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Pain and broken leg indicators

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Devs, please add indicators for shaking from pain requiring painkillers and broken legs.

There are constant posts on the boards here because the message system does not notify of these like thirst or hunger.

I know that this is all currently place holders. Please add broken leg text (maybe triggered every time the player tries to stand) and in pain indicators that coincide with shaking screen.

Maybe even "I've lost a lot of blood" for desaturation and/or blur.

Should be easy to implement and it will make these conditions more comprehensible.

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Why exactly would you need indicators for a broken leg and painkillers?


If you have a broken leg you can't walk and when you're in pain you are shaking - what more indicators do you need?

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The fact is, not everyone is getting it.

There are daily posts asking about the broken leg in particular.

You guys might know but many obviously do not.

There is a thirsty, hungry, hydrated &c. Indicator in the gear screen. Why so much attention to a relatively minor condition set but such cryptic behaviour for more serious things?

I think it would do no harm and only help to have more indicators.

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I disagree. We already have more indicators than we actually need. No need to plaster the whole screen with indicators. The game was doing perfectly well without the "hydrated" and "energized" indicator. And at least in Hardcore mode these indicators be disabled completely imho.


You argue, that not all players know about the game mechanics. It is true that DayZ's game mechanics in comparison to those of most other games are more complex. But there are tons of guides out there explaining everything in detail. People need to learn to take the time to actually learn the game mechanics. It's like with ARMA. You cannot simply jump into the game and enjoy every aspect of it without checking out the controls. Not sure why people complain about it so much in DayZ.

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It's pretty simple you try to run, you fall. Congratulations broken leg. the end, don't need more explication

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I disagree. We already have more indicators than we actually need. No need to plaster the whole screen with indicators. The game was doing perfectly well without the "hydrated" and "energized" indicator. And at least in Hardcore mode these indicators be disabled completely imho.


You argue, that not all players know about the game mechanics. It is true that DayZ's game mechanics in comparison to those of most other games are more complex. But there are tons of guides out there explaining everything in detail. People need to learn to take the time to actually learn the game mechanics. It's like with ARMA. You cannot simply jump into the game and enjoy every aspect of it without checking out the controls. Not sure why people complain about it so much in DayZ.

Your argument only makes sense to argue against ANY indicators. The hunger and thirst indicators are much more spammy. A broken leg indicator would be much more specialized. We'll have to agree to disagree. I think additional feeling indicators as placeholders would be helpful. Yes, the cryptic nature of certain things would be ruined, but that's a argument that could be made against anything. If there are indicators, this one would be more helpful than those we already have.

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The less indicators and GUI interrupting the game, the better. 

The messages down the bottom are good enough. It could just say, "Argh, I think I've broken my leg." or something. But nothing more than that.

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Whats cryptic about the existing broken leg indicator? Not being able to walk is a pretty good indication your leg is n.f.g. and the fact that you were bleeding profusely and had to bandage the wound before seeing gray seems pretty strait forward to me. At least they tell you your bleeding!

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I disagree. We already have more indicators than we actually need. No need to plaster the whole screen with indicators. The game was doing perfectly well without the "hydrated" and "energized" indicator. And at least in Hardcore mode these indicators be disabled completely imho.


You argue, that not all players know about the game mechanics. It is true that DayZ's game mechanics in comparison to those of most other games are more complex. But there are tons of guides out there explaining everything in detail. People need to learn to take the time to actually learn the game mechanics. It's like with ARMA. You cannot simply jump into the game and enjoy every aspect of it without checking out the controls. Not sure why people complain about it so much in DayZ.


I agree. I think HC mode should only have healthy status.


If your in pain your character should moan in pain....wait a min.? What the hell happened to needing antibiotics or alcohol to treat your wounds?

You dont make that sound anymore that other people could hear of you were in cover but hurt.

I really hope it's just a bug that its gone. That was a great mechanic. Yeah it said you were sick when you treated it but it still worked.


anyways, the less on screen the better and your character and environment should let you know when something is wrong.

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Whats cryptic about the existing broken leg indicator? Not being able to walk is a pretty good indication your leg is n.f.g. and the fact that you were bleeding profusely and had to bandage the wound before seeing gray seems pretty strait forward to me. At least they tell you your bleeding!

Well, there have been a number of posts asking why it's happening. So it's apparently not obvious to all. Many seem to think its a bug or glitch of some kind.

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Well, there have been a number of posts asking why it's happening. So it's apparently not obvious to all. Many seem to think its a bug or glitch of some kind.

Why are we pandering to these type of players? 

The onus is on them to discover the mechanics of the game,  either through playing or through reading up beforehand. We don't need to babysit people like every other damn game released lately.

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