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Happines Meter!

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So I have been thinking about this for a while now and i decided to share this idea with you guys. I'm sick of bandit's killing me on sight, Atleast handcuff me and rob me or something instead of just shooting me. So i had the idea to add a happiness meter or something like that. If your not doing anything your character will get bored and depressed and to restore the happiness meter you will have to read books (Which are already in the game) or just be close to other character. This will add a reason to team up and loot together. Killing people will lower your happiness meter. Who knows maybe when your happiness meter is empty you might kill yourself or something like that. They could add dogs like in the mod and if you have a dog that will count as another player. Sorry for my bad English It's not my first language.


I also posted this on the steam forum thingy!


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Hmmm, I don't know if I love or hate this idea?


I like being a lone wolf sometimes, so there really would need to be more than just reading books to bring up my mood.

But I like that this idea promotes teaming up.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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But I like that this idea promotes teaming up.


I wonder when the "don't force people how to play" group will find this thread...if they add enough things that makes grouping up necessary in order to survive and not just to have enough guns you don't have to force them because we are already used to "teamwork" IRL.

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I thought happiness was a warm gun?


There is a system similar to this in 'Project Zomboid' that I thought was pretty neat.


I'm for trying it out in Day Z. See how it goes and go from there.

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Promotes teaming up? Yep, right up until my happiness meter is full. 1 shot to your face. You respawn and come here making a new topic to nerf the happiness meter because it didn't work as intended.

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Most people have different point of view to Happines,one like kill and eat people,another like good old cigars,,and they both happy,so im think  it will not works propper.

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Most people have different point of view to Happines,one like kill and eat people,another like good old cigars,,and they both happy,so im think  it will not works propper.

This... is true. I for one get happy from seeing interesting places on the map but my friend gets happy from shooting a guy through his head. I don't say that its a bad idea but just that it wouldn't really be realistic.

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Happiness is eating beans and killing people.

That, and defecating on their corpse when bowels are finally added. wXfon8e.png

Edited by AntonioAJC

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Not commenting on the idea as such... but rather on some comments. Extremely few people (if any) actually get happy from killing others. If the player becomes happy that way, that's one thing - and wether the character should become unhappy is quite another.


In any case, I like many of these "psychology meter" ideas (given of course that they would be nicely implemented). And even though I say it too often, I don't see think they should be in the game for punishing KoS or banditry, but just for the realism.

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So I have been thinking about this for a while now and i decided to share this idea with you guys. I'm sick of bandit's killing me on sight, Atleast handcuff me and rob me or something instead of just shooting me. So i had the idea to add a happiness meter or something like that. If your not doing anything your character will get bored and depressed and to restore the happiness meter you will have to read books (Which are already in the game) or just be close to other character. This will add a reason to team up and loot together. Killing people will lower your happiness meter. Who knows maybe when your happiness meter is empty you might kill yourself or something like that. They could add dogs like in the mod and if you have a dog that will count as another player. Sorry for my bad English It's not my first language.


I also posted this on the steam forum thingy!


No. Stop it. In real life you don't just randomly kill yourself because you are "bored". This sounds to much like Project Zomboid.

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Wow, not like THIS has been suggested a million times or anything.

Seriously, its like you people cannot fathom how that mystical search button works.



Plus, happiness is a bag of beans and a trail of dead bodies.

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We all agree: Happiness is some sweet ass beans and a collection of dead people.

So beans and shooting people gives happiness instead of being with people.

Edited by basinox

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Happiness is all about running with your buddies, looting as a group, sharing the loot, surviving the fire fights, helping here and there, murdering the upstarts and end the session alive and well.


No meter could hold the awesomesauce involving all the above mentioned. Therefore I suggest we forfeit it.


Plus I like how you put things. People already do ALL that you mention, from reading the books ( and forcing people to read the damn book ! ); to looting as a group, and simply going around exploring and whatever.


I'd suggest and hope that you find a good group that fills your happiness meter without resorting to a sterile in game mechanic.


Snappy salute !

Edited by Hethwill_Khan

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No. Stop it. In real life you don't just randomly kill yourself because you are "bored". This sounds to much like Project Zomboid.

You've obviously never been depressed before.

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That's not how depression works.

Tell that to JewWario. RIP. People CAN kill themselves due to depression. You clearly don't know how deeply depressed one can be.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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The game telling you how happy you are pretty much goes against everything that DayZ is.


On the plus side your English is very good.

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