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I would like to suggest more focus on features players actually notice

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just no.


when a game is in early access you are not a priority, they are not required to pander to you, you decided to spend money on the game they will release in the future, they are allowing you to play the very early versions of said game and maybe help them test it. keeping you entertained is the purpose of the finished product, not the development cycle. it's not their fault you decided that you want the finished product now and not when it's finished. you don't pay for a hotdog and then complain that while the hotdog vendor is making it you aren't being fed.


also, those little survival based things that you don't play for, are precisely the reason why other people may play, so what on earth makes you the standard by which they should develop? I'm happy to get big things, but I also like it when little things get added because the little things add up, and a game where hundreds of little things happen to you is much more interesting then a game where just a few things happen over and over again.

Actually I am a priority along with everyone else who bought it. My opinion is 1/1000000. out of the rest, and perhaps a lot of others want tents over defibrlillators. Because a tent is a feature everyone can make direct use of. Defibrillators are highly specialized items that only can be used in very rare situations.


Also early access is not a gift from the heavens that we should be thankful for. It is a simple transaction. The developers make a bet on a product they are developing and are asking for early funding. If I like something in the game it is great, I am having fun, the developers got paid, everyone is happy. If I dont like something I complain and if many others dotn like it too they also complain and a complaint gets traction and the developers notice it.

So yes they are required to "pander" to me (memeemmeme!) and the other customers.*



*I am 100% sure the developers goal is to make the customers happy, I just have to explain this whole thign a bit so the entitlement moral nazis stop running around attacking everyone who complains about something while chanting WE ARE UNWORTHY in chorus

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To be more specific I bought 23€ worth of entitlement to:






Ah, but here's where your wrong. You didn't buy entitlement. You bought access to an alpha that the Lead Dev told you not to buy. On the forums, on the steam page, and in the game.


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You are far too belligerent, selfish---and frankly, ignorant for me to continue this farce.
There is nothing I loathe more than conversing with a closed mind.
I do hope one day you achieve a modicum of self awareness...ciao.

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The topic is about what should be next, so just keep the "how dare you" out of it.

I am entitled to argue about it, I paid 23€ for the right, so suck it. Damn feels nice to use the word entitlement



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Why does it need to be things players notice? The players will notice everything in the released version, we're here to test and all the things you notice are already working pretty well (ie I'm guessing you were talking about instant gratification items like weapons and hats and food which are all pretty easy to implement now that the groundwork is there). Its the uynderlying systems that tend to fuck shit up. Wait until the game is finished before complaining about lacking features.

Edited by Hells High

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The topic is about what should be next, so just keep the "how dare you" out of it.

I am entitled to argue about it, I paid 23€ for the right, so suck it. Damn feels nice to use the word entitlement



Your probably the reason the devs really dont bother to much with these forums and relay most of there stuff through reddit etc..


You got what you paid for 23$ worth of alpha to test so as you so happily say suck it... your entitled to what ever the devs feel like infact ( they wouldnt do it ) the warnings even state all features open to change they could drop the whole survival zombie pvp thing completely and make the game a bloody house work simulator iff they actually wished ( again they would never do it)


No wonder your name is alley cat tell me whats an alley cat good for what waking you up in the middle of the night howling till you open the window and knock it off the fence with a boot...

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Ya lol. Let's add persistent storage and vehicles before it even gets optimized. 

If that was the case we would have tents uaz's and 10 person servers with ultimate gaming systems hitting 30 fps max


Op ur post is so entitled it needs to be banished 

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Point is I am going to argue for whatever I find most important to add, there is nothing you can do to stop it so you might as well just argue your own favorite features or go to another topic

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Point is I am going to argue for whatever I find most important to add, there is nothing you can do to stop it so you might as well just argue your own favorite features or go to another topic

The child has a point, stop feeding this little troll and we can move on to happier lives.

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I would like to suggest...


I would like to suggest you post this in the suggestion forums where it belongs.


