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Temp Fix for Stable Branch "Heart Attack"

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My friend started getting notices like "I feel light headed" out of no where. And from what I've been reading, that = random heart attack. SO, I told him to log off asap.


Result when he logged back in.. 


No more messages. Crisis adverted. ^.^


Just relogging seems to do the trick. A 5minute wait time seems better then "You are dead.."


EDIT: To get the messages he was standing still and had no previous "complications" (gun shots, zombie hits, 100% healthy)

Edited by koNtenT

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lolz. Told him to quit the cheese fries...

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Are you sure they're random? I was under the impression that a heart attack would be triggered by something, such as getting shot or your shock getting too high. 


Just falling over for no reason is a bit....

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I randomly died a few hours ago, all I was doing was running through a forest, and literally dropped dead... No messages, No bullet sounds, just dropped dead when I stepped on a grey rock.


Either I had a random heart attack for no reason with no warnings (Which would be straight up mental), Or little gray stones are raging bear traps in disguise. I will not be going near any rocks just in case, their bites really hurt.

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This wasn't a server troll. He got multiple lines about how light headed he was and feeling faint. He was fully healthy, no prior complications and was standing around for about 10 minutes in one room (seriously, he was afk for 8-10 minutes). 

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I can confirm that they are currently bugged, a friend and I both got "your pulse doesn't feel right" randomly after not being in combat for a LONG time, not being shot, being well fed/energized/healthy, and not super-sprinting everywhere. Which makes no sense. AND we BOTH got the message at the same time.


Paniced, logged, came to the forums, and read this. Hopefully we don't die!


Fix it please!! D:

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The server owner is sending global messages that seem like notices.


You're all being tricked, ignore it.

Heart Attacks aren't in Stable. Its an easy to spot troll.

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I can confirm that they are currently bugged, a friend and I both got "your pulse doesn't feel right" randomly after not being in combat for a LONG time, not being shot, being well fed/energized/healthy, and not super-sprinting everywhere. Which makes no sense. AND we BOTH got the message at the same time.


Paniced, logged, came to the forums, and read this. Hopefully we don't die!


Fix it please!! D:

Guy falls for admin trolling...


... Demands devs fix



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Let me tell you why this is bullshit for two reasons:

1. It isn't in stable yet.

2. You can only have a heart attack when you are unconscious. It won't just happen randomly.


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Its not in stable yet, you got server message trolled.


Came here to post this.


have a strange dolphin instead.



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Messages like feeling faint or light headed can also be caused by hunger / thirst and loss of blood, duh.

Maybe you should read up a little on how the players' internal system works as far as medically / physically triggered events.

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Even tough I know about it, a server got me the other night with the heart attack stuff on stable. I was like, Oo man they must have snuck the heart attacks in and then it hit me, I got got again.

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