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This zombie game needs more....

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Zombies.  This would solve a lot of the problems that face the game currently.  Imagine trying to loot a city or an air field with 5000 zombies, all requiring head shots to kill.  It would be awesome to have dynamic zombie damage also, like shots to the knee or pelvis making them crawl. 

I think that this would both decrease the availability or high value loot, making it that much more valuable, and decrease the amount of KOS by making coop much more advantageous.  The abundance of zombies that are hard to kill would require a very well armed squad to even enter a city, making the great weapons in the game useful for something else other than killing players.  As it stands there is no need to even use guns on zombies which is super boring.  This would also create a more "end game" atmosphere because most players wouldn't be able to even enter big cities or airfields until they are very very well equipped which would take much longer with more zombies.

Add to the above suggestion the following:  Scale the amount of loot on a server to the amount of players that were on it when it restarted.  If it was 100% full, it would spawn 100% loot when it comes back up, but if there are no players on it, it spawns very little loot.  This might help the low pop server hopping looting issue, as well as encourage play on more populated servers.


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Either alot more zombies or zombies that are so tough when you see a town from a distance you are actually scare about entering it because of the zombies. The mod had that fear factor at the beginning. Game feels like its going in a call of duty with survival elements direction now.

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Well at least now they feed on dead corpses.


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As of right now there would be NO way the servers could handle 5k zombies on one city or airfield, and actually that is WAY too much for one area. Another thing is the dynamic area damage should be easily put in since the ArmA engine has that already. :)

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Why did you post this twice with two different titles?

Because I wanted to.  Deal with it fatty.

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Because I wanted to.  Deal with it fatty.

Hello there


He doesnt have to "deal with it" because you dont get to do what you like. You are a guest here, please act appropriately.


Read all the stcikies and rules to be clear on what is and what is not permissible.


The other thread is closed.





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Yeah, he`s the "fatty", atleast he`s not so desperate for attention that he posts the same thing twice.

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So how many zombies are enough zombies? From my experience I feel that 3 to 4 zombies coming at a lone player at once is an actual concern. Any less and you can casually axe them. This many will possibly be pressing enough to consider using guns and what will hopefully be precious ammo. Perhaps if the spawned zombies can be placed in a little group of three we will see a greater emphasis placed on zombie survival.

Maybe 40 to 50 per medium sized town? I sure hope that is achievable in the next 6 months of development.

That and perhaps dynamically spawning zombies for when you make too much noise. Have them lurch out of a spawn point in a building or something? Once again, 3 or so at a time would be awesome.

Surely these figures are achievable...

Edited by Cobbler
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In the mod each building spawned a few, you could get an EPIC train behind you sometimes. Iv had easily 20 zeds following me on there, and turning to shoot isn't really an option because the damage values are so high now. I really hope it goes similar to that in the end :)

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even if they have 10,000 zombies on one server they will be easy to deal with. the ai is garbage and there are way to many ways to easily put them down with 1 shot.

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even if they have 10,000 zombies on one server they will be easy to deal with. the ai is garbage and there are way to many ways to easily put them down with 1 shot.


Well, lets try it and see shall we.


OT: yes, everyone is well aware there needs to be more zombies, the only reason there isn't more now is that this is early alpha and the game isn't currently optimised enough to support the numbers.

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Make them die from headshots only, that'll definitely increase their difficulty.

Why? They are just infected people. I guarantee that if I put a bullet into your torso, you'll go down. There is no reason to require headshots, just pump up the numbers/damage.

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Why? They are just infected people. I guarantee that if I put a bullet into your torso, you'll go down. There is no reason to require headshots, just pump up the numbers/damage.


Why is obvious. It makes them difficult without adding silly damage buffs to them for no reason other than poor balancing.

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Why is obvious. It makes them difficult without adding silly damage buffs to them for no reason other than poor balancing.

well I can nick an infected with a pistol and it goes down, same thing does not happen with a player, they should at least be on par, both are human after all

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well I can nick an infected with a pistol and it goes down, same thing does not happen with a player, they should at least be on par, both are human after all


At the end of the day. If people want zombies to be more of a threat then being able to kill them in one shot to the stomach isn't going to do much. If they need to be shot in the cranium then having about 6-7 swarm you WILL make them a lot more of a threat. 

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More zombies and a fatigue system are in the works.  Players won't be running to the nearest military bases to gather their precious gear when these get implemented.

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IMO infected should take more damage to put down than a player. There should also be a lot more of them eventually, then there will be no more running around cities in pants and a payday mask.

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Make them die from headshots only, that'll definitely increase their difficulty.


YES! Make these zombies "zombie" lore friendly..


Make LOTS of them but make them dumb and slow.


But of course making lots of them is not possible so we'll have to stay will little-sized hordes, but faster, so there is some difficulty.


Still headshot kill only is a must.


The major problem for me about the zombies is that they are SO FREAKING robotic that the only reason I call them zombies is because their look and the fact that they want to eat my face off.

Edited by skin_head_army

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Zombies of lore are typically walking dead. The zombies in DayZ are infected humans. Therefore, any shot that would bring down a player should also bring down a zed.


Current zombies only number in the hundreds, meaning there's probably no more than 2-3/km2 and across a 250/kmwhich is not many at all. With thousands across the map (5,000 would mean 20/km2) they'd then be quite a challenge avoiding them, especially in towns.


Put simply, they're fine as they are in terms of damage-taking so once they have their clipping issues fixed (and the melee combat is sorted too), the difficulty can be balanced with numbers.

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More zombies and a fatigue system are in the works.  Players won't be running to the nearest military bases to gather their precious gear when these get implemented.


walking/jogging will be fine with me. hell I dont even need a gun its easy enough to mike tyson your way to someone elses gear on the coast.

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