Furthermore I disagree because the game is in alpha the focus should be on under the hood stuff. Adding new content is significantly easier and less buggy once the under the hood development is completed. Its also totally acceptable to continue adding content after release, where as under the hood changes are less acceptable after release.

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When are we getting some new things in patches? The last experimental patch so far has mostly superficial stuff that you would not notice if you have not read the change log except for the wetness. I mean hard new things, like tents, instead of things that only expand on systems that borderline never happen for most players. Why is there so much work on expanded medical features done? 99% of injuries are death from getting shot instantly, there is not much room for health complications because you are dead before that happens.


So I would like to suggest more focus on features that offer more gameplay and items instead of under the hood things that you dont notice if you dont read changelogs.

And throw in a few more items to collect each week. Waiting 3 weeks for the next patch that will only add a second fire mode on a defibrillator or something is not exciting.

Can you provide examples of what you think they need more attention to? Thanks.

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Can you provide examples of what you think they need more attention to? Thanks.

I would like to see things that make wandering around alone more fun

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So in my playstyle i have no use for an expanded medical system, extra torture tools or payday masks. I want more loot, more different places to loot and more guns. And loot specific features, like tents. I might be leaning far out but I assume that it is like that for most players, because most encounters with others end it combat if you are not in a group already.


Sorry they don't cater to just your needs.

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I would like to see things that make wandering around alone more fun


And you will see those things, in time. The game, alpha, has been out what, 2.5 months? Compared to day 1 I'd say they are making decent progress. Tents go into internal testing soon, camping/hunting/cooking next major focus... Soon man. Soon.

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Please, don't be simple. It's tiring.

No. Development works like this:

Different teams qualified to work on different projects are doing so. The people who are rendering and texturing those fun new toys, clothes, and guns we play with are still doing so, while other teams are working on projects that they are qualified to do. The weapons we've been getting one after another were likely works in progress before they launched, hence why we got them so rapidly. Expect things to slow down.

There are no resources to divert to this or that, like you seem to think.

And really, no, keeping your testers entertained isn't neccessarily the goal. See warning the labels on the Steam store page, and when you log into the game?

We're glorified testers. It essentially tells us only to buy the game if we are enthusisats and die hard supportors.



I agree and I think Rocket and Co. are making the right moves for the game's development. This is a long and tedious process and you shouldn't have to be reminded both every time you join the game and on the forums that the game is an Alpha. I would like to see Rocket announce they've hired a bunch of new programmers with all that money- but I don't think he has an obligation to do so.

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I think its great they are working on the medical system, true it might seem overdeveloped now that everyman and his dog has a rifle, but it will really shine through once we're all hurling sticks and stones at each other when the gun spawns drop, personally I cant wait to be removing arrow shafts from my buttocks with tweezers.

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I think the development is going a bit slow, at least from a player's perspective. It takes weeks for a new patch and we only get tiny changes while real hard massive gameplay additions are announced for some time later.




Permanent storage would be the first thing since it went retail that really makes a difference because it adds a new gameplay layer, you can hoard stuff and hide it. Meanwhile guns and clothes trickle in at a superslow rate. And a lot of features do not even apply for the average lone player (torturing tools, medical system)

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Well the whole "wait for the good stuff later, in the meantine take these canvas pants" is frustrating a bit. Also canvas pants are a crime against humanity and fasion sense, so there is that

Would you rather the cool shit gets rushed and ends up bugged as fuck or unusable? Or they take their time to eliminate as many problems as possible before adding it?

Also I 100% agree with you on the canvas pants.

Edited by IG Rage

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Why do you describe only these 2 scenarios:


1. Get stuff rushed early and buggy

2. get stuff delayed but bug free



How about:


3. Get stuff bug free done earlier?


I think people are giving indie/half indie developers too much slack for delaying things all the time, while a tiny issue on a large game like BF4 gets blown up to soem conspiracy that EA/Acti is holding political prisoners and stealing player money against their will with DLC they are hypnotically forced to buy at gunpoint. DAYZ is a game that moved 1.5+ million units and yes some of the players are unhappy with the current state where all teh wrong features that they might not care about get too much focus.


