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Destructible doors player before zombie

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Well I know this is very similar to what we all already want , but I think it would be great to add the breaking of doors by players first BEFORE Zeds so we can have the mechanic in the game so they can work the bugs out early (sounds like it makes sense haha maybe I'm just ancy ). Players would have the ability to destroy any door that can be opened , and they would reset on server restart.

They would break in pieces ( or like corner quadrants) depending on where the player hit . I think guns would have to have a different impact both aesthetically and physically , so if you hit a door with a fire axe it would make a large slice , totaling 6-8 slices until the door broke into wood rubble or whatever dayz would make it look like . But guns would put a certain amount of holes in it depending on the gun and the door.

if this mechanic was put in we could shoot through the doors , not to just get through them but to kill the person on the other side and that would be awesome .

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Would add something to this, make it so zombies can bust down/open doors too, but they'll take much longer to do so than a player using tools.  I also don't think players should just be able to close the door as they're running in and buy themself time to run out the back door while the zombie bangs on the front.  Players should have to lock a door to keep a zombie out, or they'll just open/shove it after a second.  Never played Dead Linger (or whatever Rocket is basing the barricade system on) but should think that reinforcing doors should help as well.  For guns, unless your using a shotgun at near point blank or shooting the doorknob, I don't think you'll be breaking it down like that (sure putting holes in it, but keep in mind some calibers can't even go through 3/4" plywood)

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