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Johnny Depth

Leaving traps for people :)

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I like mine better. Someone just tried shoot me on sight. After a brief gunfight I emerged victorious. Thinking he might be heading back for revenge I looted the surrounding area, adding a few bits of my own and left him some stuff to get him going again and a nice simple note. Im hoping he gets there and thinks before shooting next time.....





I much prefer the random acts of kindness I can give or receive than be just another killer. The memories stick around much longer than just another random asshole killing you

lol the note, how ironic..    However im quite an oddball too as I like to leave stories of unfortunate survivors around whenever I see pen and paper.

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It's not called "traps", it's called "bait banditry", or "fishing". People have been doing it for a long time. Noone stops to look at random gear on the road, if they do, they're either new to the game, don't visit the forums, or had a lapse in judgement. Due to this you'll also see people intentionally leave random stuff (flashlights, etc) in the road merely to make people "think" someone is around when they're long gone or have since logged. You get both kinds.

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