So yeah, how about the rush getting a lot of zombies into the game and do it clean while rushing so it works too?


In physics, power is work divided by time.



Instead we get the average fanboi on the one side chanting "WE ARE UNWORTHY" while on the other side anyone complaining about getting some interesting stuff ingame early is being shouted at as "entitled" because heavens forbid he might have a negative opinion on the game in the current state.



DAYZ has currently a few massive gaping issues, one of them being lack of PVE (zombies) and the way rocket talks about it it sounds like something that they would like to fix and that it might work some time the future. And the average player who would like to have some PVE is excited waiting for new patches which then get delayed and when they come we get canvas pants, various torturing items and deeper medical gameplay which does not matter because you dont need a defib when a mosin rifle shot shoots you anyway.

Edited by alleycat
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Well, it MAY look like it slowed down, because there isn't every week a stable-update.

Imho, this happens for 2 reasons:


1) Everyone that wasn't needed to push out the alpha for release was working on something else, things that have been put in the game in the first weekly updates. Nowless of "fancy items" come in, since most of them are designed now.

2) HUGE things are coming. And i mean huge, compared to the previous patches. Physics. Persistant storage. Health system overhaul.

Sure, the biggest part of these things is "behind the scenes" - e.g.: giving every object a material and a weight, so that physics can work correctly (not only falling down, but bouncing off if necessary,  dropping over time when thrown etc. etc.)


I'd say: Try experimental, new patch today, and also more often update sin the future (because stable will only get a bigger update all 3-4 weeks)


Additionally, please read these posts one more time, just for understanding purposes :) TY :)



I think a common misconception is that because these "little" things are rolled out, that means other things aren't being worked on. It's not like significant resources are being diverted away from the big changes you want to see for the sake of implementing heart attacks. These superficial things are just details they can add in the meantime and will come to matter a lot for immersion later on.



At this point in the alpha the under the hood stuff is way more important than tents or cars or any other bigger gameplay addition. There needs to be a solid base to work from. I think many people that want all these features NOW! NOW! NOW! really should have waited till at least the beta before playing. It could take 6 months or much longer before you see these major additions.



Different teams working on different parts of the game.

Every part of the game is being looked at. It's still in development.

No one should halt progress on what their working on so that you can have a shiny new hat in the short term.

It's kind of ridiculous to ask this. Would you ask someone who's expertise is animating to drop what they are doing and start working on navmeshes or pathing AI for the zombies when he/she might not have any training in the programing skills that would be required? No you wouldn't. Because that would be completely absurd.

No one should halt progress on what they are working on just because another team is ahead or behind them. Projects will be pushed out as they are ready. We will test them when they are ready.  Halting testing to wait for something else to catch up, short of it being a critical component, is foolish at worst, ignorant at best.




Please, don't be simple. It's tiring.

No. Development works like this:

Different teams qualified to work on different projects are doing so. The people who are rendering and texturing those fun new toys, clothes, and guns we play with are still doing so, while other teams are working on projects that they are qualified to do. The weapons we've been getting one after another were likely works in progress before they launched, hence why we got them so rapidly. Expect things to slow down.

There are no resources to divert to this or that, like you seem to think.

And really, no, keeping your testers entertained isn't neccessarily the goal. See warning the labels on the Steam store page, and when you log into the game?
We're glorified testers. It essentially tells us only to buy the game if we are enthusisats and die hard supportors.




... Persistent storage is slated for the next big update. Backpacks get tested first. Then tents. And so on.
Barricading will come after that. That will be a game changer.

The larger projects do not stop the smaller projects from happening. We'll likely still get content as they are pushed out.
In essence, there is no disparity for you to plead for.

The particle system is going to be redone from scratch at some point.
Not necessarily now.
Weather synchronization and wetness/dampness are the corner stone of things like hypothermia, wind/weather affecting you aim, the need for camp fires, ect.
Server and Engine optimization are key to us having enough FPS to have an enjoyable experience, and are also attributed to us having more Zombies and Players on the map.
Zombies have gotten better pathing AI and now generally aim for our chests more effectively.

