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Is there anything being planned that incentivizes not shooting on sight?

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People who shoot people in real life who where not suffering a mental disorder at the time are still effected by it.


People who accidently hit and kill people in car accidents suffer trauma, soliders killing other people in a war zone suffer mental trauma. Humans are a social creature harming or killing another causes trauma unless you are a complete sociopath.


Ive at no point said people shouldn't bandit, but there characters should be effected mentally, there should be a down side to go around murdering people, even if you had to do it to survive.


Its not a punishment, if your character doesn't eat or drink, you die. If you go around killing people your character mental health should also suffer. If this game was a controlled psychological experiment then i might agree with your line of thinking but since its a game and we know people will log in solely to spoil other peoples enjoyment there HAS to be a downside to playing a mentalist, and from my point of view those things i mentioned would only make it more fun. 'What was that gunshot?!?!?' ' Is that a real person or am i seeing things?!?!' *fire a few shots even though its a hallucination* it totally fits with the whole zombie apocalypse narrative


I think you're over egging the pudding tbh.. I think there are many more factors to be introduced yet into the game that will help combat kos with out retaliating to some kind of PTZD induced player psychosis.  like exhaustion, sickness, much larger numbers of infected etc etc. all of which still are not going to stop some players trying to end your life as soon as they see you.

Edited by Calibre

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Nametags + knowing who killed you would fix shooting on sight. Because it would attach consequences to it. But immersion fundamentalists hate everything that makes sense.

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Once they fix the zombies and the sounds i doupt anyone will open fire without a silencer before really thinking about it...only people with a deathwish or with shit loads of ammo.


I agree.. once zombies become a threat and sounds are fixed, opening fire without having someone to back you up will be a bad idea.

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Yeah from what I've seen so far they are aiming more for a death match adding more guns and player count to servers


Adding more gun variety yes but reducing the number of them in the servers loot spawn slot ... so guns will become a rare item, or the ammo. Ammo rare would be much better.

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It's quite obvious: players shoot other players because there is nothing else to do.


Without player interaction, the game is just a tramp simulator - you travel the map scavenging stuff and that's it. You can do this on empty/near empty servers if you want. But eventually, you'll naturally go looking for other players to interact with.


Player interaction is limited to either: -

1) chat for a bit and maybe exchange some inventory items;

2) fight.


The gameplay appeal of #1 is pretty short-lived. Fighting is more fun, and provides longer term replayability - therefore it's more common in general.


You cannot 'discourage' KoS until there are other things for players to do besides fight each other. The only thing we as testers can do at present is wait for more gameplay elements to be added. That's all there is to this argument, as far as I can see.

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Killing other people affects you, sure, but the human mind can condition itself to kill amazingly easily. I`m not saying your normal everyday Joe who has participated in any of the numerous genocides around the world isn`t somehow affected by it, if not completely mentally scarred, but many of them still live pretty normal lives because they didn`t get incarcerated or punished for what they did. Your brain can very easily make excuses for what you did, and does make excuses while you are doing it. There are numerous books about the subject, and it`s a couple of years since i read a book on genocide, but basicly it boils down to stripping the value of life from your victims. The way it is done in most genocides (very few are spontaneous, it`s a process that lasts for years) is that the victims are gradually stripped of their rights until the perpetrators have been conditioned to think that the victims are of lesser value. They usually give the group several nicknames, which further distances them from the "human" status. 


My point is, that in an environment such as the one in DayZ, killing and death will gradually have less of a meaning to you, and it all depends on your experiences whether or not you will make excuses for shooting anyone you see. It`s harder to trust anyone since anyone could be a scam and you would forfeit your life in a very undignified manner, I`m in no doubt as to the fact that people would try to cooperate and restore some kind of society, but then again, what happens when the resources aren`t enough for everyone? How do you trust anyone, even your closest friends/family when the going gets really tough? What decides who is the leader? Any society would undoubtedly be a very violent one except if there is enough of an infrastructure and food surplus to sustain a proper society. 

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I think we all know its delusional to think Dean will add some kind of demented mind state for those that KoS..

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Can we stay on topic? Furtherado makes some nice points and stays on topic, while many people in here spiral into "you suck! no you suck! Your genes are unworthy for survival!"

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There is nothing that can be added to prevent the CoD mentality of having to shoot everything on sight.  Players are still going to run around like they have ADHD except at some point these morons are going to collapse from fatigue and lack of food/water.

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At this point, I think this thread needs to be locked, and buried in the graveyard. Everyone who keeps calling each other names, saying they suck and that they need to die etc etc, are obviously KOSers who need to get laid badly, and need to assert their dominance by hiding behind a screen and shoot at pixels all day just to feel better about themselves.


To those folks, you have my pity. To forum admins and the forum team, please kill this thread and bury it.

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At this point, I think this thread needs to be locked, and buried in the graveyard. Everyone who keeps calling each other names, saying they suck and that they need to die etc etc, are obviously KOSers who need to get laid badly, and need to assert their dominance by hiding behind a screen and shoot at pixels all day just to feel better about themselves.


