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Counter the brightness at night time

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In reality, you'd probably be forced to go out at night all the time. It's certainly the safest time to go out and scavenge if you know there are other humans around who might be bandits and it's safer from zeds if you're not using a flashlight since they will only hear or smell you as opposed to being able to see you as well. 

And on a clear night it can be quite bright outside. I'd definitely prefer traveling through the country at night in a real life situation. Very decreased chance of a bandit picking me off from a distance. 

But I get what you mean about making NVG's more available and I actually think that's a good idea to level the playing field between people who don't want to use the gamma trick and people who do. Just shits me a bit that I know I'm at a massive disadvantage if I use the cool headlamp I found. Might as well just toss it as it's essentially a worthless item taking up an inventory slot. :(



I don't disagree with what you've said, but when I log into a night server, it is the same as if my monitor has just been turned off. So... Yeah, not what you are describing. In reality, I actually see very well at night (the trade-off is lights at night blind the crap out of me). So unless it is a pitch black night, I can see just fine most of the time. So yes, I would have no problems going out at night. In this game though... You can't see anything unless you smack the gamma up.

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We want, dark nighttime.

Not every night has a a clear sky.

Or even a moon.

Stop acting like people can see perfectly at night time 100% of the time and stop ruining the games hardcore experience for everyone.


So that's why night servers are always empty? Because you can see as clear as in day time. I didn't know. I'll stop now. Nobody's going to ruin the "hard core" experience for anyone.

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Valadain had it right! The only solution would be to not let the game render anything more that a certain distance away. Gamma problem solved.

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So that's why night servers are always empty? Because you can see as clear as in day time. I didn't know. I'll stop now. Nobody's going to ruin the "hard core" experience for anyone.

If you could use your light tactically, and people didn't just abuse gamma I would be happy.

But at the moment I like to see other players, be friendly and then occasionally get shot at.

So what we also need is the hive to have the same time.

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There should be more fog at night, so you can see clearly around you, but you can't peek into the shadows of a building or a forest. Also, as long as they don't fix the light beam going through the walls, using a flashlight is suicide. I was able to stalk a guy in low visibility conditions only because he was using a weapon flashlight. I pretty sure he never realized how close I was following him. Again, I've done some night hiking and once your eyes adjust, you can see fairly clear. You won't be able to spot animals unless they look back at you, but still, you can see shadows moving around.

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Great stuff but it won't affect everyone, high end gaming monitors have so many settings that even with in game menu locked I will be able to improve my night vision. My Eizo FS2331 has all the options to do so. I can even change black level to turn black into grey. It also automatically adjust contrast for best visibility.

Now don't get me wrong I'm showing off here, I'm saying that blocking in game setting will give advantage to people with highly customizable monitors.

Edited by General Zod

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It's been made clear that the solution is not going after the symptoms but to root out the problem. Playing at night is a tad unrealistic right now since moonlight propagates like it's sunlight at the moment. Somewhere between completely dark and completely clear is the answer. We should be able to see in open spaces, but visibility distance should be greatly reduced. Also you cannot see into the shadows where moonlight does not penetrate (buildings and forests).

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There should be more fog at night, so you can see clearly around you, but you can't peek into the shadows of a building or a forest. Also, as long as they don't fix the light beam going through the walls, using a flashlight is suicide. I was able to stalk a guy in low visibility conditions only because he was using a weapon flashlight. I pretty sure he never realized how close I was following him. Again, I've done some night hiking and once your eyes adjust, you can see fairly clear. You won't be able to spot animals unless they look back at you, but still, you can see shadows moving around.

In the darkness of the thickly roofed forest/ a building nothing casts shadows.

There is no contrast that you can pick up, therefore no movement you can see.

Unless the person is wearing white/ fluorescent colours it would be nearly impossible to spot them.

I would like animals eyes to reflect a flashlights light, with the two unmistakable glowing orbs in the night to guide your shot.

Edited by AP_Norris

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I would like animals eyes to reflect a flashlights light, with the two unmistakable glowing orbs in the night to guide your shot.

Or several glowing eyes indicating a pack of wolves. Shitting your pants already ?

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Or several glowing eyes indicating a pack of wolves. Shitting your pants already ?


No need for a pack of wolves. I stumbled upon a herd of cows one night and I almost shit my pants anyway. And it got worst when they starting making that noise to alert the whole herd. I don't know if it would have made a difference, but I stuck to walking close to trees in case the started running towards me.

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I had an idea for this posted in my the player section:


Locking Gamma/Brightness setting on player creation menu I think should solve this issue for being exploited in game. You would have to kill your character and start a new one in order to change these settings(just like cloths, face, etc.). Add in an adjustment image though: " This should be invisable | This should be slightly visable | This should be very visable "

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Visibility must be independent of gamma/brightness settings. Because I could compromise my daylight settings in order to see well at night. I must be solved the right way. That is, if you aren't supposed to be able to see into the shadows, pumping up the brightness and gamma should only result in you seeing the shadow in a lighter shade of gray, but with not contrasting objects. In short, make the dark places completely obscured (solid).

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Visibility must be independent of gamma/brightness settings. Because I could compromise my daylight settings in order to see well at night. I must be solved the right way. That is, if you aren't supposed to be able to see into the shadows, pumping up the brightness and gamma should only result in you seeing the shadow in a lighter shade of gray, but with not contrasting objects. In short, make the dark places completely obscured (solid).

Hello Kal El

The problem is that in reality most people would not walk around during the night time. They would find safe spot to spend the night at. Only those with night vision could walk around without attracting too much attention. As for flash lights, two types of people walk around with them :

Recklessly brave

Plain stupid

And now most servers have same day time as the time zone they're in which means most people who have job or school don't have the chance to play during daytime unless it weekend.

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Or several glowing eyes indicating a pack of wolves. Shitting your pants already ?

Not in NZ :)

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Hello Kal ElThe problem is that in reality most people would not walk around during the night time. They would find safe spot to spend the night at. Only those with night vision could walk around without attracting too much attention. As for flash lights, two types of people walk around with them :Recklessly bravePlain stupidAnd now most servers have same day time as the time zone they're in which means most people who have job or school don't have the chance to play during daytime unless it weekend.

If you don't have a gun, being in the dark helps a lot.

If you're worried about getting shot, turn your flashlight on for not even a second to get a better posture of what it is you're looking at.

Then, turn it back off again and fade into the shadows once again.

I think the servers should work on a 19 hour sort of day, so one day you might be on with the sun in the middle of the sky.

Then another at noon, another at sunset, then another early evening, then another right at the peak of nighttime, another at sunrise, and middle morning, and back to midday.

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Hello Kal El

The problem is that in reality most people would not walk around during the night time. They would find safe spot to spend the night at. Only those with night vision could walk around without attracting too much attention. As for flash lights, two types of people walk around with them :

Recklessly brave

Plain stupid

And now most servers have same day time as the time zone they're in which means most people who have job or school don't have the chance to play during daytime unless it weekend.


Shit, you found me.

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One thing for sure, balancing day/night time will not be easy, nor will be how dark things should be during night time.

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No, not at all general. Making games is not easy for that matter. I should know... I was never able to make one.

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No, not at all general. Making games is not easy for that matter. I should know... I was never able to make one.

Well seeing that most people don't want to play during night time; day time servers are always more populated than nigh time. So it will require some careful tweaking for sure. Otherwise we'll end up wind half of the server overcrowded and half underpopulated. 

Edited by General Zod

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simple solution, if you want the 'hardcore' experience then don't fuck about with ya gamma...

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