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About blowmyhorn

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. blowmyhorn

    Can't exit Dayz SA in Windows 10

    I have this sometimes - if you try and log back in afterwards (without resetting your machine) does is say it cannot install the battleye service?
  2. blowmyhorn

    How did you last die?

    Well, today after logging in for the first time in a month: 1. Went to Vybor, pounced upon by two underpants wearing angry, German squeakers and punched to death - I only had a hoe 2. Went to the miltary place near Vybor, saw a guy in the dark scouring the barracks, again ammo-less. Called out, he stopped turned and pointed. I hid and shouted that I had absoutely nothing, then flanked and ran past the hill. I saw him run across the field and he must have spotted me. He turned, fired and kept dfiring depsite me having only a cattle-prod on my back and shouting out that he was taking the piss as I ran off., until he hit me. 3. Had a back pack - no ammo (seeing a theme here!), had hyperthermia, exited a police station: You are dead 4. ...actually I am having a real difficult time finding any ammo in the wasteland, plenty of food, no ammo..and I carried out a complete circuit of Polana, Gorka, Novy, Stary and came away with only .22 and some shotgun shells. I enjoy some scarcety, but that's ridiculous. So my next death was at the hands of a mosin holder, who DID have ammo...I was again holding a hoe. I am off to take another break.
  3. blowmyhorn

    When the character wipe comes...

    ...let's take off our clothes...I am feeling so entitled, I'm going to take my clothes off. Any one would think this was alpha, right! Do us all a favour (not the guy I quoted), if you are so pissed off with the game, you toddle off and wait until release and THEN feel free to call the wahhhmbulance. Oh and a big warning, there will always be hackers, always be those exploiting - it is impossible to do prevent. Actually they could, it could be all run server side, but that would be ludicrous. The nature of the way computers work mean there will always be a way in, be thankful the team has tried their damnedest to fix exploits as they know about them. Remember, a change here in the code, can affect something else..hence the repeated alpha remark from posters - this is what alpha is for. I suspect delays and bugs are largely associated with the ongoing development of the engine and working out the quirks. Once it become more stable then the team can start shoving all sorts of stuff in. Very much like Breaking Point and Epoch, those devlopments are working on an established engine...quirks about it are known and worked around, but largely the dev teams can come up with ideas and throw them in and know they will work...Dayz SA is still trying to define and improve that engine to allow that.
  4. This is true. After seeing none anywhere else, I visited the fire station in Cherna Polana and bagged 2. Never had a press or stab vest...found 2 LRS recently, one badly damaged (used for binoculars) and one pristine....before I died.
  5. blowmyhorn

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    What? No, tents are indeed spawning items again at NWAF - ALL tents: grass floor, wooden floor and medical. Also, the two-story camo-netted posts.
  6. blowmyhorn

    South coast spawns?

    You know if you had run west for 5 minutes you would have got to the new town with 3, THREE! piano houses, a fire station, supermarket and red brick buildings. You could have then swung south for 5 minutes run to the NEAF and neighbouring town. You would have been suited, booted and had enough food to last....expand your mind!
  7. blowmyhorn

    South coast spawns?

    Perhaps they should draw a cross across the centre of the map and "birth" people along its axis. Perhaps if they were more central we would see people radiate out then to the more (currently) remote areas. Example: Novy Sobor Guglovo Sosnovka Nadezhdino Gvozdnho OR even just some random areas in a field between the lot. As it is there seems little incentive for a large amount of the user base to move away from the coast, which is a real shame. I am absolutely sick of watching videos of the latest battle in Electro....boring. Or the latest search for bandits along the southeast coastline....dire.
  8. blowmyhorn

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    euughhh, another Electro story.....boring.
  9. blowmyhorn

    Why kill someone and not loot them?

    Meh the only thing that has pissed me off is the sad little runt who shot me, a freshspawn, in the leg on purpose and left me. Seriously, that is griefing, because there is no way to suicide or start again, you have to wait and hope a zombie finds you. I dragged myself up that damn road trying to find a zombie or anyone to kill me. The little twat didn't even have the decency to talk to me, taunt me even, he just stood over me to make sure I was still moving, then ran off.
  10. Crossing my fingers for a hotfix today, so I can carry out shenanigans tonight and the weekend.
  11. blowmyhorn

    Session Lost FIX

    Anecdotal solutions are unlikely to be helpful, especially since this has been acknowledged to be a patch issue. Stop spewing these useless suggestions. Next you'll suggest that a full windows reinstall will help.
  12. blowmyhorn

    Character wipes still happening?

    Annoying, yes. Expected, absolutely. I lost mine too. You think it is unacceptable... Haha, You may not like hearing everyone replying "alpha", but that is because it is, but a lot of you seem deaf to that fact, or completely illiterate.
  13. blowmyhorn

    Well / Spigot / Fountain Kills

    At the moment I just find a nearby pond and run around whilst looking down to drink at the same time. If running to the ship you can run through the boggy area look down and hammer the F key to drink. You'll be full by the time you arrive, even if you were on empty.
  14. blowmyhorn

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    I'm nearing 40 and you youngsters get WAYYYYY to hung up on these type of things. I enjoy his videos, I enjoy Byze videos, I enjoy Austin videos. I enjoy them, doesn't mean I emulate them and even if I did, what has it got to do with you? I am still playing the game - if you want to shoot me, go ahead. Dear me, are you really that upset about these type of things? Come on, chin up, cheer up.