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Experience gained skills to combat things like fatigue/heart attack

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With this whole implementation of Heart Attacks and sickness from weather conditions, why not introduce some sort of skill tree. You see it in all sorts of games, including infestation :)


Make it so when your character dies, you lose all gained XP and must start fresh.


Gain experience from specific activities that go towards spendable points in certain branches, like mechanical branch, medical, survival, fighter, ect.


For Example:


Healing survivors using bandages / saline iv / epinephrine / morphine / defib

-gain points to be used in a medical branch to reduce time it takes to perform medical actions, reduce the % of a bandage used, increase healing effectiveness of saline iv / blood bags, increased immunity against illness or heart attack, ect


Killing zombies / other survivors

-gain points to be used in fighting / survival branch to increase melee damage, reduce weapon sway, increase base health, increase hold breath time, reduce recoil, the ability to canabalize, ect


Building structures / repairing vehicles

-gain points to be used in mechanical branch to reduce time it takes to perform tasks, increase fuel efficiency, increase speed offroad, allow for additional armaments to be added to vehicle/building.




They just need to give survivors more incentive to actually SURVIVE.. Plus it would give friendly survivors more reason to help out other players.



Stupid idea? Too much like other games? Brilliant?

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No skill points, no perks, nothing that improves your character.


If you want to give an incentive to surviving, add something cosmetic like beards or scars.

Edited by GrappleX
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Stupid idea? Too much like other games? Brilliant?

I won't say stupid, but I will say that this idea is not for DayZ. 

The less skill pointz, abilities, levels, karmas, humanity systems, hero/bandit skins, skills etc in this game the better. 

One of the most refreshing things about DayZ is the lack of all those above things in a marketplace that's absolutely swamped with games of that type.

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Spendable points? XP? Fuck that shit. If my character is to get better at something and progress through a 'skill tree', I'd hope it would be due to nothing more than repeating a given action countless times and getting marginally better at it after a while.

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Just gonna say this for everyone thats thinking this. DEAN HAS SAID THEY WONT BE ADDING ANYTHING ALONG THE LINES OF THIS. This game is YOU and YOUR SKILLS, not an in-game skill branch bullshit.

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Give me a beard after surviving 100 hours with no death.. nothing else. Ever. 

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I'm not sure if I'm that into having a skill tree.  But with the implementation of heart attacks, blood type, and my personal favourite, health problems, a skill tree could be taken away entirely.


Instead you have a random character that has a bunch of things that could be potentially "wrong" with them that are unknown to you.  Until you find the right tools in the game to test yourself you just get messages matched to the problem.  You could be a diabetic, have heart palpitations, have a fear of the dark, etc.  The skill tree turns into something that is actually discovering your character's limitations and then actively working to keep them alive.


Could seem a bit lame to some people, but I like it.

Edited by jimmijamjams

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The reward for surviving should be surviving.
Skillpoint systems lead to grinding. Grinding isn't something DayZ needs---It would be entirely too tragic when combined with all our travel time and what have you.

Having tabletop roots, I used to be a proponant of this sort of thinking but very good arguments have since dissuaded me. Simply isn't DayZ. Condolences.


Edited by Rudette
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I'm not sure if I'm that into having a skill tree.  But with the implementation of heart attacks, blood type, and my personal favourite, health problems, a skill tree could be taken away entirely.


Instead you have a random character that has a bunch of things that could be potentially "wrong" with them that are unknown to you.  Until you find the right tools in the game to test yourself you just get messages matched to the problem.  You could be a diabetic, have heart palpitations, have a fear of the dark, etc.  The skill tree turns into something that is actually discovering your character's limitations and then actively working to keep them alive.


Could seem a bit lame to some people, but I like it.

This is a far, far better idea. Adds to the survival aspect of the game while taking absolutely nothing away from allowing players to rely on their own skills. 


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Well, if every time you die you spawn as someone new, why not have an already learned set of skills. Why not have your character randomly generated at spawn. To be true to a survivor game, these characters would have already had a life and profession. How would you spawn as a completely new character in the middle of an apocalypse? The skills wouldnt need to be anything major, just slight improvements.

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Well, if every time you die you spawn as someone new, why not have an already learned set of skills. Why not have your character randomly generated at spawn. To be true to a survivor game, these characters would have already had a life and profession. How would you spawn as a completely new character in the middle of an apocalypse? The skills wouldnt need to be anything major, just slight improvements.

People would just respawn over and over until they got the skill set that was 'best' for survival. The problem with skills in a game is that number crunching will always reveal the exact best statistical skill set.

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Well, if every time you die you spawn as someone new, why not have an already learned set of skills. Why not have your character randomly generated at spawn. To be true to a survivor game, these characters would have already had a life and profession. How would you spawn as a completely new character in the middle of an apocalypse? The skills wouldnt need to be anything major, just slight improvements.


No character should be inherently better at something than another. How good your character is at something should be entirely dependent on you.

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The only form of character improvement I want to see is physical fitness/conditioning - and no friggin XP points or skill trees, neither: the game should just calculate it and make subtle changes that you only really notice once you get killed and realise how feeble and crap your newspawn is in comparison to the hardened survivor you just lost.

Edited by Pillock

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 neither: the game should just calculate it and make subtle changes that you only really notice once you get killed and realise how feeble and crap your newspawn is in comparison to the hardened survivor you just lost.


Even that is a bit far. No changes at all would be preferable.

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I mean.. im at least open to the idea of a "class" to choose prior to spawning.


1. Soldier

2. Civilian 

3. Medic 

4. Mechanic


Each could have it ups and downs.. but worth choosing one over the other based on play style. Like soldier is great for bandits, civilians great at survival, medics the obvious, and mechanics are great drivers, pilots, and repairmen.


But I dunno if even this has a place in dayz.

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why not introduce some sort of skill tree.

No, we don't need the artificial nonsense of skill levels and trees in this game. Player skill is the only thing that is required to be developed - anything else deviating from this path would be a step in the wrong direction and at the first sign of this a large chunk of the player base would up and leave.


Give me a beard after surviving 100 hours with no death.. nothing else. Ever. 

I want my field stash.

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