To those folks, you have my pity. To forum admins and the forum team, please kill this thread and bury it.

No, I dont want my topic to get locked because some people derail it.

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No, I dont want my topic to get locked because some people derail it.

Neither do I. But at the rate this is going, there isn't much of a choice.

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Yes there is a choice. not locking my stuff because someone else derails it is the only choice.

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So many tears... go back to left4dead if you don't want other players blowing your brains out.


They can go melee weapons only for all I care.. I'll still chase you down and beat you to death with a limb I chewed off if I have to. Simply for the lolz if I'm feeling like it

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Yes there is a choice. not locking my stuff because someone else derails it is the only choice.

So you'd rather have your thread be filled with KOS whiners saying the same things over and over and over, covering the actual discussions of the topic so that when new readers come in to read it, all they see are the flames of pathetic whiners?


If there was a way to ban the said people, and get rid of the pointless hate spewing posts, then I, and I'm sure many other people would be happy about it.


Also, the post above proves my point.

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So you'd rather have your thread be filled with KOS whiners...<snip blah blah blah>

As opposed to leaving it open for discussion, as long as you are a carebear whiner?

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As opposed to leaving it open for discussion, as long as you are a carebear whiner?

No, holy crap no! Nobody is even discussing the topic anymore! It's just flames and flames, with occasional on topic posts. Oh, and would a carebear whiner wish this game was Darksouls times twenty? No. I want this game to be hard as balls to play. I want to be in constant danger from EVERYTHING! I want the world to open up and try to drag me down with it!


Back on topic, I already made a post regarding this, it's either on the first, or second page of the thread.

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Killing other people affects you, sure, but the human mind can condition itself to kill amazingly easily. I`m not saying your normal everyday Joe who has participated in any of the numerous genocides around the world isn`t somehow affected by it, if not completely mentally scarred, but many of them still live pretty normal lives because they didn`t get incarcerated or punished for what they did. Your brain can very easily make excuses for what you did, and does make excuses while you are doing it. There are numerous books about the subject, and it`s a couple of years since i read a book on genocide, but basicly it boils down to stripping the value of life from your victims. The way it is done in most genocides (very few are spontaneous, it`s a process that lasts for years) is that the victims are gradually stripped of their rights until the perpetrators have been conditioned to think that the victims are of lesser value. They usually give the group several nicknames, which further distances them from the "human" status. 


My point is, that in an environment such as the one in DayZ, killing and death will gradually have less of a meaning to you, and it all depends on your experiences whether or not you will make excuses for shooting anyone you see. It`s harder to trust anyone since anyone could be a scam and you would forfeit your life in a very undignified manner, I`m in no doubt as to the fact that people would try to cooperate and restore some kind of society, but then again, what happens when the resources aren`t enough for everyone? How do you trust anyone, even your closest friends/family when the going gets really tough? What decides who is the leader? Any society would undoubtedly be a very violent one except if there is enough of an infrastructure and food surplus to sustain a proper society. 

The game realistically models the not trusting strangers thing. But there is not much modeled that simulates the desire to be with other people. Most people in the world livein some form of social group, and only few people truly can mentally survive being alone all the time. So the game needs some mechanisms that enforce that need to seek out other players.

nametags would fix a lot of problems in this part because you could build a reputation for yourself assuming you frequent the same servers often.

Edited by alleycat

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As opposed to leaving it open for discussion, as long as you are a carebear whiner?

ok, i saw 3 posts, I can already see you have something wrong with your upbringing when you think people can


1:Commit suiside, and its OK, as long as it doesn't effect me

2:Play a game JUST for ruing people's day, and hours spent into something,

(if you really feel like this, go to a museum and start smashing sculptures, why does it matter? its only a few hours? and its not like its the end of the world just make a new one!)

3: you see to have this odd "happiness" from starting chaos, orochimaru (a character from an anime I like) said this quote once,


“Well. I sort of have a goal. If I were to state it in words, I like to see moving things. They’re boring when they don’t move. A wind mill that is not moving can be nice from time to time, but most of the time its not even worth looking at. Now, I want to move the windmill with the wind called the Destruction of Konoha.”  Konoha i guess being some metaphor for people's time and energy.

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There can be no discussion on this topic because it is an impossibility to implement. I dont care what game you are playing, where it is possible in *ANY* fashion to kill another player- there will always be players whose sole goal is to kill the other players. Period, the end. No amount of negative consequences directed at the killer, for killing another player, is going to prevent it from happening. I, for one, will kill you, even if it means that killing you results in my own immediate death. 



If you want to run around the game and be all carebear hero save-the-world-from-bandits, I. DONT. CARE. I am going to hunt you down and kill you. And if I am lucky, I will catch you in the act of being all carebear, and kill you AND your "patient".


This is how I play. This is how I want to play. This is why I spent my money. This game is completely open for anyone to play any way they like. And for those of us who want to kill, there is *NOTHING* you will be able to do to stop us. NOTHING.

ok, i saw 3 posts, I can already see you have something wrong with your upbringing when you think people can


1:Commit suiside, and its OK, as long as it doesn't effect me

2:Play a game JUST for ruing people's day, and hours spent into something,

(if you really feel like this, go to a museum and start smashing sculptures, why does it matter? its only a few hours? and its not like its the end of the world just make a new one!)

