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A console version would kill this game tbh..

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1.75 GHz..... One point seven five. I'm awake, who are you?


The consoles have 8 core jags... Listen, you've heard multi core more than once I'm sure. The game is going to be designed for some servers to run it. Your pc uses more resources than a game machine (aka Console) even when your in game. But the ps4 and xbox are nothing more than game players, it's all they do, of course unless you like to google on ps4....


Bf4 gets good frames on the console and I promise dayz would too. The game lags on our good pc's because it's as held together with duct tape and in alpha. Nothing is smoothed out. Once the final optimizations are out, people with i3 processors will run it like butter. Developers build games around avg stats, if they didn't they'd go broke.  most pc's will have no issue running this nor will the consoles once it's totally optimized.

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Depends on your playstyle I guess. Personally I'm a lot more quick and accurate using a controller than I am with a keyboard/mouse. And that's coming from someone who's been playing with a keyboard/mouse almost exclusively for the last 6 years or so.

I grew up playing consoles and have never really been comfortable with a keyboard/mouse. But I do it only because some of my favorite games are PC only. If they were available on Xbox I would jump ship immediately. :D


Sure, if by play style you mean hand-eye coordination and overall skill, then yes, it does depend on play style. Because no good sniper will ever say how he's a better shot with a controller than a mouse.

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500 USD for these pieces of _$$%#?

Sorry, but no! Consoles are a ripoff. From what I've heard (confirmed) the PS4 is about 360is to produce, and they sell it for 500. Sorry, but consoles are for people that don't have the time or will to build a PC, but they are certainly not a good deal. For 500 you can build a way stronger PC. Way stronger!

EDIT: Before you tear me appart, I don't mean to say that consoles are shit per se. But performance wise, these "new-gen" consoles are a fucking joke, my 5 y/o PC is twice their performace at about 400 USD.

You might be surprised how many gamers don't know how to build a PC. I sure as hell don't know how to do it.....lol. :D

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Sure, if by play style you mean hand-eye coordination and overall skill, then yes, it does depend on play style. Because no good sniper will ever say how he's a better shot with a controller than a mouse.

Not everyone is a "good sniper". Although plenty of players like to think they're better than they really are.

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Not everyone is a "good sniper". Although plenty of players like to think they're better than they really are.


Look at it like this - the "best" sniper on a controller will get outsniped by an average one with a mouse. Hence there's no point in bragging how better you are with a controller, it's like saying how you're good at riding a tricicle.

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500 USD for these pieces of _$$%#?


Sorry, but no! Consoles are a ripoff. From what I've heard (confirmed) the PS4 is about 360is to produce, and they sell it for 500. Sorry, but consoles are for people that don't have the time or will to build a PC, but they are certainly not a good deal. For 500 you can build a way stronger PC. Way stronger!



EDIT: Before you tear me appart, I don't mean to say that consoles are shit per se. But performance wise, these "new-gen" consoles are a fucking joke, my 5 y/o PC is twice their performace at about 400 USD.

How long until you need to upgrade that 500 machine for the next big release?

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Look at it like this - the "best" sniper on a controller will get outsniped by an average one with a mouse.

Sorry, I have to disagree. I've taken out far more players using a controller than I have using a keyboard/mouse in a firefight.

And I'd say I'm only "average" at best using either setup. I just find the controller more user friendly.

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC

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Sorry, I have to disagree. I've taken out far more players using a controller than I have using a keyboard/mouse in a firefight.


That actually makes perfect sense. Controllers automatically lower the skill ceiling.. you're all on tricycles (3rd wheel = aim assist btw), of course you're going to be better if you weren't good at bicycles to begin with.

Edited by Infiltrator
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If, the game goes to console, it wouldn't be until the PC version is completely done.

So years from now.


And C'mon you guys fighting over PC and consoles? Really?


PC is better we all know that.

But these consoles (Im really talking about the PS4) are definitely powerful enough to run this game when its fully done.

It will never be as good as PC of course but having DayZ on console after it's completely done on PC is not going to hurt anyone.


I do 99.9% of all my gaming on my PC but I still like my PS4 and cant wait for new games to come out, (exclusives of course)


I just hate the attitude some PC gamers have toward consoles.

