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Giant Roundworm:

This pencil-sized roundworm takes up residence in your small intestine. Here it secretes a chemical known as antitrypsin, which interrupts your gut's digestive system so it can have first "dibs" on our meals. Females produce 200,000 eggs a day for 3 to 5 years that pass in feces and develop in soil. Eggs wait there for years waiting to be accidentally eaten. The giant roundworm infects 2 billion people worldwide, mostly children. In small children it can cause stunting and loss of intellect. Unfortunately, the parasites only leave in cases of extreme fever, such as malaria. Often exiting through the anus or mouth. If the liver, pancreas, or gall bladder is invaded, the infection can be fatal. Otherwise, they are easy to deal with with a drug called mebendazole.


This roundworm takes up residence in vessels that carry lymph - a clear fluid that helps rid the body of waste products. Adults live for 10 years, producing "microfilariae" that migrate to the bloodstream, become ingested by mosquitoes and transform into infectious larvae. When an infected mosquito feeds again, larvae are deposited into the victim, crawl into the wound, and migrate to lymphatic vessels and grow to adulthood. When adult worms die, inflammation slows the flow of lymph, and when they all die, the lymph vessel becomes blocked completely. Swelling ensues, legs enlarge, skin dries out. Skin becomes folded. The disease is called "Elephantiasis" for obvious reasons.

Guinea Worm:

Another roundworm rears its ugly head. The guinea worm's larvae infect aquatic crustaceans such as water fleas, usually found in stagnant water. When a human drinks this water, the body digests the fleas that have been sheltering the worm larvae. Once free, males and females mate a few months after infection. Once the males die they are absorbed by the body as the females head for the legs and feet. Once there a worm creates a blister in which it lays eggs. The blister causes a painful burning sensation which often sends the host for water. The submerged blister bursts, starting the cycle again.

Would love to see how parasites could be added to the game. Thoughts?

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Parasites fit the game in my opinion and they would be very interesting.

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i like it...mabye you could catch them in a jar or somthing..and put it in canned food and leave it for someone..or kill a guy and put them in his body...and the next person to loot it gets them!! :)....evil evil

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i like it...mabye you could catch them in a jar or somthing..and put it in canned food and leave it for someone..or kill a guy and put them in his body...and the next person to loot it gets them!! :)....evil evil

That would work for tapeworms because they're not microscopic and can actually be held

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Parasites... Now there's something that's interesting. But, what are the chances that you'll contract a parasite? Resting in a forest? Being in ponds out on the wilderness? Drinking from wells that are in a bad shape? Lots of possibilities!

Edited by AntonioAJC

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You then live a half hour in such difficult conditions? nonsense, nonsense, nonsense

please don't use pitch black, its hard to read. Also why is it nonsense?

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Most parasitic worms only live in the tropics, though. So you can wade through the ponds of Chernarus without worrying about roundworm. Maybe tapeworms could be found, but they spread their eggs through feces, and I don't see anyone eating that... 

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I'm not a prasite expert, but I think wild animals are a pretty common source of parasites. If you ever find yourself eating uncooked food, then I think you should run the risk of contracting a parasite. It would be pretty interesting, if it only made you sick some times, and some times it would just stay, draining your energy.


Also, isn't there water parasites too? Maybe you could get parasites from drinking uncooked water.

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Aren't parasites like that more a problem of hot climates?


I'm not sure if it would make sense to add them to a game which obviously plays in a cold, eastern european country.


Maybe there should be an interaction option to search other players for ticks trololol :D

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I don't know, we have problems with parasites, water bacteria and such up here in the cold north too, I don't think it's impossible in Chernarus.

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The parasites I listed can thrive in European climates. One form of Parasite can be caught off undercooked pork or beef.

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Most parasitic worms only live in the tropics, though. So you can wade through the ponds of Chernarus without worrying about roundworm. Maybe tapeworms could be found, but they spread their eggs through feces, and I don't see anyone eating that...

While the tropics have the greatest variety of parasitic species, gut parasites are or were a big problem for most pre-industrial societies but there are variations in parasites in different regions. Sanitation has been the biggest thing that has rid industrial nations of endemic parasites.

In the context of the game, gut parasites should increase the need for calories.

Edited by Roshi

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Guinea worms are almost extinct apart from in South Sudan and possibly Mali/Chad. I think anything waterborne should have a chance of contraction when drinking out of water- animals take dumps and die upstream so there's every chance faeces could spread into the water. When hunting makes an appearance there should also be a possibility of getting worms from meat you've cooked.

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