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oxymoron (DayZ)

the zombie thing

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I'm hoping the hordes won't just stop after they lose sight of you but continue in that direction,like the herd that wiped out Hershel's farm in TWD. They had seen a helicopter a few days earlier and kept going in that direction. I would be kiting hordes to NWAF and Balota on full pop servers just for kicks, especially at night if they ever fix gamma.

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Dear forum poster:

These are not Classic Zombies, they are infected living humans. Let's all just accept that and move on.

Your pal,



Lacking an official background story that claim is as valid as the claim that they are classic Romero zombies.

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I'm hoping the hordes won't just stop after they lose sight of you but continue in that direction,like the herd that wiped out Hershel's farm in TWD. They had seen a helicopter a few days earlier and kept going in that direction. I would be kiting hordes to NWAF and Balota on full pop servers just for kicks, especially at night if they ever fix gamma.

amen to that,would love to attract hordes of zombies to hot spots or enemies camps and watch the uncoming massacre. This is a ruthless world after all

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Lacking an official background story that claim is as valid as the claim that they are classic Romero zombies.

Well for one, this is taken from a mod file:

On 12 March 2013, a prion disease and spreads among the worlds population triggering a global pandemic The disease causes proteins in the brain to be replaced with prions ceasing regular function Most people progress to dementia and then death as the brain is replaced with ineffective sludge 86% of the worlds population die Some survive with the disease in a chronic state. Lacking regular brain function, they are scarely human. They are unable to communicate, driven by insatiable desire for violence, and attracted to the scent of those uninfected Society crumbles as the pandemic spreads rapidly

You are one of the 2% who are not infected yet


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Play on experimental, you'll change your mind about zombies not being a threat. Hordes of those would be very dangerous unless you have a decently geared group. (Until they add grenades anyways!)


Total zombie count should equal house/appartment count x 1.5 or maybe x 2 (in my opinion).


That way you've got roughly the right amount of 'residents'. And their location should roughly correlate to town sizes, too - but they move around according to aggro (attracted to loud noises, chasing players, etc.)


This, I want hordes, but not really up where there is nothing (except maybe the odd one or two) but woods and feedshacks for miles. Outside of major cities though there should be a crapload, but not so much to make it seem like there should've been a lot more 'city' for the former inhabitants to live in.

Edited by Amias Free

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I only read this and now I hate you.


From that single statement I know there's nothing constructive in your thread at all. Simply because you start of with hating on something with almost no relevance to the thread.

That's weird because I was going to stop reading until I saw that exact statement.  It renewed my faith in the OP and I read his entire post.  WD is a garbage show with garbage actors, writing, and acting.  It's a shame too, because it could have been great.


OP - There will also be changes to the zombie AI etc.  I agree, they are no threat right now and increasing their numbers wouldn't change anything.  However, once the AI is improved and they are a real threat on their own.... then they need to increase the numbers.  It will add more threat to the game.

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 But I do agree woth you that the single zombies in the game should be a bit more of a threat. Killing them with only one shot is far too easy

Try going into experimental at night in a large city and shoot one, then come back in here and discuss your results with us.  ;)

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Ok, so we will just get rid of zombies altogether and make it a deathmatch with a massive map.


This is  ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME and we want zombies to be dangerous. Zombies are most dangerous in large numbers. If you knew there was a roving horde (and they could have one on each server) but you didn't know where it was then it would make the game even more tense.

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Your counter proposal is rejected. I do not want to play Day - I paid for DayZ. A zombie apocalypse game less the Zed threat is just.... Well... Stupid....


At the start I thought Daisy was about flowers. I sure as hell got a shock.


lol pun.

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Stopped reading this at "which is a shit tv series anyway" since the Walking Dead is awesome, and probably the best zombie apocalypse reimagining ever.


EDIT: Oh and scrolling through I saw talk about hordes. I would like roaming hordes, that would be awesome.

Edited by GiantofBabil

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Read first paragraph, scrolled the rest and thought "Nope".


Sorry OP, you failed to captivate me.

Edited by ninjaontour

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