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Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

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Hearth attacks are randomly generated which I think is the MOST stupid thing ever...you're supposed to fight your way to survival in this zombie infested country just to live long enough to randomly sucumb to a hearth attack that has no chance of being stopped



That is all.

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This is probably just a timed/delayed servermessage, they look like indicatornotification. OP died probably thru a glitch after the messages appeard.

Or you could read the entire post, know that a mod experienced similar messages on the STABLE NON EXPERIMENTAL branch.


IDK what all your guys problems are but stop jumping to conclusions... There is something going on in the stable branch. Stop being douches. OP's post is legit and a mod even confirmed this.


Please read before you post as this is just embarrassing how many of you are just posting nonsense.

Edited by Blissful

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Excersize and healthy eating


lay off those donuts




this is awesome


To be honest, I think it was the sodas. I do drink a lot of them... :(

This IRL- Coca Cola de México


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As i previously stated a page or two back, the server the OP was apparently playing must have been modified somehow because I just did a test on another server and ran for over 30 mins non stop.  Nothing happened, notta, zilch, zero.  The servers have not been updated yet so this is pretty much next to impossible to happen on the stable branches

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I am amused. Greatly amused. It's an alpha and buggy as shit, regardless of whether you're playing 'Stable' or Experimental. Heart attack mechanic is already in the game, it just isn't notified and should only trigger when unconscious. Clearly the OP has encountered a bug with this but, you know, alpha. Deal with it.

Anyway, here's Rocket talking to Sacriel about pulse, blood pressure and heart attacks and how it'll all work. It'll be an interesting mechanic and add something interesting into DayZ. Expect it to be buggy as shit whilst they fully implement and tweak it.

Edited by Monkfish
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The Mod just confirmed the messages...every serveradmin can setup those messages (MOTD) and delay them, so u guys think it's a statusmessage of your char, that easy it is

a smart admin change them several times a day to freak the shit out of players.

Edited by Guest

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Man, I was on some server where they would post random messages, I got one that said


-I'm feeling gay


That really threw me off for a while :)

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Did a bit of research. You died of shock.

It sounds like what happened in game is "Cardiogenic shock". This is what most people technically die of when we say someone 'died' of a heart attack:


From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:


Cardiogenic (kar-dee-oh-JE-nik) shock is a condition in which a suddenly weakened heart isn't able to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. The condition is a medical emergency and is fatal if not treated right away.

The most common cause of cardiogenic shock is damage to the heart muscle from a severe heart attack. However, not everyone who has a heart attack has cardiogenic shock. In fact, on average, only about 7 percent of people who have heart attacks develop the condition.

If cardiogenic shock does occur, it's very dangerous. When people die from heart attacks in hospitals, cardiogenic shock is the most common cause of death.


What Is Shock?


The medical term "shock" refers to a state in which not enough blood and oxygen reach important organs in the body, such as the brain and kidneys. Shock causes very low blood pressure and may be life threatening.

Shock can have many causes. Cardiogenic shock is only one type of shock. Other types of shock include hypovolemic (hy-po-vo-LEE-mik) shock and vasodilatory (VAZ-oh-DILE-ah-tor-e) shock.


Hypovolemic shock is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to the body because of severe blood loss.


In vasodilatory shock, the blood vessels suddenly relax. When the blood vessels are too relaxed, blood pressure drops and blood flow becomes very low. Without enough blood pressure, blood and oxygen don’t reach the body’s organs.


A bacterial infection in the bloodstream, a severe allergic reaction, or damage to the nervous system (brain and nerves) may cause vasodilatory shock.


When a person is in shock (from any cause), not enough blood and oxygen are reaching the body's organs. If shock lasts more than a few minutes, the lack of oxygen starts to damage the body’s organs. If shock isn't treated quickly, it can cause permanent organ damage or death.

Some of the signs and symptoms of shock include:

  • Confusion or lack of alertness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • A sudden and ongoing rapid heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Pale skin
  • A weak pulse
  • Rapid breathing
  • Decreased or no urine output
  • Cool hands and feet

If you think that you or someone else is in shock, call 9–1–1 right away for emergency treatment. Prompt medical care can save your life and prevent or limit damage to your body’s organs.


