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This zombie game needs more....

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YES! Make these zombies "zombie" lore friendly..


Make LOTS of them but make them dumb and slow.


But of course making lots of them is not possible so we'll have to stay will little-sized hordes, but faster, so there is some difficulty.


Still headshot kill only is a must.


The major problem for me about the zombies is that they are SO FREAKING robotic that the only reason I call them zombies is because their look and the fact that they want to eat my face off.


they are lore friendly... just not the lore you're thinking of.


these are 28 days later, infected with mutated rabies. they are alive and need to feed.


you want walking dead zombies which are undead - which isn't what the game's vision seeks to do.


if you prefer the slow undead, ther eare other games that can cater to your needs. :)

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Zombies of lore are typically walking dead. The zombies in DayZ are infected humans. Therefore, any shot that would bring down a player should also bring down a zed.


Current zombies only number in the hundreds, meaning there's probably no more than 2-3/km2 and across a 250/kmwhich is not many at all. With thousands across the map (5,000 would mean 20/km2) they'd then be quite a challenge avoiding them, especially in towns.


Put simply, they're fine as they are in terms of damage-taking so once they have their clipping issues fixed (and the melee combat is sorted too), the difficulty can be balanced with numbers.


Not true. Again this is subject to lore but one could argue an infected human does not have self preservation, will to live, the same pain threshold and does have more energy or in a state similar to people on PCP and amphetamines and so therefore can last a lot longer than a player while and after taking damage. 


For example if a player is shot in the stomach they will collapse due to pain response alone. A zombie shot in the same spot could continue coming at you unless you hit the heart, brain, or they eventually lose enough blood that their muscles and motor systems cannot function any longer and they too collapse, start crawling and clawing at you and eventually die. 


Now if only DayZ can figure out how to get some decent animations in the game to facilitate this. 

Edited by VictorM

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Janky zombies don't add anything to the game.



IMO, it doesn't matter how many zeds you have, if they are as limited as only having one basic swing attack animation then they will only be more annoying than anything.

I'm hoping they will be completely redone from the ground up, because if they don't more zeds wont be as game changing as we want.


If the zed's could grab on to you and bite you while having more than one attack and a jumping version of the same attack then it would help alot.

Imagine 500 zeds' all doing the same animation over and over again. It would look like a Thriller music video more than a zombie apocalypse. 

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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In the mod each building spawned a few, you could get an EPIC train behind you sometimes. Iv had easily 20 zeds following me on there, and turning to shoot isn't really an option because the damage values are so high now. I really hope it goes similar to that in the end  :)


In the early mod the Zombs were great, because the Devs had problems with the zombies tracking... so they speeded up the zombs to about 3 times 'normal', and the zombs ran in zigzags all over the place, but following you FAST and closing in. Them being so fast was the only way to get them to catch you because the tracking was bad. It gave a wierd effect that definitely caused fear and worry and stress. It worked good and made the game different.


At first they were only around houses, so if you tried to sneak up to get food, 3 or 4 would spot you, go nuts and come RUNNING.


This speed and strange action  made them frightning because they didnt act like "normal" zombs you'd imagine.. DayZ zombs suddenly jumped up and ran at you FAST. In open country you could outrun, but if you fired a rifle (for instance) from a roof top, suddenly you'd see zombs running in from all over the area, 5, 7, 10 and they'd group up on the ground below you and groan and howl when they heard you move, and run around in bursts. You wouldn't want to fire a gun inside a block of flats, unless you were sure you could fight your way out.


So if you took one shot from a balcony with your Lee (yea!) then you had to immediately worry about your survival.. no time for a long gunfight with another player. And if you were a newspawn coming up the coast, you had to be REALLY careful not to get trapped in a house or shack. So for a newb the zombies were Frightning, and you definitely didn't want MORE than there were already, in THAT game. That same level of zombs now in SA would be very good. There can't be more, or much WORSE, than that or they'd just kill all the newspawns before they can find an axe.


So as a new player, first thing that happened was you got killed 4 or 5 or 6 times in a row by Zombies, before you even found an axe or got to the damned supermarket, before you even met another player to shoot at you, or help you, and you shouted for help on sidechannel and ran a lot, or you hid and crawled, and if you used up your two bandages.. you just keep running. Maybe you'd make it this time. That was just to start the game.

Edited by pilgrim

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Who cares about 'lore'. 

Headshots only. Anything else is far too easy. Spray a horde with an M4 and cackle all the way to the bank. 

Headshots force people to actually blood learn how to aim.

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Who cares about 'lore'.

Headshots only. Anything else is far too easy. Spray a horde with an M4 and cackle all the way to the bank.

Headshots force people to actually blood learn how to aim.

That's a great idea. God should make all humans headshot only. Think about how cool war would be then. Teach those lazy reservists to learn how to shoot.

Or not that and you can accept that the devs have their choices made on this issue.

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