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Zombies still exactly the same?

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I bought the alpha the second it came out. I played a little and I didn't like that there was so few zombies and those very few were running through walls. So I stopped playing the game after few days and first few updates and now I am waiting for this crucial fix (for me) is fixed/ more zombies implemented. I just checked updates that came out and I'm not sure any of this is fixed/improved so I'm just asking to be sure - is there anything improved with the zombies? Their numbers increased, running through walls fix, their glitched running etc. or is all of this still the same? Since this is zombie survival game, zombies are very important for me and are the KEY part of the game. I know many of you will disagree.

Before all of you "ITS ALPHA" guys start posting let me just tell you - I understand its alpha, I'm just asking if the game became playable for me? I have nothing against waiting for 3 more years for these fixes / improvements to be made. I bought it, I didn't like it, I stopped playing. Now I'm waiting for this basic things to work. I think that's fair.

Thank you.

Edited by NaZz
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Just a new type and there are more. The new type are soldier zombies and they are apparently a little bit harder to kill.

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I think the situation is better than when it was released 2 months ago.Zombies are not so buggy anymore and running through walls/glitching is severly reduced

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  On 2/15/2014 at 1:54 PM, RespawnCake said:

I think the situation is better than when it was released 2 months ago.Zombies are not so buggy anymore and running through walls/glitching is severly reduced

Severely reduced is an overstatement.

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From the last video i saw a few days ago of rocket saying what is going to be in the game he didnt mention zombies at all, he mentioned maybe 100+ servers, hunting, more food, cooking and survival stuff but nothing about zombies.

Dayz is feeling like it is going to be more survival and team deathmatch and less about zombie apocalypse which is a shame because the standalone as lost that feeling of fear and desperation in an apocalypse. Feels more like battlefield now.

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Why don't you play the game and find out?


But the answer is really yes and no.

Zed's have increased in numbers slightly and their tracking has improved quite a bit.

But all in all they are still very very easy to deal with and aren't much more than an annoyance.


But I do think it's quite a bit better than it was at release.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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Zombies will be one of the LAST things that are worked on.  This has been mentioned many times.

Edited by Dorner

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No, they are still shitty as they were, but at least you can paint your weapon!!!!!

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The zombies still suck.  They basically just stand perfectly motionless until you walk within a mile of them.  Then at some point, (or never) they will go "blargh" and sprint at you, at which point you bop them on the head with your ax.  All other melee weapons are effectively useless.  In some buildings where the ground floor is elevated a bit, you will see their heads popping through the floor like a shark's fin.


I do feel like there are a bit more of them.  But I am looking forward to the day when (or if) there will be dozens or hundreds of them around the major PvP areas.  I mean right now, Balota is just a great big weapons depot.  It was a bit different in the Mod where you might find an AK but may need to use half the ammo just escaping the zombies in the area.

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  On 2/15/2014 at 5:16 PM, bfisher said:

The zombies still suck.  They basically just stand perfectly motionless until you walk within a mile of them.  Then at some point, (or never) they will go "blargh" and sprint at you, at which point you bop them on the head with your ax.  All other melee weapons are effectively useless.  In some buildings where the ground floor is elevated a bit, you will see their heads popping through the floor like a shark's fin.


I do feel like there are a bit more of them.  But I am looking forward to the day when (or if) there will be dozens or hundreds of them around the major PvP areas.  I mean right now, Balota is just a great big weapons depot.  It was a bit different in the Mod where you might find an AK but may need to use half the ammo just escaping the zombies in the area.

Well they are zombies with no IQ.What do you expect them to talk together and make a tactic how to infiltrate to Cherno and flank you while other zombie give cover by sniping?


I don't know with what to comapare( because that never happened) but i doubt real zombies,which are missing half of the brain, would do anything more than stand around and engage if they smell meat or saw someone.That's why they're called zombies.

Edited by RespawnCake

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  On 2/15/2014 at 5:16 PM, bfisher said:

The zombies still suck.  They basically just stand perfectly motionless until you walk within a mile of them.  Then at some point, (or never) they will go "blargh" and sprint at you, at which point you bop them on the head with your ax.  All other melee weapons are effectively useless.  In some buildings where the ground floor is elevated a bit, you will see their heads popping through the floor like a shark's fin.


