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CZ appreciation station

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I always get swamped by zeds when i use the CZ... I prefer getting up close and personal with the shotty :D

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Got my first CZ last night, nearly died trying but I escaped. Killed all the zombies in the area I could, apparently they respawned before I escaped the barn.

Now heading N in hopes of NVGs, then well we'll just see. Hunting for food I and a new water bottle.

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So far, I've done ok without Z's coming after me. But I'm being VERY careful about when and where I fire it.

To give a rough distance, the closest I fired with a Z nearby was about 120m. This was from a hill overlooking Cherno, the Z's were at the edge of town.

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Have an M24 now and very dissapointed in the two survivors I shot.

Got them both straight in the chest, and they both D/C'd. What has DayZ come to :(

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Next time I kill someone and they D/C

i'm taking a screenshot and naming and shaming them

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I used to have a m24 but ammo is far too scarce with it. I really hate the inventory system and how 5 rounds of sniper rifle ammo takes up the same amount of space as 30 rounds of 5.56 or worse 15 heavy shotgun slugs.

Anyways since ammo is too scarce with the m24 I now don a CZ.

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The day I fell in love with the CZ:

Sat on top of the Electro fire station with a CZ looking about at the PvP hell going on below, hear someone coming up the ladder and curse at my empty side arm, guy pops up at the top and i stand up to receive my Winchester bound fate at the hands of a Bandit. He fires, and misses.

I move a bit, he fires again, he misses. I start to play about with him, moving about then he takes aim so he misses me and repeat this process until his clip is empty and he is reloading.

I didn't particularly want to kill the guy he had wasted a full clip on me and completely missed (at point blank range). So I cheekily span 360 degrees and fired off my CZ and to my surprise he crumpled down in front of me.

Lol's were had.

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CZ is a little loud for me, im a fan of the winchester + slugs.

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I was top of the bandit killer leaderboards for over a week all thanks for the CZ. The military sniper rifles offer little over the CZ but magazine capacity and ROF. The CZ is easily acquired, ammo is freely available, it can be zero'd to target and is extremely accurate. A great rifle!

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i found a M27S sniper ones but i think the guys i got it from were hackers. beacuse they had like 4 NV's and gps.

but damn that gun was good,

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my best kill (with a cz)

camping up top mountains between the cap golova lighthouse and electro

dead body 700m away

companion is afk

someone goes to loot the corpse just inside of my FOV

zero to 700

enemy is at 710 something

aim just a little above head

perfect head shot

rages over side chat

thinks he know where i am

comes back with 3 more

looking all over 3 house little village

no more cz ammo :(

they never find me anyway

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Agree with this thread. My CZ helped me avoid and fight off many situations. It's tough not having binoculars so having binoculars that kill people is more than a new player could possibly ask for.

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Well have to say I love my M4A1 CCO SD the most out of all others but my DMR is not shy to 500+meters of sweet "YOU DON'T SEE ME MUSIC" good luck on shooting something that's a town away LOL

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I've got a lil nuker with enough ammo on my person and hidden to cause some serious damage...

And only recently have I started to actively hunt, and I'm getting progressively better... I'd be much much happier if they made the view distance greater, so sniping from rather long distances wasn't a bitch of a process.

That being said, the prevalence of survivors to glitch when i shoot them and fall down ladders and some how get up and bandage themselves and run away, as well as disconnecting JUST as I shoot them in the head is pissing me off...

I need to practise my moving target skills though...

Oh, and a shout-out to my brothers out there in banditry, I won't engage you if you don't engage me, I can even help yous if you want... Hell, I'll even help some survivors if they're decent enough.

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I love the CZ and what I am about to say will probably be called blasphemy.

The CZ needs to go.

There should be ammo commonality between all the Bolt Action Rifles in the game and all should share the same ammo type.

M24 , m40a3 and the rifle that replaces the CZ should share the same ammo.

Replacing it with something like the Saiga LOS 7-1 would make sense.

This would also restore some kind of ammo standardization for the Bolt action rifles making their ammo more common and useful.


This is a 300 dollar hunting rifle chambered in 7.62 nato that has been sold in Russia and the outlining countries since 2000.

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I think the fact that there's different rifles chambered in different rounds is great! Makes scrounging for the ammo you need not a guarantee. Scrounging for ammo should be hit or miss, as survival goes.

I shouldn't be able to find ammo for high-end rifles all over the place, might as well put an M4A3 CCO in every barn if you're going to make ammunition ubiquitous.

Besides, CZ and Enfield ammo is all over the place. Wouldn't be fun if they all used the same ammunition.

I -do- think, though, that there should be some system in place where you can use the ammunition in the mag... not just the magazine. But, as I understand it, ARMA's ammunition is tagged with the magazine... not the ammunition itself.

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