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Johnny Depth

Just how far out into the Debug Plains can you go?

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A few members of my team went up to the very North end of the map until we reached the Debug Plains the other day.  It was really cool looking, seems like a spot where we will build our base when we have the ability.


My question is:


Just how far out do the Debug Plains go??  How cool would it be if there were a random town out there if you went far enough into the Plains(like twice as far as Chernarus in length) or something like that.  That would be dominant.



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Well.... Forever basicly :)

Its a remnant from Arma 2 and its basicly randomly generated terrain, goin on "forever", so you will find nothing out there.
Its not a part of the map and it works exactly like the ocean does in Arma 3.


In the mod, EVERYTHING outside the map border was deleted by the servers.
It will most likely be the same here, so i would not suggest building any bases on the debug planes :)

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Wanted to test if you could build a base outside the map. (if the tents/perma backpacks come out)


You can drop things outside the map and they'll stay there untill reset.

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In the mod, EVERYTHING outside the map border was deleted by the servers.

It will most likely be the same here, so i would not suggest building any bases on the debug planes :)


Besides, it is a bit FAR is it not??

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In the mod ya could build out there, and store cars ect. Our server had to have some custom cleanup thing done that respawned any vehicles left there on restart. We had a cheeky group flying the heli off map to store it lol. Id bet the SA will have something built in to combat that :)

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It should be a never ending loop I believe, however whenever I have tried it I have had the game crash on me. Whether that is the server or the game I am not sure but it will simply lock up and when I rejoin I am on the edge of the map again.


Personally I would like to see the map surrounded by a mountain range or a bit of water than it just stopping and going onto flat plains as it does now.

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Wanted to test if you could build a base outside the map. (if the tents/perma backpacks come out)


You can drop things outside the map and they'll stay there untill reset.

Thank you I've been meaning to test this for some time.

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Or what if it was a giant wall with NPCs guarding up top.  Like a wall 100m in height :)


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Invisible wall should be sufficient I think.


An invisible wall is a bit soul destroying in terms of such an open world game. OK, the debug plains are daft, especially with that sharp treeline, but it's better than an invisible wall.

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Or add giant craters made by nuclear bombs, so as soon as you're past the natural map you can see them some distance away and begin to get sick until you return. Radiation, n' stuff.


Other funny way: If you leave the map or a bit, some military away will fire mortar shells at you that will eventually hit you if you don't go back or keep moving.


Or just don't do anything at all :D

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So, if you keep running ~2200km from Lopatino towards the direction that points to Moscow out in the endless. But I guess it just my imagination. I guess when I get bored enough I stack enough water/beans/rice to make the trip, just for the big hope and fun! :D

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In my deepest dreams about dayz was based on the community, I wish that we could build some small homemade village (like immigrant camp ?) anywhere on the map and create some small communities.. This wasn't very possible with the limitation of 50 players on the mod (too few people to create more than 2 or 3 camp. but now with the 100 players server coming that might works !


And I thought that could be awesome to expand the chernarus map with some random road without any house up north (west as well?). And those area would be most likely use to create villages. Like a clan begin to build their base, and some other bambi start to join them and help to build the base in exchange for protection (of their loot too).

Different clan build their own villages and its might be possible to have some war clan or trade between them..


Anyway you got the point. 

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Wanted to test if you could build a base outside the map. (if the tents/perma backpacks come out)


You can drop things outside the map and they'll stay there untill reset.

Even in the mod you could do that. Tents and vehicles outside the map dissapeared on reset, not inmediately on crossing the border.

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