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Obscura (DayZ)

Purge them all

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Besides that, I really don't mid some 12 year old kid playing dayz, but when it comes to where 3/5 people you meet on a server sound like they are 12-17 years old, I start enjoying the game less.

You are playing a videogame. Videogames are mostly played by young people. Plus you are only 23. People who say "kid" are actually kids themselves because they are too young to have manners and respect.

Oh man, nothing like a sad troll taking something out of context by quoting not even half of a sentence that I said. How about you quote the rest of it?

"nothing turns me off more than spawning in elektro, and getting shot in the first house I enter while hearing some nasally 15 year old yell annoying crap over direct."

Weird how that works huh? Try harder.

I stopped reading at Electro because you dont know how to play the game. Dont get upset.

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God I wish dayz was never put on steam, the amount of nasally, foul mouthed,shoot bambies on sight 14-17 year olds that has infested this game(and the mod before this) is sickening. Something needs to be done with the game that will make them flee and never return, nothing turns me off more than spawning in elektro, and getting shot in the first house I enter while hearing some nasally 15 year old yell annoying crap over direct. Eh, or I'll just wait for star citizen.

So what are you going to do when nasally highschool kids blow up your precious star citize freighter (lets face it you wont have a combat vessel) and kill your crew?

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i understand the rage but just don't topic rage about it!!



this is like ping pong, you rage they, rage, everybody rages


find someone pleasant to play with, run like hell north,gear yourselves up, and let the hunt begin as you want it!!!

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Is the 14 year old:

The kid that shot on sight. 

Or the one that rages from getting shot.


Your playing a survival game that contains guns, if you dont want to get shot dont play the game?



pete1601 must be 14 or younger judging from his response and birth date in his screen name 1/6/01 LOL 13 years old much bro? haha!  Don't worry, we are all coming for the squeakers ;)

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Another whine thread.


KOS is not a problem nor has it ever been, it has no solution and no number of ideas would stop it.


If you dislike what dayz has become perhaps try to play another game.

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God I wish dayz was never put on steam, the amount of nasally, foul mouthed,shoot bambies on sight 14-17 year olds that has infested this game(and the mod before this) is sickening. 

Nothing like contradicting yourself in the first sentence.


Miss spoke, my apologies. But in any case, you will always be finding people like this in any game you play.

Edited by ChekovP

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God I wish dayz was never put on steam, the amount of nasally, foul mouthed,shoot bambies on sight 14-17 year olds that has infested this game(and the mod before this) is sickening. Something needs to be done with the game that will make them flee and never return, nothing turns me off more than spawning in elektro, and getting shot in the first house I enter while hearing some nasally 15 year old yell annoying crap over direct. Eh, or I'll just wait for star citizen.

Dean Hall heard you.

He recently made an attempt...didn't worked.


Next step is Baygon and then we're fucked.

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*closes eyes, exhaling slowly* I'm Jedi-sensing someone just got KOS'd.


This is not the post you are looking for.

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God I wish dayz was never put on steam, the amount of nasally, foul mouthed,shoot bambies on sight 14-17 year olds that has infested this game(and the mod before this) is sickening. Something needs to be done with the game that will make them flee and never return, nothing turns me off more than spawning in elektro, and getting shot in the first house I enter while hearing some nasally 15 year old yell annoying crap over direct. Eh, or I'll just wait for star citizen.


I agree and disagree. I'm 15 and I hate the fact a lot of people hate me for my age or say I'm immature. You're judging every teen because a few in a game pissed you off. That's the same as saying all Muslims are terrorists because a few of them attacked us. I hate the PEOPLE like that, I get vulgar things screamed at me from people your age too. If you don't like them don't play the game or play low pop hardcore servers. I don't want to insult you but you insulting teens in general isn't a good way to start a conversation, especially if you want feedback... 

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I agree with the OP honestly.

I'm very tired of bratty, loud mouthed children playing a game that should be exclusively for adults. Death is fine, rule one is don't get attached to your stuff after all.


But I could do without foul mouthed metac*nts yelling through direct coms just because lazy parents don't want to raise their own kids. I personally don't want to be day-care for the little bastards.


The solution is pretty simple: An age verification system similar to those used by online casinos.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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Nah, I'm just a grown man and would rather play a mature game geared toward and populated with MOSTLY mature adults. But thanks to youtube, steam, and other shit popularizing dayz as a whole, we get to play with a bunch of xbox live transplants screaming over their mics and ruining the atmosphere and immersion. 


Think of them as being teenage Zombies with Guns

Think of them as being part of the game's AI


Then it all makes sense



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