I would hardly call any of these past changes transparent.




[–]rocket2gunsRocket 61 points


2 hours


Persistent objects are going into internal testing next week.





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99% of injuries are death from getting shot instantly, there is not much room for health complications because you are dead before that happens.


I do actually agree with that, but I don't feel like they should not work on things just because of that fact.

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Reading this thread it sounds like a few people are pissed that they've bought a game despite all the warnings of it being permanently incomplete. That's okay, you're definitely entitled to be annoyed at this. You're also entitled to make demands as much as you like, and the developers are entitled to ignore you too - you've already paid for the finished game, and you were told that this could take a very, very long time.


You fool. You've been robbed, suck it up and move along.


On the other hand, I wonder how many hours you've ploughed into the game already: 20? 50? 100? More? All of that for £20 and the game isn't even finished. That's already pretty phenomenal value. Hell, most AAA titles only offer you a dozen hours of play for twice the price - so count yourself lucky in that regard - and please stop being so damnably objectionable, and you might actually get some more affable responses to your more reasonable queries. As for the specific request made - persistent objects - it's one of those things that really should be left until later. If any of the "big features" need added, it's the correction of loot spawns. Allowing users to hoard loot in persistent storage locations will only exacerbate the issue of server hopping with the software in it's present state.


No, I think things are ticking along quite nicely. I see lots of changes on Experimental every time a new patch is shipped, but with a 1,500,000 player base they must be quite cautious: Inactivity on their part leads to apathy, but if something cool gets added you can be sure it'll hit the grapevine quick enough and those players will flood back to see the goodies. If they fuck up though, you can be sure that they'll be taken to the cleaners by the community.


With that in mind, don't you think the "softly, softly catchy monkey" approach is in fact quite an astute decision?


Edit: Spelling corrections.

Edited by Mithrawndo

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Reading this thread it sounds like a few people are pissed that they've bought a game despite all the warnings of it being permanently incomplete. That's okay, you're definitely entitled to be annoyed at this. You're also entitled to make demands as much as you like, and the developers are entitled to ignore you too - you've already paid for the finished game, and you were told that this could take a very, very long time.


You fool. You've been robbed, suck it up and move along.


On the other hand, I wonder how many hours you've ploughed into the game already: 20? 50? 100? More? All of that for £20 and the game isn't even finished. That's already pretty phenomenal value. Hell, most AAA titles only offer you a dozen hours of play for twice the price - so count yourself lucky in that regard - and please stop being so damnably objectionable, and you might actually get some more affable responses to your more reasonable queries. As for the specific request made - persistent objects - it's one of those things that really should be left until later. If any of the "big features" need added, it's the correction of loot spawns. Allowing users to hoard loot in persistent storage locations will only exacerbate the issue of server hopping with the software in it's present state.


No, I think things are ticking along quite nicely. I see lots of changes on Experimental every time a new patch is shipped, but with a 1,500,000 player base they must be quite cautious: Inactivity on their part leads to apathy, but if something cool gets added you can be sure it'll hit the grapevine quick enough and those players will flood back to see the goodies. If they fuck up though, you can be sure that they'll be taken to the cleaners by the community.


With that in mind, don't you think the "softly, softly catchy monkey" approach is in fact quite an astute decision?


Edit: Spelling corrections.

I think you are wrong about the play time. A lot of time spent playing is very tedious walking through the woods, so there is a lot of filler time in between.

Edited by alleycat

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its also stupid to assume not having fun at all is what its supposed to be like



I'm of the opinion that this is exactly what the end game is going to be like. I played eve online for years and this is EXACTLY what the casual eve online player experiences; long periods of boredom staccato'd with short periods of adrenaline inducing excitement. It's for this reason I believe that some of your suggestions have received such vitriolic responses: DayZ seems to be designed as a slow game, and will be developed with an ethos to suit it's design objective (A philosophically sound concept; see buddhism). Perhaps a paradigm shift is required from one side or the other here?


Edit: Formatting

Edited by Mithrawndo

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