In the past, almost no one survived cardiogenic shock. Now, about half of the people who go into cardiogenic shock survive. This is because of prompt recognition of symptoms and improved treatments, such as medicines and devices. These treatments can restore blood flow to the heart and help the heart pump better.

In some cases, devices that take over the pumping function of the heart are used. Implanting these devices requires major surgery.

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Dude, I already stated, I was not running forever, I was looting a town running short distances between buildings. I was given NO WARNING THAT I WAS TIRED OR ANYTHING. 


Jesus dude, what is wrong with you.

You'd think posting on this board for so long you'd know how to be helpful, looks like it just turned you into another jerk


if this is the case, was your character breathing hard? Even jogging causes your character to increase their breathing rate. If you continue for too long you can still have issues.  


When I say stop running, I mean come to a complete stop for a few seconds. Take your hands off the keyboard and let your character stand there until their breath normalizes.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Man, I was on some server where they would post random messages, I got one that said


-I'm feeling gay


That really threw me off for a while :)

Gotta find a Survivor quick or you'll die of pent up Gayness.

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Anyway, here's Rocket talking to Sacriel about pulse, blood pressure and heart attacks and how it'll all work. It'll be an interesting mechanic and add something interesting into DayZ. Expect it to be buggy as shit whilst they fully implement and tweak it.


That's really helpful, cheers.


But I still cannot understand why they're even thinking about such complicated medical dynamics, when there is zero indication to the player that they are happening. I don't know if my character was severely shocked by fighting off that zombie, or if he just thought to himself "Wow, that was cool - let's do it again!" I don't know if my heart rate is up (they could easily add a sound effect for this, couldn't they?). I don't know if I'm injured, I don't know how much blood I've lost, I don't know if I'm tired or exhausted, I don't know if I'm suffering pain. These are pretty basic things to have in place, I'd have thought, before you giving people heart attacks.


It just seems to me like they're implementing new things in a bit of an illogical order.

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hmm. Heart attacks sound promising to me, hopefully it will stop those Benny Hill type chases where a fresh spawn for instance sees another player and chases him for half an hour at full sprint swinging punches. A hungry/thirsty/wounded player suddenly cant just fully sprint after someone with some gear for an infinite period anymore or they might just drop dead!


Its a bloody good idea methinks, having to rest between jogs, especially if you are a bit under the weather!

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For those who have neglected to read through this topic, this event happened on a HARDCORE STABLE BRANCH SERVER.

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This is awesome bro, I wish my characte would die from a heart attack lol



lol I have to admit, from an outside perspective it is pretty funny, I just wish I wasn't alone in this :(



Heart attacks in this game sound like a terrible, terrible idea. I don't want the game to go in that direction..



I have to say.  I actually like the idea that someone could spawn as a character with health problems.  It would change the dynamic of how you would play the game in that life.


I remember when I first started playing the mod a year ago and I would die to a whole bunch of random things (blood loss, starvation, other people, glitches, etc)  and as I kept playing the game I learned how to avoid death for longer periods.


We already know that that we spawn in with an unknown blood type that can be discovered later.  Why not other things too (e.g. health problems)


To the OP:


I'm sorry that you died and that is always frustrating, but I've seen people get equally frustrated with how much food and drink they need until they work out the mechanics of it.  What happened to you could have been a glitch, but I like think it's a sneaky implementation slipped under our noses to so we have to work it out ourselves :)


Also, you have to admit, it's pretty funny.

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For those who have neglected to read through this topic, this event happened on a HARDCORE STABLE BRANCH SERVER.

That's all I play on and I'll repeat myself yet again.  I attempted to recreate the OP's scenario and it just would not happen.  Oh and if you really must know, Balota Book Exchange.  http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170974-balota-book-exchange-seattle-hardcore/

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That's really helpful, cheers.

