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I've just mercilessly gunned down two men...

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I'm so f*cking tired of being killed by a-holes for no good reason. 


There is quite a list of really GOOD reasons why you just got killed.

Including, but not limited to:


  • You were in a high-value loot area.
  • You had a gun.
  • You were too visible and making no effort to move about concealed.
  • You did not properly scout the environment before moving in.
  • You were on the coast for longer than the 5 seconds it takes to disappear over a hill towards the inland.


Basically it all comes down to one thing. You were stupid enough to not take precautions with your character's life that would ensure his survival.

The cost of your carelessness, sadly, is the same every single time... Death.


And yet you people NEVER learn...

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Frankly, OP, I have to say that you did NOTHING wrong whatsoever.


Its one thing to be against certain kinds of KOS, and another to be against it totally.


What I mean is that camping the exact spot where new players spawn just to shoot them the moment they appear, is the lowest of the low. And then its also considered pretty low to shoot a player that has spawned recently, as they pose no real threat, but its also a part of the game. I enjoy the thrill of being a new spawn, and the feeling that everyone is a severe threat. But some don't like that playstyle, which is fine, as long as they don't try to impose their own playstyle on me. There are also those that go around killing everyone they see for no reason whatsoever. Personally, I prefer to play in a way that makes sense to me. I get caught up in the moment, and make decisions and take risks, in a manner that seems logical to me. Every action I take, including killing or not killing another player, is an action made as a reaction to the circumstances. I don't just run around killing JUST to kill. Even when I am HUNTING, it is done with a process and a ritual, not just finding and killing.


In your case, you say that the guy may or may not have shot first. But what you ALSO say, is that he had his gun out, and pointed at you. In addition, his partner was also reaching for HIS weapon. You were caught up in the moment, immersed into the game, and you reacted to what was in all probability a real threat. And you killed him. Then you chased down the other, who, if allowed to escape, may have posed a continued threat to you. And you killed him.


These actions were taken not out of a desire to troll, or to kill others out of sheer boredom like many of us (and even then, its arguable if they are doing anything "wrong". It may not be in the "spirit" of the game, but the game isn't finished, and because it isn't, theres not a lot to do, so yeah), but rather because you were caught up in the moment of the game, made a rapid analysis of the situation and the threat, and acted according to your instincts.



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I'll put it this way OP

Sometimes even friendly people fire first

Try to make contact with people and in other situations try to have your friends in good positions where they are concealed when talking to players

Remember most players will be hostile, but you will find the "true" friendlies when you pretend there is only one of you and they don't shoot when you make contact

As a group, you have the best chance at surviving as neutral or friendlies so take advantage of that

Be careful and take no chances

If they don't respond and draw their weapon after you say hello from your concealed location, best thing is to shoot

Someone who is willing to talk and negotiate will respond

Don't take someone hiding and then responding as hostile, they are just being safe and trying not to get robbed

It's your choice though, be something different than death match players or give in and KOS

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15 HOURS!?!?


Superb! I know 15hours isn't very long but I thought it worth mentioning lol.

And to everyone else thanks for the general advice. In looking forward to logging on later tonight and trying to make contact with some other people, without slaughtering them or indeed being slaughtered.

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I guess I will confess my sins here...

Met a friendly in electro ( didn't get his name, but he was Swedish so let's call him SwedishBro )

Was wary of him at first, just been in a firefight and wasn't sure if he was baiting me or not, but we escaped electro and I gunned an axe man down as we fled, decided I could trust him so gave him a pistol and we headed east to meet up with his friend.

Running in the trees by the road when he says his friend is nearby and he runs into the road, only to be met by a fresh spawn who starts punching him, I'm in the hills and fire off a few SKS rounds at the fresh spawn, accidentally shoot SwedishBro dead then the fresh spawn...

I'm sorry SwedishBro

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Not feeling guilty for ruining someones Dayz experience, by killing them. Will come for most in due time.


Ive got over 500hours of Mod gametime. And the only hint I can give you, as the Alpha looks like atm, is to get a working Mic.

Reaching out to others with minimal risk for your own life, is something youll get better at. If you try being a Hero.


The first contact is always tense, for obvious reasons, so be always careful. You dont have to shoot first, but sometimes its not worth the risk.


There will always be noobs KOS'ing. Aswell as experienced players.


Practice makes perfect.

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Superb! I know 15hours isn't very long but I thought it worth mentioning lol.

And to everyone else thanks for the general advice. In looking forward to logging on later tonight and trying to make contact with some other people, without slaughtering them or indeed being slaughtered.