It reminds me of 3PP vs. FPP, just play how you want and stop bitching to others that dont.

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That actually makes perfect sense. Controllers automatically lower the skill ceiling.. you're all on tricycles (3rd wheel = aim assist btw), of course you're going to be better if you weren't good at bicycles to begin with.

Well by your logic then either most people I go up against are using controllers too or I am just so darn amazing that I can beat keyboard/mouse players while using a controller.

Pretty sure I'm not that good. :P

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Well by your logic then either most people I go up against are using controllers too or I am just so darn amazing that I can beat keyboard/mouse players while using a controller.

Pretty sure I'm not that good. :P


Yea, I guess you're that good man! Damn, better watch out for your mad controller skillz :D

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That actually makes perfect sense. Controllers automatically lower the skill ceiling.. you're all on tricycles (3rd wheel = aim assist btw), of course you're going to be better if you weren't good at bicycles to begin with.


I actually play (some parts of) DayZ with a controller... mostly the long range sniping part and long distance running (doesnt happen too often).

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Well by your logic then either most people I go up against are using controllers too or I am just so darn amazing that I can beat keyboard/mouse players while using a controller.

Pretty sure I'm not that good. :P


I assume you are hooking a controller up to your PC to play? This game has a lot of strategy in the shooting, so pure reflex aim isn't always the key factor. When it is, I will be very surprised if your controller beats a keyboard and mouse.

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I actually play (some parts of) DayZ with a controller... mostly the long range sniping part and long distance running (doesnt happen too often).


When you are taking those long range shots, is it at stationary or moving targets?

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My thoughts? The PC/console war was years ago. You people missed your chance to bury consoles to the ground, so stop fighting a useless battle! As many people have said, a console version would only come out after the game has been out for awhile on PCs anyways, and the sales from the game being sold on consoles would add on to the sales from the people who bought the PC version. What does that mean? More $$$ for the devs to use to improve both versions of the game! You do what the game to get better after release right? Right!?

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We PC gamers are always the ones with the short straw waiting for console releases to reach us. Given that this game began on the PC it would be an erroneous use of resources if they were to try and juggle both console and PC development simultaneously. I say it's the console gamers' turn to wait for this PC title to reach them, in fact there shouldn't be any thought of console development until this is finished, or at the very very least -functioning Beta. Shoot the PC community gave Rocket and Bohemia 24 million dollars, in a record amount of time I'd say that buys development priority, I guess it'll come down to whether Bohemia prefers to make big bucks or provide the complete excellent product to the community that is being promised.

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The developers always claim it wont impact the PC version....... it ALWAYS DOES! It'll be far worse with Dayz and how small the development team is, they'll have a load of resources going over to the console version, then progress on the PC version will be slower than it already is. Then you start seeing things dumbed down for the PC version so they can speed up development by keeping things the same on each platform. 


Standalone is shit enough as it is, I cannot see it rivalling the Mod in the next year, progress has been so slow, the modders of the mod are storming ahead and SA is void of any content. The focus needs to be on the PC version, getting it to run smoothly, not having FPS drop to 20 in cities, fixing zombies and loot, putting in vehicles... I mean why aren't vehicles in? It's so unplayable without them, either give me an auto run or vehicles sometime soon. I don't know any one who plays SA any more, all have quit and just play the mod from time to time,


Console version is a no go tbh, it would be so disappointing to see this game getting ported to them. Is there any need to these days? The PC has like 80 million on Steam and whoever else, including potential users. These new consoles are already under powered, struggling to do 1080p and are largely pointless. This is the first time ever, where consoles have launched so far behind PC hardware, usually they're on par, but not this time. It's only going to get worse with new APIs like Mantle, which show a 60% increase over DX in BF4 and new hardware that gets released every year.


Skip the consoles, focus on the PC.

Well to be honest if you look at games like Defiance i can see what you might be worried about but HONESTLY with a game like this it would benefit more than hurt the game. Just let them get everything to this game before worrying about consoles man. Once they announce it than you can put your say in if you see things start to go south. But its not the console or the console users fault it would be up to the developers to make things work right. Demonizing consoles because you have a monster PC dosnt mean the console version of games arnt any better. I find some games on console to be better at times than PC depending on what it is.