But I still cannot understand why they're even thinking about such complicated medical dynamics, when there is zero indication to the player that they are happening. I don't know if my character was severely shocked by fighting off that zombie, or if he just thought to himself "Wow, that was cool - let's do it again!" I don't know if my heart rate is up (they could easily add a sound effect for this, couldn't they?). I don't know if I'm injured, I don't know how much blood I've lost, I don't know if I'm tired or exhausted, I don't know if I'm suffering pain. These are pretty basic things to have in place, I'd have thought, before you giving people heart attacks.

It just seems to me like they're implementing new things in a bit of an illogical order.

Nyeh. I'm inclined to just sit back and see what they come up with and how they implement it before making decisions about it.

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That's all I play on and I'll repeat myself yet again.  I attempted to recreate the OP's scenario and it just would not happen.  Oh and if you really must know, Balota Book Exchange.  http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170974-balota-book-exchange-seattle-hardcore/


Just because you couldn't recreate it doesn't mean anything.


I have a way to prove to you I wasn't 'accidentally on an experimental server'


Don't you think I would have noticed if I had farmed an M4, ammo, hunter backpack and supplies ON EXPERIMENTAL BRANCH, WITH HIGH POP AND CHANGES,


Not to mention the fact that you have to manually install experimental?



Do you not think of these things before you post?

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Just because you couldn't recreate it doesn't mean anything.


I have a way to prove to you I wasn't 'accidentally on an experimental server'


Don't you think I would have noticed if I had farmed an M4, ammo, hunter backpack and supplies ON EXPERIMENTAL BRANCH, WITH HIGH POP AND CHANGES,


Not to mention the fact that you have to manually install experimental?



Do you not think of these things before you post?

Ok dickhead.  I've been nice.  I did not once respond with "You're an idiot, you're on the experimental, herp derp"  I told you, if you knew how to fucking read, that I tried to recreate your experience on a server and didn't fucking happen.  Do you not think of these things before you post and make yourself look like a complete and utter dipshit??

Edited by Max Planck
Quit that.

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I had one three-hundred-round box full with ammo, a HUNTER BAG not even full, 0 container cases and normal amounts of food/water/supplies




why is it so hard for you guys to accept this may be random?


why even bother being passive aggressive when you don't have a solution or even know what happened?

It's hard to accept because if they addedit they must of added it with a reason or cause.


They would not have just made it like 'you have 20 % chance of having a random heart attack'


Something must have caused it.

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Strangely disturbing, yet i feel i must test this myself.

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I have read the whole thread and you have had a quite obnoxious attitude from the start.


Yes, the MOD confirmed some messages, as you keep touting (that don't match your reported ones by the way) whilst, I believe, on the SAME SERVER as you told him. 


Others on other similar hardcore servers have carried out testing with no similar effects.  Whilst I cannot prove anything, this truly sounds like admin messages, such as "My crotch is itchy".


Seriously, "I feel like I am going to soil myself"!!!?


(i) This is either admin messages mixed in with a death-glitch

(ii) A one off error that NO-ONE else has had

(iii) You're trolling the shit out of the forum

Just because you couldn't recreate it doesn't mean anything.


I have a way to prove to you I wasn't 'accidentally on an experimental server'


Don't you think I would have noticed if I had farmed an M4, ammo, hunter backpack and supplies ON EXPERIMENTAL BRANCH, WITH HIGH POP AND CHANGES,


Not to mention the fact that you have to manually install experimental?



Do you not think of these things before you post?

Edited by ShootingPains
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Ok dickhead.  I've been nice.  I did not once respond with "You're an idiot, you're on the experimental, herp derp"  I told you, if you knew how to fucking read, that I tried to recreate your experience on a server and didn't fucking happen.  Do you not think of these things before you post and make yourself look like a complete and utter dipshit??


When you say 'ill repeat myself again, I tried to recreate it on a hardcore server and it wouldn't happen' in response to it happening on a hardcore server and not experimental, it sounds like you are saying it happened on experimental. Very sorry I over-analyzed if you didn't mean that. 

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