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Rocket: "why do we need slow vault?" [Suggestion]

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In two live streams ive listened to Rocket asking why the game even needs slow vault (not sure if thats how you spell it...) and him considering removing it, but i have a suggestion for it.


First of all, should make it so that if you do a vault while moving at any speed you should do the fast hop over type and only do the slow one if you are standing still in front of an obstacle.


Now my suggestion for the use of the slow vault would be to be used in situation where stealth is needed. Make it so the fast vault would make a noise and be used when you need to get over an obstacle fast and make slow vault produce little to no sound so we can use it to get over obstacles when a more quiet approach is required.

Edited by Kushko
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I really hope they take this into consideration. I'm really fed up of being hit by zombies because I slow vault over a fence... then don't have any rags because I have a jacket I can't tear up.

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Exactly what i thought when i saw the stream -  there are situations where slowly and silently stepping over a fence would be very useful.


Can "slow vault" and "jump" be bound to different keys? 

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Good call, but isn't that mostly how the game works now?  If you're crouched or walking you use the slow vault?  Or there some transition animation issues?  Usually if I'm running and use the vault key my guy will jump.


At the very least, we're likely to see some transition animation improvements as the Alpha progresses into Beta.  Hopefully that will help.  Removing it altogether definitely doesn't seem like the solution if that was what was being suggested in the livestreams.

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I think we should make the slow vault bound to crouching.

When you walk normally you hop, when you run you roll over, and when you crouch you step over.

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I've got vault bound to 2xV so that I don't press it instead of C and end up slow vaulting when I don't want to. I don't want it removed though, it's handy on times.

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The vault is needed when you want more precise vaulting. The jump is needed when you're sprinting and there's a damn fence on your way.

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I think it works fine now... crawling, crouch walking, and walking use the slow vault... Jogging, running, and SPRINTING SHOULD use the jump.

Rocket is changing crouch walking to make less sound than walking, so this will be a stealth thing.

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yeah. thats pretty anoying when you are running away someone and you have to vault then you die because of slow vault and that guy who chases you he shoots your face

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but if you are on to roof and you have to vault then it jumps of the building

Edited by valtsu99

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I use slow voult each day in citys. I can't imagine go through cities without this option.




In two live streams ive listened to Rocket asking why the game even needs slow vault...

You take cover behind a fence. You only want to change the side of the fence... :P


Not all run like startled chickens...

Edited by NoCheats

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i like slow vault, when sprinting you hop, when jogging or walking you slow vault, makes sense to me. 

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It happens sometimes when you want to jump that the player vaults and this can get you killed or injured.

If you are going slowly make jump key not work but please make separate keys for jumping and vaulting.

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The problem with the setup now is that sometimes, for some unknown reason, the game inverts the way it works.  When I'm running and hit the vault key, I stop and do the slow vault and when I'm walking and hit the key, I do a quick run up and the fast vault.  It's incredibly annoying.  I've had this problem since December. (I reported this issue back then, but it's not been acknowledged).  I agree that slow vaulting would have its benefits.  Having two separate keys would give you the choice regardless of speed or initial stance - maybe make the default slow vault "V" and the default fast vault "2x V".  And, it would solve my issue of it intermittently reversing the way it works using one key.

Edited by entspeak

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