I'm only teasing, OP. Just learn the rifle names and we're cool ;)

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Airstrip? Check.

Gun drawn? Check.

Unresponsive? Check.


Those are 3 big red flags that you need to kill or be killed.

(And that's coming from a person who is unreasonably friendly even to people who are armed.)

Several people said it, your on an airstrip, you made a good call.

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Just kill on sight, its a game no reason to care who or why.

From someone with 600 posts.  *smh*

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There is quite a list of really GOOD reasons why you just got killed.

Including, but not limited to:


  • You were in a high-value loot area.
  • You had a gun.
  • You were too visible and making no effort to move about concealed.
  • You did not properly scout the environment before moving in.
  • You were on the coast for longer than the 5 seconds it takes to disappear over a hill towards the inland.


Basically it all comes down to one thing. You were stupid enough to not take precautions with your character's life that would ensure his survival.

The cost of your carelessness, sadly, is the same every single time... Death.


And yet you people NEVER learn...


What actually happened last time was that I was disconnected whilst moving through a hanger so the only thing I could do was log straight back in. 


Then I was mowed down before I was even properly spawned in the game. I didn't even have a weapon drawn. The in-game models and textures still hadn't even spawned properly and I didn't yet have control of my character. And I know from experience that you can see a players character well before they are logged in and can control it.


The other players options were numerous:


Hold me up and rob me then let me go

Chat me and tell me to drop my weapons before I was logged in

Give me the benefit of the doubt and see if I go for a weapon before shooting (they had the upper hand already having a gun aimed at me)

Knock me unconscious somehow then remove my weapons and revive me with the epi pen I had in my inventory

I would have even preferred being held up and cuffed with the 2 pairs I had and then left to take my chances


But no, some mean b*stard decided to blow my head off and ruin the character I had spent hours cultivating for no reason other than to make his game a fraction easier for him. You claim that he had good reason to kill me? Why the f*ck don't we all just go around taking what we want from people in real life regardless of the consequences? I'm beginning to think that I was wrong to assume people didn't sink to those levels for moral reasons and that they only stay within the bounds of the law because of the punishments they would receive.


And also, I don't understand why people like this would even play DayZ. If they want to spend their days just travelling and looting and have a KOS mentality then play f*cking Borderlands or something and leave the rest of us to actually try to be part of something different and memorable instead of just doing what comes easiest to them. You're not real players, you're trigger happy, unsportsmanlike, mindless children who can't lift their heads far enough out of the pit of ignorance they have encouraged themselves to sit in to see that theres actually infinitely more satisfaction to be gleaned from helping out another survivor with a can of beans, some medical care or even some advice. Have a f*cking chat with someone you come across instead of just pumping rounds into them like they're some obstacle to overcome.


For the rest of us that don't play this game with a Black Ops mentality it is extremely disheartening that so many of you have convinced yourselves that its dog-eat-dog and "its only a game". Well how many times have you gotten pissed with someone who tells you "its only a game" when you get killed in a videogame and get angry? Its a game, but a game you've put hours upon hours into, that you pour all of your ability into and having someone trivialise your efforts in such a careless way feels pretty terrible. Just try to remember that the next time you empty a weapon into a survivor without any good reason. How do you feel when a glitchy server deletes your character after spending hours gathering supplies and trekking across the map? You're pissed cos its just undone all of your good work and at least with such a glitch nobody can necessarily be blamed for it. I mean the devs or server hosts don't put in design these problems just to upset people. They try to keep them from happening. But when someone KOS's you in game thats a decision they've made... They've decided that they don't give a sh*t about your efforts, the time you've spent playing, your plans in the game, your enjoyment etc. They just want what they want regardless of what it costs you. There are no points awarded for kills, no win condition, you don't HAVE to kill other survivors.


I just wish more players would value others' experiences and efforts within the game. I don't think thats too much to expect from fellow gamers

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it's ok.. the game checks that the player has their "big boy" pants on before it lets you through the perimeter fence into air fields.

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...and I've never felt so guilty from playing a game and 'killing' two fellow players.

Hello all, first post here. Just thought I would find a forum to discuss the game which I started a couple of evenings ago and have already logged over 15 hours.

So me and my friend where looting the airstrip, he'd been there earlier today on his own and suggested we both go back together (more for me than anything).

I trekked west from Vysota and met him en route to the air strip. In the 15 hours of 'gearing up' we had only encountered one other player who disappeared into the Forrest upon seeing myself and my 2 companions walking through a Forrest. We have decided to be neutral but swerve towards being heroes rather than bandits.

We got into the airstrip and started looting the big hangers, we were in the corner facing away from the entrance trading items etc, but then I turned around and see two silhouettes against the afternoon sun...

