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This is how YOU playing this mod.

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Log in to almost empty server and run to nearest market, firestaion, airfield, helicopter crash location - acquire best weaponry and gear or car, alone or with your fuking clan or maybe with even server admin help personally.

Disregard any infected on the way, simply disconnect/reconnect when cornered or knocked out. All zets will despawn once you off the server anyway. Use it in your advantage!

Once you got some scope rifle lay on the hill outside cherno or electro with ur elite buddies and start connecting to servers with large player numbers. There is your "pvp" opponent - unarmed guy crossing the street. BOom headshot, few more and its time to hop on next server and get some more pvp going...fuk ye pvp and banditism is so critical to this mod, so important that im doing it overtime now.

If someone return fire on you dont you worry, disconnect again to that lovely empty clan server you guys playing on, flank to approximate enemy location or gain elevation and connect back to put a bullet in his back. Fuk ye once again i prevailed over foe. Oh shit my sniper shot caused 2 zombies to run my way... better disconnect and hope to another server.

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To translate:

The vocal minority ruining this game prefer DCing and exploiting empty servers to get better gear, which is the core issue of PvP being so stupid. They also DC the second any time they can't get super-easy kills, and prefer unarmed people because bullets are so easy to find, and kills are considered manly.

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All i hear so far is:

DEAL WIT IT, its PVP bandits kill carebears hurr durrr gtfo

All i see so far is:

Thousands exploiters exploiting all day long thinking they surviving lol

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There is fuck all to do but PVP in this game and that is the most efficient way to be win at PVP. The maps is empty as fuck with the same villages and forests all over the place so even hiking and survival is boring.

Zombies are not a threat in any way in their current form but just an annoyance.

I hope when DayZ hits release ver1 it has things from crafting to underground bases filled with mutants.

Will never happen because LOL REALISM so the many things that could make the game fun outside of PVPing will not be put in the game.

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the dc does need to be fixed no doubt

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This is not how I'm playing the mod, so I fail to understand your point...ok that's me messing about there, it is an issue that will be fixed, but in the meantime stay the heck away from cherno, elektro and airfields.

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  'unsobill said:

Log in to almost empty server and run to nearest market' date=' firestaion, airfield, helicopter crash location - acquire best weaponry and gear or car, alone or with your fuking clan or maybe with even server admin help personally.

Disregard any infected on the way, simply disconnect/reconnect when cornered or knocked out. All zets will despawn once you off the server anyway. Use it in your advantage!

Once you got some scope rifle lay on the hill outside cherno or electro with ur elite buddies and start connecting to servers with large player numbers. There is your "pvp" opponent - unarmed guy crossing the street. BOom headshot, few more and its time to hop on next server and get some more pvp going...fuk ye pvp and banditism is so critical to this mod, so important that im doing it overtime now.

If someone return fire on you dont you worry, disconnect again to that lovely empty clan server you guys playing on, flank to approximate enemy location or gain elevation and connect back to put a bullet in his back. Fuk ye once again i prevailed over foe. Oh shit my sniper shot caused 2 zombies to run my way... better disconnect and hope to another server.


welcome to dayz... and yeah getting bored of this type of gameplay as well...

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I seriously don't get why you guys are hating on this guy for posting a completely true thread.

It is a whining thread, something I wouldn't make. It's something that is 100% true though and needs to be fixed. It's pretty funny too.


There is your "pvp" opponent - unarmed guy crossing the street. BOom headshot.

You can't say you didn't laugh.

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If you are annoyed by bandits camping outside towns, do something about it. Camp the campers, go on bandit hunt! Disconnecting doesn't save them when your gun is strong and your aiming is straight.

By the way i do hiking and surviving all the time and don't get bored at all :)

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  'Jonson said:

If you are annoyed by bandits camping outside towns' date=' do something about it. Camp the campers, go on bandit hunt! Disconnecting doesn't save them when your gun is strong and your aiming is straight.

By the way i do hiking and surviving all the time and don't get bored at all :)


I've tried to do this recently but it really is too little. You can only be in one place at once and it takes pretty serious luck to find bandits there. Even if you saw another players there there's no way to verify their supposed banditry without some poor fellow being used as a bait. Shooting everyone who even remotely resembles a bandit only drags you down to their level.

I've spent last couple days (well, not real days) observing folks in populated areas and lamers shooting starters are rather few and far between. Most of the players I've seen were unarmed survivors running wildly with a horde of zombies trailing them. Every tenth has demonstrated even the most basic understanding of the concept "sneaking".

It's actually quite interesting to observe players in this way even though I've yet to get the ultimate reward of popping a verified undesirable.

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  'Heme said:

If you are annoyed by bandits camping outside towns' date=' do something about it. Camp the campers, go on bandit hunt! Disconnecting doesn't save them when your gun is strong and your aiming is straight.

By the way i do hiking and surviving all the time and don't get bored at all :)


I've tried to do this recently but it really is too little. You can only be in one place at once and it takes pretty serious luck to find bandits there. Even if you saw another players there there's no way to verify their supposed banditry without some poor fellow being used as a bait. Shooting everyone who even remotely resembles a bandit only drags you down to their level.

I've spent last couple days (well, not real days) observing folks in populated areas and lamers shooting starters are rather few and far between. Most of the players I've seen were unarmed survivors running wildly with a horde of zombies trailing them. Every tenth has demonstrated even the most basic understanding of the concept "sneaking".

It's actually quite interesting to observe players in this way even though I've yet to get the ultimate reward of popping a verified undesirable.

True. There needs to be a kind of communication-network to make the locations of bandit-infestation known. Something like the Dayz-Radio, only 24/7 ;)

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There is fuck all to do but PVP in this game and that is the most efficient way to be win at PVP. The maps is empty as fuck with the same villages and forests all over the place so even hiking and survival is boring.