3: you see to have this odd "happiness" from starting chaos, orochimaru (a character from an anime I like) said this quote once,


“Well. I sort of have a goal. If I were to state it in words, I like to see moving things. They’re boring when they don’t move. A wind mill that is not moving can be nice from time to time, but most of the time its not even worth looking at. Now, I want to move the windmill with the wind called the Destruction of Konoha.”  Konoha i guess being some metaphor for people's time and energy.


Are you daft? My upbringing has nothing at all to do with my personal outlook on the world. I have been around for a hell of a lot longer than most of the kids here, and have developed an outlook on life in general through decades of living it. 


Yeah, you wanna kill yourself? Go for it. Just had a dear friend do it last year as a matter of fact. Did it bother me? You bet it did. Does it still? Not so much. If some random fuckwit in a video game goes all emo and kills himself because I killed him in a video game, is it going to bother me? Not in the fucking least.


And yes, if I want to spend my time hunting you down and "ruining" your past several hours of gameplay, who are you to tell me that what I am doing is wrong? What gives you the right to detract from my own game experience, by telling me that what I do is not allowed, while AT THE SAME TIME encouraging a gameplay experience that YOU prefer which detracts from my own? Explain to me how that works? Explain to me how your experience in game is to be valued higher than my own, by promoting a method in which my gameplay is to be hampered by some in-game mechanic that simplifies your own? Why are you entitled to gameplay that is more in line with your own vision of the game when mine is to be frowned upon just because you don't like it?


I think maybe YOU are the one that has had something wrong with their upbringing with this air of entitlement you bring.

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Pretty new to Dayz, not to gaming.


KOS-ing is annoying when it happens to you, and I have gotten really tired of the amount of assholes who serverhop just to KOS close to treasure spots.


Bandits who are lazy and kill instead of restrain you are also way too plentiful, I find.

Making more dangerous zombies might give the sadist in everyone incentive to leave the robbed alive to meet the approaching Zs for dinner and a show.


But banning etc I think would make it much less thrilling to meet another player.

I don't know if anyone has floated the idea yet, or indeed if it already is possible; but what about finding out who killed you and be able to find out what server they are on?

To get your own killed-by-list and then you can quickly gather a posse and right some wrongs. 


So KOS-serverhoppers who only can get an erection from doing just that may experience more of the brutal side of things when more and more players who they kill will have an incentive to hunt them across servers.


Shouldn't that please everyone?

Edited by DeDude

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Server-tied characters + forced change of server when you die.


I know this isn't a new suggestion, and I know it requires a big upheaval of the current system and carries many problems with it... but it also solves quite a lot of others.


It solves server hopping for loot farming;

it solves combat logging and ghosting;

it solves exploits around persistent loot storage;

it allows greater control of the balance of loot per server and loot respawning;

it allows players to build reputations in a specific game world (as a bandit, as a medic, as 'law enforcement', etc);

it encourages you to get to know the people in your gameworld, because you might run into them again;

it allows a server to develop a narrative and encourages players to improve their status within it.


It could only work if per-server player capacities are greatly increased, and might also require automated player/server assignments to avoid you being locked out of your server. But I'm starting to believe that it's the ONLY way to sort out the exploits and gameplay problems that currently affect the alpha.

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You said you like playing DayZ because its the only game where you can really ruin peoples day. Did you know people commit suicide for having their day ruined? Did you know there are 200,000 individual attempt in the US alone with 38,000 being successful. EACH YEAR?


It a big world out there isn't it young feller...  *pats Wheunis on head*



While I wouldn't go NEARLY as far as to say that getting KOS in Day Z could cause a suicide, I, in my own personal opinion, find something rather disquieting about just how much joy some people get from ruining other people's day, causing them frustration.

I have killed before in-game, have shot people without mercy, yes. PVP is an integral part of the game. But I've only ever killed people after they started the confrontation. 

I guess I just don't understand why some people find KOS fun. I personally feel that it detracts from the game. Yes, play the game as you want to play it. It is your story. But, in my opinion, your story sucks balls.

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I don't care what some wanker does after I put his character in the dirt.

If someone's day really is ruined by getting killed in a videogame... then they are beyond useless anyway, and no amount of help will change that.


And those stats you throw at me... all that does is make me laugh.

81% of them are too useless to even succeed at killing themselves? Sounds like attention-seeking to me...

Really? You do realize that labeling suicide  as an "attention-seeking" activity is only right in a certain sense, and says something particularly disgusting about your views of other people regardless of how right you are?

Jesus Fucking Christ

Edited by Whyherro123
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Really? You sick son of a bitch. Stop ego-masturbating and grow some goddamned empathy.


Why should I care about someone I dont know? if they cant stand being killed in a video game that it causes them to snap and kill themselves then it was only a matter of time be for they had one bad day and blew there brains out anyway.

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