Now... Upon starting this game (I dabbled with the mod but didn't get on well with it) me and my friends spoke about how we would approach new players and showing the friendly emotes (hands up, waving etc). But we always thought we would have met someone out in the open or in a city. Not pinned in a hanger with no where to go.

Me and the unfamiliar player closest to us froze and he just stared at me. His handgun was drawn and aimed at us, his ally was fumbling for his rifle (he had an axe drawn) but my attention was on the guy with the gun, before I could even attempt to communicate he shot at us and thankfully missed (or did I shoot first???), I took aim with my ww2 rifle and fired off three rounds, killing the player there and then.

By this time his ally had started running across the airstrip for refuge or maybe a better vantage shot to take us out from the hanger (I later discovered he had a rifle with scope and bipod). I took him out with a single shot from my rifle....

Now first off, if you guys are on this server me and my friend would both like to apologise as we never wanted to intentionally kill you but simply panicked.

Can anyone recommend a better way of approaching new people? And if anyone else have had a similar first encounter like mine?


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I was feeling guilty after making my first kill of an oblivious player (I killed before, but in self defence). But after a few deaths I stopped. Now I collect pristine Long Range Scopes as trophies.


Have quite a few. Running out of inventory space. :D

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What actually happened last time was that I was disconnected whilst moving through a hanger so the only thing I could do was log straight back in. 


Then I was mowed down before I was even properly spawned in the game. I didn't even have a weapon drawn. The in-game models and textures still hadn't even spawned properly and I didn't yet have control of my character. And I know from experience that you can see a players character well before they are logged in and can control it.


The other players options were numerous:


Hold me up and rob me then let me go

Chat me and tell me to drop my weapons before I was logged in

Give me the benefit of the doubt and see if I go for a weapon before shooting (they had the upper hand already having a gun aimed at me)

Knock me unconscious somehow then remove my weapons and revive me with the epi pen I had in my inventory

I would have even preferred being held up and cuffed with the 2 pairs I had and then left to take my chances


But no, some mean b*stard decided to blow my head off and ruin the character I had spent hours cultivating for no reason other than to make his game a fraction easier for him. You claim that he had good reason to kill me? Why the f*ck don't we all just go around taking what we want from people in real life regardless of the consequences? I'm beginning to think that I was wrong to assume people didn't sink to those levels for moral reasons and that they only stay within the bounds of the law because of the punishments they would receive.


And also, I don't understand why people like this would even play DayZ. If they want to spend their days just travelling and looting and have a KOS mentality then play f*cking Borderlands or something and leave the rest of us to actually try to be part of something different and memorable instead of just doing what comes easiest to them. You're not real players, you're trigger happy, unsportsmanlike, mindless children who can't lift their heads far enough out of the pit of ignorance they have encouraged themselves to sit in to see that theres actually infinitely more satisfaction to be gleaned from helping out another survivor with a can of beans, some medical care or even some advice. Have a f*cking chat with someone you come across instead of just pumping rounds into them like they're some obstacle to overcome.


For the rest of us that don't play this game with a Black Ops mentality it is extremely disheartening that so many of you have convinced yourselves that its dog-eat-dog and "its only a game". Well how many times have you gotten pissed with someone who tells you "its only a game" when you get killed in a videogame and get angry? Its a game, but a game you've put hours upon hours into, that you pour all of your ability into and having someone trivialise your efforts in such a careless way feels pretty terrible. Just try to remember that the next time you empty a weapon into a survivor without any good reason. How do you feel when a glitchy server deletes your character after spending hours gathering supplies and trekking across the map? You're pissed cos its just undone all of your good work and at least with such a glitch nobody can necessarily be blamed for it. I mean the devs or server hosts don't put in design these problems just to upset people. They try to keep them from happening. But when someone KOS's you in game thats a decision they've made... They've decided that they don't give a sh*t about your efforts, the time you've spent playing, your plans in the game, your enjoyment etc. They just want what they want regardless of what it costs you. There are no points awarded for kills, no win condition, you don't HAVE to kill other survivors.


I just wish more players would value others' experiences and efforts within the game. I don't think thats too much to expect from fellow gamers








TL:DR version: I am mad someone KOS'd me on a military loot area.

Edited by BRzao

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Go to NEAF and stand in the open and waggle your body

This shows you want to be friends, and also they will aim lower when they shoot.



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You were at an airfield and he shot first. Nothing to be guilty about.


I consider military bases 'competitive' zones - as in, players are there competing for high grade loot - and they're the only place I KoS without question.

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