be heading back for revenge I looted the surrounding area, adding a few bits of my own and left him some stuff to get him going again and a nice simple note. Im hoping he gets there and thinks before shooting next time.....





I much prefer the random acts of kindness I can give or receive than be just another killer. The memories stick around much longer than just another random asshole killing you

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You and your buds are all around jackasses I have to say. With that said it would be cool to make a trip wire set bomb out of say a propane tank and some matches.

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Yeah I love killing those who fall for the trap.  I can't wait for bear traps to be in the game!


Screw bear traps give me IEDS and wire triggered means of detonation.

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I like mine better. Someone just tried shoot me on sight. After a brief gunfight I emerged victorious. Thinking he might be heading back for revenge I looted the surrounding area, adding a few bits of my own and left him some stuff to get him going again and a nice simple note. Im hoping he gets there and thinks before shooting next time.....





I much prefer the random acts of kindness I can give or receive than be just another killer. The memories stick around much longer than just another random asshole killing you


You sir, are a REAL player :) here you go. Enjoy them  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:

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Screw bear traps give me IEDS and wire triggered means of detonation.

I think both would be quite good if your of a mind to kill people ( although id love bear traps for around my base when we can build them....

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This is so funny, it's been a while since this thread received a new comment but I ended up here because yesterday something like this happened to my friend in the group of woods north of Berezino, we were scouting the city for activity in a full server, we came walking all the way from Balota to Berezino with no major encounters.


We used the treeline to travel relatively safe through the coast when I spotted a guy standing behind a bush in the road, fully geared, like waiting for somebody, we decided that he wanted to ambush another geared player or kill a new spawn, so we took positions, engaged him and after a few seconds he was down, my friend aproached to the body while I provided tactical cover with my SKS, we were right, he had an m4, opened cans of food and enough ammo to last a lifetime there.


Second encounter happened while we were near Solnichniy, we heard a couple of pistol gunshots, we aproached carefully and found a fully geared player killing new spawns that were passing by the town, once again we took positions in the moutain and engaged and killed this guy, we didn't check him out.


Now the best part of the night was when we were scouting Berezino, my friend plays as tactical as I do so is really cool to play with him, but this one time only he went ahead of me without informing me, he passed through a hill and told me he found a backpack laying in the ground with things inside, then my brain triggered like a sixth sense, I told him it could be a trap and he should come back to me fast, 1 second after that he was dead, long range bullet to the head, looking for the sniper armed with an SKS was kinda stupid so that was it for the night.


Maybe it was you guys or somebody else, but I was not mad, my friend was he felt like an idiot, but I was hilariously happy, I mean such a random encounter all set just for somebody to find it, it almost looked like a scripted scene in a single player game.


Great experience last night, I'd like to see more creativity like this appearing through Chernarus.


Pardon any typos, english is not my native language.



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Screw bear traps give me IEDS and wire triggered means of detonation.


Well the mod has grenade trip wires, so im pretty sure you will get your wish of tripable explosive :)


They went even further there though, trippable flares and smoke, got some guy goodo at Cherno market with a flare one....he tripped it then when it went off he bolted like nothing iv ever seen before lol, I just watched through bins up on the hillside.


But we still need bear traps, they are your way of slapping whoever loots your camp in the face, surround a tent in them leaving one face clear. If they approach any other side....broken legs :)


Imagine returning to camp and finding some guy crawling away back towards town....."howd u break ur legs buddy??" lol

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Well the mod has grenade trip wires, so im pretty sure you will get your wish of tripable explosive :)


They went even further there though, trippable flares and smoke, got some guy goodo at Cherno market with a flare one....he tripped it then when it went off he bolted like nothing iv ever seen before lol, I just watched through bins up on the hillside.


But we still need bear traps, they are your way of slapping whoever loots your camp in the face, surround a tent in them leaving one face clear. If they approach any other side....broken legs :)


Imagine returning to camp and finding some guy crawling away back towards town....."howd u break ur legs buddy??" lol



Once persistent items are added hopefully trip wire bombs ,ieds, toe poppers, bear traps and all those things get added.


Too many potential uses for them.


Use them to defend your stashes, to fortify a house, to deny fresh spawns access to high end loot buildings, lots and lots of potential.

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You can currently set up walkie-talkie traps. You can camp on a hill or something, plant a walkie-talkie in a house and pretend to be chattering and other people might check the location.