I do feel like there are a bit more of them.  But I am looking forward to the day when (or if) there will be dozens or hundreds of them around the major PvP areas.  I mean right now, Balota is just a great big weapons depot.  It was a bit different in the Mod where you might find an AK but may need to use half the ammo just escaping the zombies in the area.


This is true.



  On 2/15/2014 at 5:36 PM, Window Licker said:

goto black forest.....


Also true, black forest has zombies that charge you from ridiculous distances whether they can see you or not. And there are usually 5+ that charge you.

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  On 2/15/2014 at 5:45 PM, RespawnCake said:

Well they are zombies with no IQ.What do you expect them to talk together and make a tactic how to infiltrate to Cherno and flank you while other zombie give cover by sniping?


I don't know with what to comapare( because that never happened) but i doubt real zombies,which are missing half of the brain, would do anything more than stand around and engage if they smell meat or saw someone.That's why they're called zombies.



::Facepalm:: Just go away....

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  On 2/15/2014 at 5:45 PM, RespawnCake said:

Well they are zombies with no IQ.What do you expect them to talk together and make a tactic how to infiltrate to Cherno and flank you while other zombie give cover by sniping?


I don't know with what to comapare( because that never happened) but i doubt real zombies,which are missing half of the brain, would do anything more than stand around and engage if they smell meat or saw someone.That's why they're called zombies.


Well, I would expect them to do one of two things:


1) Shuffle around aimlessly until they see or hear something, then shuffle/lurch towards whatever attracted their attention like classic George A Romero / Walking Dead zombies and try to tear it apart and eat it.


2) Shuffle around aimlessly until they see or hear something, then go apeshit and full on sprint like a lunatic on meth at whatever attracted their attention like 28 Days Later / DayZ Mod / The War Z zombies and try to tear it apart and eat it.



Either way, they should be wandering around aimlessly, not standing sentry in the middle of the street.

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  On 2/15/2014 at 5:58 PM, bfisher said:

Well, I would expect them to do one of two things:


1) Shuffle around aimlessly until they see or hear something, then shuffle/lurch towards whatever attracted their attention like classic George A Romero / Walking Dead zombies and try to tear it apart and eat it.


2) Shuffle around aimlessly until they see or hear something, then go apeshit and full on sprint like a lunatic on meth at whatever attracted their attention like 28 Days Later / DayZ Mod / The War Z zombies and try to tear it apart and eat it.



Either way, they should be wandering around aimlessly, not standing sentry in the middle of the street.

I think you will see some of this behavior closer to release, right now they seem to be working on getting all the components into the game and functioning.  Once that's taken care of they will be able to focus more on the finer points of the game.

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The zombies are the most important part of this game for ME!(glad to see others like me) - they made me play the mod from the beginning(just beautiful to see hundreds of zombies + real players on that huge map and survive on your own) but alot of people seems to think differently...
And now i see people who are shooting on sight and play the game only for killing other players - SAD
I'm waiting for improvement on the zombie part of the game too

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  On 2/15/2014 at 1:48 PM, Dchil said:

Just a new type and there are more. The new type are soldier zombies and they are apparently a little bit harder to kill.


Takes 10 minutes to punch them to death. GAHH!

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Yeah, if you've never played the mod, it had a very different feel (IMHO). 


The fact that there were zombies EVERYWHERE really made you feel like you were immediately in danger and the lone living human.  Sort of an I Am Legend or beginning of 28 Days Later or The Walking Dead feel. 


More zombies also meant some warning against other players.  Either from zombie-directed gunfire, zombie agro or the unwanted affect of zombies only spawning when players are near.


If you met a random player, there was often a chance that you would find it more advantageous to work together to fight off some zombies, rather than immediately kill each other.


That player and zombie bodies stuck around for a long time gave sort of an ominous feel.  Like you didn't know what went down in the church where you just found 5 fully armed dead players and a dozen zombie bodies.


Tents, vehicles, basic fortifications like barb wire and tank traps meant rudimentary base building.


Vehicles also meant the very terrifying possibility of bandit raiders sweeping down from the hills in SUVs or even a helicopter.


Animals and campfires allowed you to live off the land and avoid the terror of the big cities if you wanted.



But the mods was also a lot of sniper duels at 2000m with .50 cal rifles and Call of Duty battles, occasionally interrupted by drunken hobos.

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Their numbers seem to have increased a bit. And they are more persistent in chasing you.

Edited by zaphodity

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Edited by NaZz

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