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yea the game would not be the same if it was on consoles i would have it to stay on pc,pc has endless possibilities but with console peasants  there is all ways something to hold you back from its full potential.

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Well to be honest if you look at games like Defiance i can see what you might be worried about but HONESTLY with a game like this it would benefit more than hurt the game. Just let them get everything to this game before worrying about consoles man. Once they announce it than you can put your say in if you see things start to go south. But its not the console or the console users fault it would be up to the developers to make things work right. Demonizing consoles because you have a monster PC dosnt mean the console version of games arnt any better. I find some games on console to be better at times than PC depending on what it is.


There is one subtle point here that is being missed though. The early access model will fail if it becomes seen as a way to milk PC/Steam users out of their money in order to fund something that is of no benefit to them.


Honestly, as steam is working towards delving into a console-like market, they should throw some funds in to lock down DayZ as an exclusive.

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There is one subtle point here that is being missed though. The early access model will fail if it becomes seen as a way to milk PC/Steam users out of their money in order to fund something that is of no benefit to them.


Honestly, as steam is working towards delving into a console-like market, they should throw some funds in to lock down DayZ as an exclusive.

It would be wise not to do that as it would lock out a hefty amount of console players from Bohemias profit making.


But they said they also would worry about this AFTER an official release however if this happens during a beta or alpha stage than id start to question i guess.

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The developers always claim it wont impact the PC version....... it ALWAYS DOES! It'll be far worse with Dayz and how small the development team is, they'll have a load of resources going over to the console version, then progress on the PC version will be slower than it already is. Then you start seeing things dumbed down for the PC version so they can speed up development by keeping things the same on each platform. 


Standalone is shit enough as it is, I cannot see it rivalling the Mod in the next year, progress has been so slow, the modders of the mod are storming ahead and SA is void of any content. The focus needs to be on the PC version, getting it to run smoothly, not having FPS drop to 20 in cities, fixing zombies and loot, putting in vehicles... I mean why aren't vehicles in? It's so unplayable without them, either give me an auto run or vehicles sometime soon. I don't know any one who plays SA any more, all have quit and just play the mod from time to time,


Console version is a no go tbh, it would be so disappointing to see this game getting ported to them. Is there any need to these days? The PC has like 80 million on Steam and whoever else, including potential users. These new consoles are already under powered, struggling to do 1080p and are largely pointless. This is the first time ever, where consoles have launched so far behind PC hardware, usually they're on par, but not this time. It's only going to get worse with new APIs like Mantle, which show a 60% increase over DX in BF4 and new hardware that gets released every year.


Skip the consoles, focus on the PC.

Best to save console players the overwhelming amount of trolls and ass holes anyway they got enough of that on CoD. It would be doing them a favor IMO

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It would be wise not to do that as it would lock out a hefty amount of console players from Bohemias profit making.


But they said they also would worry about this AFTER an official release however if this happens during a beta or alpha stage than id start to question i guess.


The whole exclusive thing is to make up for profit lost from releasing to other consoles. That is, steam would pay an amount that was good enough that not releasing to other platforms would be worth it.


I agree with you on the rest. So long as they keep it till after release and so long as release is good and stable, the early access bit is moot.

Edited by Valadain

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Best to save console players the overwhelming amount of trolls and ass holes anyway they got enough of that on CoD. It would be doing them a favor IMO

Right, not everyone who plays on console games is COD crazy to. When im playing games like FO3, FONV, Skyrim, etc i like to explore and interact. Not kill everything on sight. Console users having a head set would be a must when playing this game anyways if they dont want to get gunned down.

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The whole exclusive thing is to make up for profit lost from releasing to other consoles. That is, steam would pay an amount that was good enough that not releasing to other platforms would be worth it.


I agree with you on the rest. So long as they keep it till after release and so long as release is good and stable, the early access bit is moot.

Well im pro console. Always have and always will be. Graphics no matter what they are were never an issue for me it mainly comes down to just having fun with the game to say the least.

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Well im pro console. Always have and always will be. Graphics no matter what they are were never an issue for me it mainly comes down to just having fun with the game to say the least.


I have no problem with that, but for what it is worth, I was talking about the steam "console". Not suggesting this stay PC only forever.

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