I've personally never done it because it takes too much effort. 

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This is so funny, it's been a while since this thread received a new comment but I ended up here because yesterday something like this happened to my friend in the group of woods north of Berezino, we were scouting the city for activity in a full server, we came walking all the way from Balota to Berezino with no major encounters.


We used the treeline to travel relatively safe through the coast when I spotted a guy standing behind a bush in the road, fully geared, like waiting for somebody, we decided that he wanted to ambush another geared player or kill a new spawn, so we took positions, engaged him and after a few seconds he was down, my friend aproached to the body while I provided tactical cover with my SKS, we were right, he had an m4, opened cans of food and enough ammo to last a lifetime there.


Second encounter happened while we were near Solnichniy, we heard a couple of pistol gunshots, we aproached carefully and found a fully geared player killing new spawns that were passing by the town, once again we took positions in the moutain and engaged and killed this guy, we didn't check him out.


Now the best part of the night was when we were scouting Berezino, my friend plays as tactical as I do so is really cool to play with him, but this one time only he went ahead of me without informing me, he passed through a hill and told me he found a backpack laying in the ground with things inside, then my brain triggered like a sixth sense, I told him it could be a trap and he should come back to me fast, 1 second after that he was dead, long range bullet to the head, looking for the sniper armed with an SKS was kinda stupid so that was it for the night.


Maybe it was you guys or somebody else, but I was not mad, my friend was he felt like an idiot, but I was hilariously happy, I mean such a random encounter all set just for somebody to find it, it almost looked like a scripted scene in a single player game.


Great experience last night, I'd like to see more creativity like this appearing through Chernarus.


Pardon any typos, english is not my native language.



You find it funny ruining possible newbies first impressions and veterans gaming experience? For shame.

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You find it funny ruining possible newbies first impressions and veterans gaming experience? For shame.


Holy shit, a survival simulator giving accurate, insightful scenarios that may help people prevent the same mistakes?



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Holy shit, a survival simulator giving accurate, insightful scenarios that may help people prevent the same mistakes?



"survival simulator"

You just answered your own argument.

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"survival simulator"

You just answered your own argument.


Please. I don't give a shit about newbies' special treatment. They can learn the ropes like everyone else.

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Not playing tonight; going to see Pompeii with my girlfriend and some friends, but maybe tomorrow!


And you had to mention it why? Ok, so you have a girlfriend, we get it. Why mention it?

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You find it funny ruining possible newbies first impressions and veterans gaming experience? For shame.

Obviously you didn't read the full text, and it seems you're too "simple" to understand it anyways.


Not going to bother explaining it to you.

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Well, at least you're getting creative with you KoSing OP. You're still shooting people all willy nilly, but at least you're using your head a little bit to make it a little easier. I guess that's a good thing.


Off topic, If there is one thing missing from DayZ Epoch, it is traps. I hope the standalone ends up with a base building system that is a parred down version of Epoch's, Not really building free standing structures, but fortifying existing buildings.

Epoch allows for such base building and it works quiet well actually and I think with the Standalone's map being filled with tons of enterable houses I think it'd be a perfectly viable alternative to excessive server clutter. However once someone would bust down your door they would have easy access to all your junk. I'd like the standalone to have booby traps available to catch people who get over confident after their successful break in.


I just had an idea for a zombie movie starring an adult Macaulay Culkin using makeshift traps to defend his pre-apocalypse home.

Shit'd go straight to DVD, but I'd totally watch it on Netflix.

Edited by Hefeweizen
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For a brief period of time, I would heap food on the road east of Elektro to bait bambies.

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For a brief period of time, I would heap food on the road east of Elektro to bait bambies.

Spray it with disinfectant spray first!

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Stupid people that fall for obvious traps deserve to get shot.


Sorry stupid people. I don't mean to offend, but you will die more often than not. It's just nature.

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Obviously you didn't read the full text, and it seems you're too "simple" to understand it anyways.


Not going to bother explaining it to you.

Hey, calling me a retard isn't doing any good.

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You can currently set up walkie-talkie traps. You can camp on a hill or something, plant a walkie-talkie in a house and pretend to be chattering and other people might check the location.


i have done that in electro. it was hilarious. i was pretending to be the firestation ghost, while hiding in the woods up north

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