Zombies are not a threat in any way in their current form but just an annoyance.

I hope when DayZ hits release ver1 it has things from crafting to underground bases filled with mutants.

Will never happen because LOL REALISM so the many things that could make the game fun outside of PVPing will not be put in the game.

Please leave this game

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Two simple solutions to fix the 2 big issues in this game.

Server hopping and Aborting.

Firstly if you join said server you can not join another for 10 mins.

Yes you might join a night server but want a day time one...bad luck have fun with your torch light for 10 mins.

This will stop server hopping pvp and slow down loot hoppers.

Secondly make aborting leave you in game for 10-15 seconds.

But this time make it so you can't loot yourself....

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Your tears taste delicious.

Also, these "server hoping sniper bandits" tend to sit in one spot for quite some time(and there's only a few spots that they camp generally), and there SO much fun to sneak up on and pop in the back of the head :)

Their tears are especially tasty. :D

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  'unsobill said:

Log in to almost empty server and run to nearest market' date=' firestaion, airfield, helicopter crash location - acquire best weaponry and gear or car, alone or with your fuking clan or maybe with even server admin help personally.

Disregard any infected on the way, simply disconnect/reconnect when cornered or knocked out. All zets will despawn once you off the server anyway. Use it in your advantage!

Once you got some scope rifle lay on the hill outside cherno or electro with ur elite buddies and start connecting to servers with large player numbers. There is your "pvp" opponent - unarmed guy crossing the street. BOom headshot, few more and its time to hop on next server and get some more pvp going...fuk ye pvp and banditism is so critical to this mod, so important that im doing it overtime now.

If someone return fire on you dont you worry, disconnect again to that lovely empty clan server you guys playing on, flank to approximate enemy location or gain elevation and connect back to put a bullet in his back. Fuk ye once again i prevailed over foe. Oh shit my sniper shot caused 2 zombies to run my way... better disconnect and hope to another server.


I had an idea on how to make it more interesting by adjusting the player on player damage a bit.

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  'LumberBack said:

Log in to almost empty server and run to nearest market' date=' firestaion, airfield, helicopter crash location - acquire best weaponry and gear or car, alone or with your fuking clan or maybe with even server admin help personally.

Disregard any infected on the way, simply disconnect/reconnect when cornered or knocked out. All zets will despawn once you off the server anyway. Use it in your advantage!

Once you got some scope rifle lay on the hill outside cherno or electro with ur elite buddies and start connecting to servers with large player numbers. There is your "pvp" opponent - unarmed guy crossing the street. BOom headshot, few more and its time to hop on next server and get some more pvp going...fuk ye pvp and banditism is so critical to this mod, so important that im doing it overtime now.

If someone return fire on you dont you worry, disconnect again to that lovely empty clan server you guys playing on, flank to approximate enemy location or gain elevation and connect back to put a bullet in his back. Fuk ye once again i prevailed over foe. Oh shit my sniper shot caused 2 zombies to run my way... better disconnect and hope to another server.


welcome to dayz... and yeah getting bored of this type of gameplay as well...

So much truth in this thread. Watching Sidestrafe and ChKilroys day z series is what attracted me to this mod but the amount of absurd pvp and the convenience of it has really spun my opinion 180. Is this mod meant to lean more toward a pve or a pvp experience? I honestly cant tell in its current state but I feel like its leaving both camps a bit unfulfilled.

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  'Tekk said:

Is this serious or are you actually that ignorant?

I would ask the same of you. He has just outlined a valid gripe regarding pussified gamers who would rather fight a kid in a wheelchair than someone on their level.

Unfortunately' date=' the server hopping is an issue and defeats the purpose of this game to a large extent. But this is a large contingent of gamers today, not just in this mod but in every game under the sun. They don't want a challenge. They want the easy button. They don't want to travel for hours to find what they need. They want it now. They can't be bothered to risk their life when they can go for those nail biting 300 plus meter engagements against players with at most an ak on them.

But in the end, its just as easy to dc on them after they prove they can't shoot anything that's not stationary in the gear menu with 10 or 12 failed shots. I prefer my pvp up close and personal, but that's just me.

Cunty behavior is cunty behavior, no matter what.



Is this serious or are you actually that ignorant?

I would ask the same of you. He has just outlined a valid gripe regarding pussified gamers who would rather fight a kid in a wheelchair than someone on their level.

Unfortunately, the server hopping is an issue and defeats the purpose of this game to a large extent. But this is a large contingent of gamers today, not just in this mod but in every game under the sun. They don't want a challenge. They want the easy button. They don't want to travel for hours to find what they need. They want it now. They can't be bothered to risk their life when they can go for those nail biting 300 plus meter engagements against players with at most an ak on them.

But in the end, its just as easy to dc on them after they prove they can't shoot anything that's not stationary in the gear menu with 10 or 12 failed shots. I prefer my pvp up close and personal, but that's just me.

Cunty behavior is cunty behavior, no matter what.

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Bandits are part o the game, deal with it.

DCers and Hoppers arent, but the first is getting fixed and the second.. well, there is no easy solution to server hoppers.

But i believe that those bandits that keep sniping people in Cherno / Elektro are doing us a favor.

People spawn and them blindly run to Cherno / Elektro for no reason at all. Once they learn that "running straight to the nearest city finding a gun and killing your buddy" might not be the best solution we will have a better community.

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This is how cunts play this mod, not how I play this mod.

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I play with a group of friends and we prefer lower pop servers because we enjoy the survival aspect more than the pvp aspect of the game.

You can't really tell people how to have fun playing a game. If you don't agree with how people are playing it then stay away from them.

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