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Can we haz this?

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So I came across this and I would REALLY like this in the game




but how do we make it balanced?

Holy shit my user name for BF 4 is tactical sausage this just gave my name a new meaning lol ill be using this for avatar pick.... beans for you..

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I have one IRL and you can really deal some damage from up to 8000 meters away-


From what I heard, its due to the incendiary frankenfurters it fires which cover a whole 1km by 1km area in devastating flames.


OP as shit.

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So I came across this and I would REALLY like this in the game




but how do we make it balanced?


Load multiple of these into my Mk 3 Projection Tube and we have a replica of the feared WWII German Superweapon known as the FlamenTurdWurfer!!! :o

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