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CZ appreciation station

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I haven't suffered many deaths so far. But each and every time I do die. The first thing I go looking for is another CZ and as much ammo as I can carry.

Remembering the locations of farms around the major cities is helping quite a bit when it comes to ammo. Though it seems like I've found way too many crossbows lately.

Never saw one before (in loot or carried by a player) today I saw 5 in loot with ammo and 1 with a survivor.

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I got my first CZ last night, I was stuck with Winchesters up until that point, met up with a couple of friends (one of whom provided me with said CZ) and while waiting for the fourth to arrive we set up on a hill. After a while I noticed someone popping a flare in a field to our right, after a few seconds we spotted who threw it: a lone survivor. I scoped in, saw he was checking his gear and zeroed in... 400 metres? 500? My friends were telling me to take the shot.. I zeroed it to 400 and aimed at the tip of his head, fired, hoping the bullet drop would make it hit him in the chest if it was closer to 500. His jaw exploded and he dropped, blood spurting everywhere. One of us ran down the hill to loot his body, I was covering him. Two walkers and a hopper were near the body, I got the first one in the head, missed the second by an inch, aimed at its mid-section and gutted it, the friend who went to loot got the hopper with his Winchester. We got some starter gear from the poor guy, which we really needed, two were almost starving and my thirst was flashing. I haven't had a chance to use it again yet apart from for scanning tree-lines but I really can't wait for the next time I can. I love it!

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nub question: how many bulletts in the chest are required to kill a player (not zombie).

second: distance is effecting on the number of bulletts required to kill someone?

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I know that one will knock them unconscious if it doesn't kill them.

But I can say that head shots kill in 1 bullet. How I know this? I shot a poor survivor in the face from 10meters away while he was on a deer stand... :D

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Anyone have a reliable number of meters from which zombies can hear the CZ?

I fired one, once, and nearly got eaten, so I assumed it was pushing 250m+, but read somewhere else today that it was closer to 150m.

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As much as I love CZ it appeared to be quite loud and turned and attracted zombies from about 300-400 meters or my estimation of distance was wrong. Any feedback on how far should I be to not get swarmed in a matter of seconds?

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I've shot it from 150 meters before but try not to push it any closer than that. Sure its loud but if you want to be a sniper than it is logical to be at least that far from zombies and the target.

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Sure is a good sniper rifle. But I'll tease you guys with this: M107 all day ;)

yeah just shoot that thing up if you wanna die tired...

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