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Personality Poll (Try to be Honest)

What would you do?  

97 members have voted

  1. 1. If you see someone running in the opposite direction (unarmed) do you?

    • Hunt them down and kill them.
    • Leave them be.
  2. 2. If you see someone running in the opposite direction (armed) do you?

    • Hunt them down and kill them.
    • Leave them be.
  3. 3. If you spot someone near you, but they obviously haven't spotted you do you?

    • Attempt to communicate.
    • Leave the area.
    • Hunt them down and kill them.
    • Leave them be and continue doing your own thing.

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Granted there are a lot of players who don't come to the boards at all, and people are going to keep doing how they do regardless...I'm curious to see where the board community averages on this topic.


Personally I try to play with a more friendly approach (so shoot me....again) and I only ever engage if A) I'm engaged first, B) the assailant has already killed others, or C) the other person does not comply or is acting aggressively.


Playing for an hour yesterday I ran from...where ever I had spawned to Berezino, unarmed, only to be shot dead by a guy who was going the opposite direction 400 meters away. Meaning he spotted me, took a shot, and hunted me down...even though we were a ways a part and traveling opposite directions.


It's annoying, but that's gonna happen and I'm used to it.


I guess the point of this thread is to see how many people go out of their way to kill others, and to try and understand the logic behind it.


Again, try to be honest and if you do go out of your way to hunt people down please give some insight as to the reasoning behind your chosen gameplay style. The poll is not public, so if you don't want to chime in you can still vote.


I don't want this to devolve into a flame war, so let's keep it civil. (That may be asking too much, but I have faith that our community is stronger than that)

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To be honest, I don't care about people far away. I saw a shotgun-wielding person in the ship the other day, and hid in a container waiting to get the jump on him. He ran away with a freshspawn, never seen again. Then another person went to the ship and stood there staring at me. He waved, I waved. I flipped him of, he flipped me of. Then he disappeared. And appeared in a hole in the hull. Then I left, because my friend joined the server.

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There aren't any options for track them and see what they do. Your poll assumes I have decided how to handle players independent of the particular situation. It seems that you are trying to find logic in irrational behavior. People kill others for emotional reasons mostly, not because it makes any sense.

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I had no choice but to pick "Hunt down and kill" for all options.


Your choices are flawed.


There is another choice that would describe me better.


"Kill them. If they manage to escape: 'Well played my prey, Cya tomorrow!'"

Edited by Wheunis
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I live with a basic code. Be friendly with me, I'm friendly with you. Point a gun at me, I point one at you and tell you to lower it. Refuse, you die. Try to punch me, you die. If you are armed, and I tell you to raise your hands, and you don't, you die. Too many douchebags that kill just because they can out there. Need to be alert.

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I feel you may be missing an option in all the answers given.


"Keep an eye on them to see if they act suspiciously."

There is no way I am going to just turn my back and ignore them, but in the same way I've got no desire to interact with them either on a friendly or aggressive manner. 

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Your poll is very narrow minded. In a lot of situations when I'm bored I'll just follow another player and see what they get into. I'm basically playing as overwatch and if someone messes with them I will kill that other person. You also need an option for when some asshole tries to play tough guy and give me orders. It usually results in me shooting them in the face. I approached them to start a conversation, not to be talked to like I give a shit about my character. Tell me to lower my weapon while your's is raised and I'm already firing after lower comes out of your mouth. At this point I have three deaths and around twenty kills from people like that. I love standing over their corpse and yelling at them for their stupidity. 

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The last question is a bit er... it depends on where I am, are they armed etc and armed person at NWAF, I'm gonna shoot them, an unarmed person who's looting a town, I'm gonna communicate, a bunch of armed people I'm gonna leave.

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I shadow people all the time, just seeing what they are doing. Sometimes helping, sometimes dishing out retribution, sometimes talking in my Ahnold voice nearby just to see what the reaction is. I see no clicky for that option.

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Well the point is to gain some insight into those that go out of their way to kill others...so yes, I am trying to find the logic.


I suppose I failed to consider some other options, which I can add here in a bit, but I don't think it's narrow minded...just not as well thought out.


I don't have all the answers, that's why I come to you guys.


I'll fix the poll shortly, thanks for the feedback.

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Hard to answer the last question - so many parameters... Something like: Either kill or leave, or if they seem unhostile or try to communicate with me, then maybe communicate. Except in military locations.

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if your not trying to kill everything that moves you are playing the game wrong, just saying.

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I don't like these canned responses. I always try to open with threats or a gunshot and see what they do.


>announces friendliness and doesn't do anything suspicious


Tell them to shoo wherever I'm at and shoot them once if they don't leave. 


>they bring their gun out and try to shoot back


They were probably playing hostilely so I shoot them.


>runs away when I ask them to freeze


Shoot them.

Edited by hotcakes

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The cookie-cutter responses can't accurately describe every scenario that a player can run into.


Generally, it doesn't matter if they're armed or unarmed. If they don't obey basic orders (stand still, don't move, get on the ground, holster/drop your weapon), chances are, they're gonna get killed. Disobedient players are a liability to my health, the health of my group, and the health of anybody else in the immediate vicinity. If they obey, they're not gonna get killed.


However, armed players are obviously more of a danger than unarmed. It still doesn't mean that I'll kill them outright, but if they do some fishy stuff (like hiding, getting into cover, etc.), I'll probably kill them. Players armed with melee share the same threat as a man with a firearm.


Regards to your last question, it all depends on if they're armed. I usually get into a good position to watch them while my friends do likewise and try to identify if they're armed. If they're traveling with others. If they're in trouble. We then go from there on how to deal with them.


EDIT: And obviously, all of this "friendly only if X scenario happened" is thrown out the window if they kill one of my group. They do that, they're a dead man walking.

Edited by JohnTheCynic

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I think there is more fun to be had following and observing. Even more fun is to fuck with people that way. Now notes can be written I'll sometimes carry a default one that says something like "It was really daft to stop and read this note you now have 3 people with their sights trained on you. Do not move, do not try and run, just put your hands up and we will not shoot you", then leave it outside on the road of a building that you can see people are either heading towards or are inside and searching (the hospital is a good one to do this with as most people tend to enter/exit the same place). If I have time I'll leave an unloaded weapon or a tin of beans next to the note as a bit of bait.


I don't shoot them, btw, I just like to fuck with people (in a funny way), and there is always a good chance you'll get caught (half the rush in itself) or that the person completely ignores the note, but see when it works, it's an absolute joy seeing them stop, read the note then stand there for a few seconds deciding what to do next. 

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The poll also misses out "do something weird or inexplicable to freak them out". If I'm a bambi just newly burped up into the world, it can be fun to try and unsettle others. Pointing at them repeatedly. Reading from the bible into the chat. Or like the time I followed a guy and kept ripping up every bit of clothing I found and offering him rags. Or my favourite, following them everywhere and every time they exit a house clapping them for their efforts. 


This is fun even with the gun-toting guys, although that usually ends as you'd predict. 

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Yeah not enough choices in the poll so I didn't take it. 

Me reactions will be entirely based on the context of the situation.

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